Struggle with makin...
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Struggle with making ordinary plans as the day approaches

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Sometimes people have to hot rock bottom before they come to the Lord. (With the Holy Spirit drawing them.)

While, I do not relish going through some disasters or really hard times before being Raptured, if it means that we can be a strong voice to unsaved loved ones then so be it.

As for the OP, admittedly for me, it is hard to make ordinary plans. However, I always go by the maxim that you should live like He is coming today but plan like He is coming 50 years from now.

Would love to see my 2 year old Empress Tree bloom (already over 6 feet tall!) but maybe I'll have to wait for the Millennium to see one bloom. :good:

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Blue and all, it’s not complaining, it’s that your spirit is very sensitive to the growing evil of sinful man and that is very weighty on the soul. Plus the degree of heart that you have for the list is a burden we carry. I echo with Arthur, sometimes it takes a brick wall to fall on some folks before they see the truth. 2020 was an example of that as many came fact to face with their own mortality. Others continued to evade the truth or explain it away but kind you this .... when all those who have been proclaiming the truth disappear without a trace and the innocent ones. They will have to face that brick wall head on. Just keep praying for them, the prayers of a righteous person have great power as it is working .... :prayer-hands:

Hang in there our journey is almost at an end with a new beginning :yahoo:

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1 Corinthians 13:12

New King James Version

12 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.

It'll all be clear soon enough. We shall know as we are known. That's an amazing statement, when you think about it!

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Counting on that impartation Arthur!  I need all the help I can get!

Having been tested for being an idiot savant, I can say I passed the idiot part!  Three times!


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So it is not idiot — its actually called an ID 10 T form :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:  when someone does some act of ….. you know, lack of common sense stuff, or Darwin Awards stuff …. like when I have a patient come in the ED who “accidentally” shot themselves in the leg or thigh …. We ask if someone will please go got the “ID 10 T form” (idiot) :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:

FYI - I doubt you are one of those individuals …. I read your postings, you got kidneys for sure :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:

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:mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:    I can just visualize asking for THAT form … how can you keep from laughing?!

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It is hard — I actually did it today at work …. Told one of the nurse directors that I needed to discuss an issue with her …. She stated what did my staff do now? I looked her straight in the eye and said, Just have them fill out an “ID 10 T form” and walked away … :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:  It was funny! She texted me — oh wow! That is too much! :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:

I often use that when a driver does a stupid thing in my vision —- “that person needs to fill out an ID 10 T form” makes me feel better and then I say, God help them to get saved and life is good again :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:

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Oh man, and here my mom was so proud!  I had finally passed a test!


David W. Roche
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I'm not big on future planning; just never have been. It seems there is more than enough going on right now that can occupy my time. I do recognize the necessity of taking care of daily life and having enough on hand in case of an emergency. But I always found these questions about "where do you see yourself in five years?" to be ridiculous. The idea answer would be, "in heaven with Jesus," but most people don't even include such thoughts in their mental framework. Since life changes from day to day, and at times changes drastically following a single day, all anyone can really do is hang on for the ride until it's time to go home.

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Truer words —- hang in and enjoy the ride! :yahoo:

Do you realize or should I ask, have you or anyone on RITAN ever had the thought that what we see, hear, touch, live through, play through, agonized over, planned out, and orchestrated as part of our daily life here on planet earth will soon be no more.  That garden, beach or mountain retreat, house, activity you currently love will be no more soon. All will change!
The future is brighter and far more than we can imagine, true, but all that is common to you now will soon be gone. It’s a beautiful picture, so if need be, let go now, cut the umbilical cord and keep your eyes looking toward the eastern sky for the King is coming!!!! :yahoo: :prayer-hands:

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