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Struggle with making ordinary plans as the day approaches

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I do so much appreciate you all’s posts. Like-minded people are hard to find.  This has been such a trying time, and I find RITA to be a refuge. I experience encouragement here daily. I will never be able to get used to this crazy culture, nor do I want to.

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Blue, I got saved when I was a child and I've always been surrounded by unsaved people so this world has never felt like home to me. God has His ways of making us hate this life and want to be with Him.


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How were you saved?  I was saved when I was 23 after I met my husband.  I went investigating his beliefs without him knowing because I wanted to know what I was getting into!  I don't want to sound like a complainer because I have a good life now. I just don't like the whole world system, the sickness, death, injustice, wars. I see what is coming and I want out. I have never thought the little bit of joy we can find in this world is worth staying for.  I look forward to the reign of our Lord!

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I grew up going to a Lutheran church and school.

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And your brother went to that school also, but he never followed the Lord?  I hate it that my mom, siblings and their families aren't saved.  We don't have much of a relationship.  It is very hard knowing that I am an outsider because of my beliefs. If they only could see that they are the ones in error, not me.

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Sorry to hear that. I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters that went there also that never got saved. And I definitely know what it's like not being close with unsaved family members. And it's just not family members but unsaved people I've worked with or went to school with. There's an invisible barrier between us that unsaved people seem to pick up on quicker. The Bible does say "for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?"

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Sorry to hear that. I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters that went there also that never got saved. And I definitely know what it's like not being close with unsaved family members. And it's just not family members but unsaved people I've worked with or went to school with. There's an invisible barrier between us that unsaved people seem to pick up on quicker. The Bible does say "for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?"

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Yep the believers are the minority right now in this world but soon … we will be the majority in the next life and the unsaved will have regrets for all eternity and wish they were us. :yes:   This is why I wonder where the Great White Throne is located … will it be in heaven?  If so … they will see what they could of had but foolishly rejected the awesome Free Gift of eternal life by receiving Jesus as their Lord and personal Savior.  Many don’t realize they are slaves to satan and truly not free and under his bondage.  And then there are others that do realize it and willing sell their souls and worship him for just a moment of power, fame and fortune.  But when they die … it’s all gone … they can’t bring anything with them to the next life.  And their name will be remembered no more.  The movies they made, books written about their accomplishments, the sidewalks with their handprints and names, the street signs or towns/cities named after them and the monuments will soon all be destroyed with fire.

It might look like the unsaved are having fun, but they are not.  Nothing in this life satisfies … somethings might bring temporary happiness for a few weeks or months but then … they are searching for something else to bring joy once more.  Then can’t find it so they then reach for the drugs and alcohol to try to take their sorrows away.  Only Jesus can truly satisfy the soul of man. :whistle:

Adam and Eve were once the majority but it didn’t last for long when they started to have kids and Cain killed Abel. You wonder what the ratio was of their other children, grandkids, great grandkids … were they rebellious vs. believers?

Jacob grew up in a dysfunctional family.  Isaac favored Esau and Rebecca favored Jacob.  Then look at all the calamities and heartache that Jacob had later on.  The wife he loved Rachel dies an early death, his favorite son Joseph is taken away from him.

We know the wickedness was the greatest during Noah time … 120 years building the ark and perhaps facing non stop ridicule all that time for making that great boat when the earth never saw one drop of “rain” before.

I still think we have it easy in this generation compared to his day. Plus the Lord is speeding up the time and the days are flying quickly.  We also have the entire Bible at our finger tips and the Lord gave us the clues to how the end of the Church age will happen. We see that day approaching and should continue to look up and rejoice.  The finish line is within our sights!  Keep pressing on … we are almost there siblings! :yahoo:

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'Also disturbing is the scoffing by people who consider themselves to be Christians. I tell them that the Bride should be excited and trying to determine when the Groom will come. Yawn. Crickets.'

Agree, agree ! This is our calling....our hope, our destiny!  I agree with you also, that this RITAN forum is so vital to remain encouraged when faced with otherwise wonderful Christians having this vision block not seeing it.

I think we need to share ways we have found that we can help to open their eyes. How do we impact them without the rolled eyes and 'yeah, yeah....' attitude? What has worked for any of you? I feel the urgency to awaken those sleeping Christians....We have 4 sons and daughters-in-law, all Christians, who have this attitude...I feel I can't share openly with them....part of the problem is that I have been excited about past dates that have not transpired, so then it becomes like crying wolf to them.

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I haven't found any way to open their eyes, but they will get raptured anyway! It will be like the days of Noah.  Life seemed pretty much normal until the flood came.  I am thankful for that because hopefully that means we won't see things get much worse before we go.

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