Even though the Lord has angels constantly recording the thoughts, words and deeds of all men, and will stand completely vindicated against any charge of being unfair. I could almost imagine hearing God saying, stupid is as stupid does in the Judgment. :good: And if He doesn't, I would be glad to speak that for Him! Then I could imagine every saint in Heaven nodding their approval! Either way, the Lord shall truly be vindicated by His righteous judgments! We are told that there is mercy in the judgments of God. Perhaps this is why there is no complete destruction of the human spirit!? Though many would desire annihilation rather than to suffer throughout eternity. God is demonstrating His mercies! TR Looks like many unsaved will try to plead with their “good works” at the Great White Throne Judgement. Trying to be “worthy in their own good works” wont save them ... only the blood of Jesus washes away our sins and they failed in accepting Jesus as their own personal Savior. Matthew 7:21-23 21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. I also hinted at the belief that some maintain in the phenomenon called annihilation! Many believers I have run into over the years including pastors, have expressed a belief that at some point in time God in his mercy will forever annihilate the wicked. Thereby ending their eternal states of punishment. Back in the 80's and 90's this was a topic which sometimes surfaced. Haven't heard much lately on the subject. I could never understand the basis of this belief scripturally, but it came to mind this morning. Has anyone else dealt with this proposition? Just curious! Another day closer to our redemption! :yahoo: TR I have come across some unsaved people that want to be cremated because they feel that will stop them from being resurrected and judged by God. Another person said they believe in reincarnation and plans to come back as a cat. :wacko: Then I saw a youtube recently about this lady who had cancer ... she requested her body to be frozen in this freezer tube because the company “claims” they will someday have the “fountain of youth” and “cure for cancer”and can give her quality of life back again. She also forced her husband to sign papers for him to do the same thing when he gets sick .... to be placed on ice. Get this ... they gave a lot of money to this company with instructions of when to revive them, etc. Meanwhile the mad scientist drilled holes in her brain and removed all her blood and claims she is in suspension. What gets me is ... if “suppose they were able to revive her again” ... what happens if there was a power failure during the timeframe she was placed on ice? Also will the company honor her request? Suppose the company goes south and files for Chapter 11? Plus the mad scientists in that facility could retire or die and her “request” never get fulfilled by the new workers. Its sad how people will place their trust in this crazy scheme and not in the Lord Jesus, who promises not only a brand new glorified body but heaven! Did you know this? I stopped watching David Reagan in 2015 after I read this warning on another forum board. Libertybelle said David Reagan from Christ in Prophecy ... ”Hell is not eternal and sin doesn’t start until age 13” This is not my "local church" but I did not see a normal Apostasy section. Apologies if this is the wrong area, but thought people should know. I have not been listening to David Reagan for very long, but was stunned to hear him say that: 1. We don't begin sinning until the age of 13. 2. Hell is a short stint, the length of which is entirely dependent upon how long you were sinning, and how bad your sins were. 3. After paying for your sins for the appropriate amount of time in short-term Hell, you just go poof, and quit existing. And that is your punishment. And, apparently, what Jesus went through all the trouble of saving you from. 4. He says re: the AntiChrist & False Prophet "...If these two men can be tormented forever, why not other people who are lost? Well, my response is, the AntiChrist and the False Prophet are two very special cases!..." He goes on to say that they are tormented forever b/c they killed more people than anyone ever, or, option #2, that they are demons, which is what eternal punishment exists for. I don't know if this is normal for him, or not. From the short time I have been listening to him, I'm shocked to hear him say these things. -Fair use for information and discussion purposes- ———- Note: you can google the youtube its called “The reality of hell” from Christ in Prophecy .... its about 28:31 minutes long. The idea that sin doesn't start or count until 13 yrs old attempts to address the issue of "accountability"! Some speculate that to be anywhere from 12 to 14 years old. God is merciful with the youth of our species. And apparently this gentleman seems to advocate annihilation as well. Rather than immediately after judgment, there seems to be a probationary period before this occurs. Thanks for the info, Sis :heart: TR Good point ... about David Reagan was addressing the issue of accountability by saying it was age 13. My mind was on the fact ... we are all sinners from birth. I got a feeling he is using the age of 13 because that is when the Jewish Bar Mitzvah is celebrated. Then you have these verses that I think the Lord considers under the age of accountability ... 19 and below ... Exodus 30:14 Every one that passeth among them that are numbered, from twenty years old and above, shall give an offering unto the LORD. Numbers 14:19 Your bodies will fall in this wilderness—all who were numbered in the census, everyone twenty years of age or older—because you have grumbled against Me. ———————- I heard some preachers say not all the children will be raptured out. Yet they believed if a child dies then they will go to heaven. Talk about confusing their congregation. And some teach the children will not get a glorified body at the time of the rapture ... they will have to grow up in the millennium and then they get a chance to make their decision. I'm not sure its a specific age, I was 8 when the Lord entered my life, and my life changed. Every child matures at different rates and once they hear the gospel and are able to make their mind up to accept or reject it, well I believe it may be different not a fixed age. I know for a fact by the age of 13 I was well beyond accepting the Lord in my life. Even babes can know and naturally love the Lord. But the point in time when the Lord will hold children accountable for their sins. I believe that it is 12 yrs of age when Jewish sages accept that children should be held accountable before the Lord, IE: Bar mitsvah. I'm sure that many who have understood the goodness of God and His forgiveness, have entertained the idea of annihilation rather than eternal damnation. We know that this cannot be the case with demons! But the promise of Hell as an eternal state we are all well familiar with. Whether there is room for an escape clause for humans apparently can be argued. But to my knowledge it is not so specified in the scriptures. Indeed this may be something the Lord might address at some time in the future?! But apparently on the basis of an eternal Hell, people have made their decisions to receive Christ, or rebel! I personally am not opposed to the idea! But I couldn't begin to second guess the Lord, or His heart on the matter! TR Ditto ... I was the same age. I agree ... each child develops at a different pace.
Or maybe the deeply penetrating eyes of the Lord burning into the depths of man's depravity would suffice!