Still not feeling i...
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Still not feeling it....

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Sadly I am still not feeling it!  Not discounting that we are indeed seemingly the final generation and many exciting dates are in the near offing!  Much study and many scriptural tie-ins offer many real possibilities.  I was hoping for the 17th of Oct, as I have looked forward to many dates previously!  Yet my spirit is not quickened!  Seemingly, the more we study and extrapolate dates each still seem to come and go as quickly as they are presented!  Perhaps indeed God still plans to surprise even the most aware among us?!  I will forever look up from whence my salvation comes from!  Rather than ponder and get excited with each new date offered, my attitude is simply to trust in His timing.  Whenever that might be!  With our Hope deferred and our redemption not yet fully realized I can only continue with a quiet resolve in my spirit to watch and wait all the more!  Obviously I, like the rest of us have no idea!   May our waiting be short and our redemption sure Oh Lord!  TR

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I’m looking for the Peace and Safety speech from United Nations … could happen on November 22 :unsure:

Meanwhile I’m staying encouraged … check this out …

(just a snap shot)


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I'm sure this verse has been quoted here daily, but still helps me wait and not get 'too into' a certain date. :unsure:

Matthew 24:44 (ASV) Therefore be ye also ready; for in an hour that ye think not the Son of man cometh.

Emphasis mine.

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It will happen - we are the watchers, the waiting, the looking … we are not asleep as some are.
Titus 2:13 “waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ,”
