The next super moon will appear on Thursday, Sept 17th and then Feast of Trumpets kicks in Friday, Sept 18th - and ends Sunday, Sept 20th. Yes, it doesn't always work that way. Last year the fall equinox was before Feast of Trumpets. I am still expecting to hear that trumpet every day like Tammie taught me. Then we have all the folks that think that Pentecost should be observed around July 19-24 and the festival of first fruits of the new wine July 26. We have Steve Monette's pattern he found with the temple foundation being started in the 4th month, which is the month we are in now and ends July 21. Then we have Tu B Av beginning Aug 4 sundown. Then we have this interesting video I posted on another thread from The Return of the King that encourages us to look anytime up to Feast of Trumpets. He thinks that Pentecost is fulfilled whenever the church age ends. Don't be discouraged, summer is full! Perhaps at one time Summer and Winter were the only two seasons, hence the term “mid-summer night’s eve”, which happens to be the same time we observe the beginning of Summer? Correction. Some are saying that Pentecost could be July 19-26. The festival of first fruits of the new wine referred to in the link above is July 23-24. I didn't mean to take over the thread...I am just so excited. I guess what I was trying to say is that if there used to be only two seasons, then we are still in the same season and it isn't over until Sept 21 is over. Summer being near is a veiled warning of sorts. As to whether it highlights the season of the Rapture remains to be seen! Hopefully so! Seasons speak of change. Each season offering something new and different! Speaking of birth and death cycles which govern all creation. TR
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