Spiritual warfare q...
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Spiritual warfare question

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Thank you very much for sharing Kolleen.

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More confusion: I was chatting to my childhood friend. I told him I have a new friend and it turns out she is a psychic. and he said: so what? treat her like everyone else and talk to her.

He told me how he went with my mother, aunt and other relatives to a palm reader. she said she did a reading for everyone but when she looked at him, she said: I can't do it for you and ran away.

Maybe he thought it's just someone who reads tea leaves, palms,..............a lot of people do it............

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He only went once for all intents and purposes - this with this lady is deep involvement. There's a difference.

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Two Bible scholars and one pastor told me to witness to this woman and gave me tips and guidance.

I asked myself: why did I ask so many people for advice? I will get so many different opinions and get confused. I know my situation more than anyone else so I decide what to do in this situation.

I had even texted the leader of my life group (which has fallen apart a few months ) she said let's go out for coffee. I texted saying that I made up my mind to cut ties with this woman, but I would still love to go out for coffee.

I reminded her about the spiritual warfare I went through a few years ago and how somebody really anointed and good in spiritual warfare had to deliver me from that. She does remember and told me to cut ties with that woman cause I don't need more problems.

we chatted a bit about how best to tell her.

we still don't know if this lady is just a fraud (not with real psychic powers) but either way, she is opening herself to the demonic realm.

as I struggled when remembering how nice and caring she comes across, I had to push it off my mind and remind myself that the wolf comes in sheep's clothing.

To be honest, I have a feeling that a change is coming to my life (just a feeling) and if it is true and the devil knows and doesn't want it, then he planted someone like her in my life right now.

A psychic coming to my life and trying to befriend now, could be a confirmation that my feelings are true and the devil is trying to mess around and not wanting something to happen.

Thank you my Ritan family for confirming to have that woman out of my life.  a friend and 3 others confused me with different opinions but they don't really know what I have been through with spiritual warfare and demonic attacks in the past.

I am cutting ties and thank you everybody for standing with me. I will write that lady a nice email today or tomorrow. I will also give her some resources if she wants to connect with Christian ministries in the future, then pray for God to protect me from her and cancel anything that came my way because of being at her place once or whatever else happened and I am not aware of

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No need to ask what Jesus would do!

But to love what God loves and hate what God hates!

God loves light and not darkness!


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this is off topic but I am so tired of listening to neighbours' loud music. I don't know if it is the same neighbours. not sure where it is coming from. nobody can do anything because technically they can't play loud music only after 10 pm.

i spoke to my super so many times. I am really worn out.

It's hard to rent a house, I need a roommate and then I don't know when the landlord will say he/she needs the house for some reason.

I am thinking of financing an RV and living in it. I am not sure what the logistics are, where you can live in it...............I just know I never want to hear loud music again. this is so unfair on top of everything else. I just want to cry having to listen to this loud disgusting stuff they call music

with the base, you keep feeling that somebody is constantly hitting you on the head. I am really at my wits ends with problems and selfish people

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Indeed, the lack of consideration in people today also resonates with me!

Ergo, I concluded I can only trust Jesus, all others are broken and self centered!

Praying their equipment malfunctions or they move!


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TR, you made me laugh. I asked God so many times to make their equipment malfunction.

thank you for your prayers. I think it is time to consider a move although it is very stressful. I thought I would just start by going around my apartment, getting rid of stuff I don't need (maybe thrift store, recycling...........) putting stuff I hardly use in boxes with labels. just get used to the idea of potentially moving and when the time comes, hopefully, there will be less work.

I will pray to move to the right place. I am thinking about buildings with only a few apartments in them. I will ask tenants if this is a quiet building before I apply to get it. if someone does  play loud music, it would be very easy to know which apt it is and talk very nicely to them.

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Perhaps God will be moving us all very soon!

Seriously though, I cannot trust any broken in body, soul or Spirit!

That leaves only Jesus!

I have often referred to us as "broken vessels" signifying our imperfection and limited capabilities!

As I always stress "being led by His spirit", even knowing many claim such leading while it is often not present!

Ergo, testing every Spirit, saved or unsaved!


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Here is a good article on trusting others and trusting God:

Even though others will fail us at times, and we ourselves are not always trustworthy, we can and should still trust people to varying degrees. Without trust, true relationship is impossible. It is precisely because we know that God will never fail us that we can trust others. Our ultimate security is in Him, so we are free to trust others and experience the joy it brings. Trusting others is almost inseparable from loving others. True intimacy can only be achieved through honesty and trust. It requires trust to bear one another’s burdens (Galatians 6:2) and "spur one another on toward love and good deeds" (Hebrews 10:24). It takes trust to confess our sins to one another (James 5:16) and share about our needs (James 5:14; Romans 12:15). Trust is necessary in any number of human relationships, and especially for the healthy functioning of the family of Christ.


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