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Speculation on Iran & the USA

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Hey y'all!

So I wanted to speculate with y'all and see if there are other points of view out there about what happens to the US before the tribulation and why we don't help Israel with the Ezekiel 38/39 Gog-Magog war. Many of the prophecy teachers I follow regularly have given, typically, three scenarios:

#1 The Rapture decimates the population of the US and makes it impossible to help Israel for the Gog-Magog war and is why the antichrist arises due to a lack of a world superpower.

#2 Economic collapse causes an inability for the US to help Israel or lead as the superpower during the tribulation - not the "revived roman empire."

#3 Enemy(ies) wipes out the US through some mass destruction weapon(s) that cripples the country entirely and makes it impossible to help Israel - superpower status wiped out as well.

As I have listened to the prophecy teachers' speculations on these different scenarios, I find myself concerned of a dark path for the US and its future. Obviously scenario #1 is the best case and one that I would have said immediately many years ago. With the decline of Christianity in America, the rise of paganism, and the blatant apostasy in so many churches, I struggle to believe that this is the reason the US is absent from being a key player.

Scenario #2 sounds somewhat reasonable until you really start looking at it. In my studies of history, war tends to pull countries out of poverty overall (or it fully decimates the losing side). Even if the US is in extreme economic downfall, with our current president, I struggle to see how we would neglect fighting to protect Israel or no longer retaining superpower status. Plus the speculation that the world will not see such extreme economic hardship until the tribulation.

Scenario #3 has been heavy on my mind recently. I am a student of history, it is a passion of mine, and a trend can be seen upon scrutinizing the great superpowers (empires) of the past. Almost always, there was a breakdown in the society, a moral decay if you will, before an exterior enemy conquered the superpower. Like a rotted tree that is easy to push over, the interior of those empires were rotted BEFORE the external threat was great enough to conquer.

I would love to hear what scenarios y'all have heard or thoughts about what I have written. My heart is heavy as I watch Russia, China, North Korea, Turkey, and Iran. These countries are mentioned and the US is not. As I watch their economies become more and more desperate and their treaties grow, entwining them even more, I wonder at the fate of the US that prevents us from coming to Israel's protection.

Joel Rosenberg is a favorite author of mine and he had an interesting scenario in one of his books where the US was attacked and taken down. The enemies used shipping vessels to bring nuclear weapons close enough (into shipping ports) to take out all major cities plus our government. His constant reminder to the US has been that we don't believe our enemies are demonically evil; whereas the Israelis fully believe and prepare to protect themselves from such enemies.


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My belief is it is the rapture which brings down US.

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Indeed the U.S. is not immune to it's sins.  No more than any other nation.  That said, the Lord has obviously honored our nation historically.

Once the Rapture occurs, God's hand of protection and provision will be lifted from the U.S.  Suffice to say, the only love God maintains towards a nation as a whole is with Israel.

No doubt the U.S. will become ineffective as a national power, whether by logistics or by will.

While remaining here on the Earth we as citizens can continue to be grateful for our nations benefits, as long as they last.  Let us not forget that there is much evil and wickedness in high places within our government!

The late great U.S.A. would be a good way to communicate that all nations who have stood in rebellion to God and his Word were swept away.  I'm given to understand that there is a new book published detailing a national agenda of destroying Christianity, from within our nation!

At this point in time, I am only concerned with raising the flag of Christianity, IE: the cross of Christ!  We can love the ideals and principles upon which the U.S. was founded upon, but once those are lost, what do I do with my esteem and love of nation?

God doesn't reward us for loving our nation, but rather simply praying for it's leaders!  IMHO.





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I believe the rapture is going to trigger chaos and confusion in America.

I also believe America is Mystery Babylon ... there is another great eclipse coming 4/8/24 that will connect across from the 8/21/17 eclipse making a big X.  I believe it will trigger the San Andreas quake, New Madrid quake and the East Coast states are on a major fault line as well ... will shake and divide up our country in pieces.  Also Yellowstone will explode and the ash will cover the farmland causing worldwide famine ....

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It's possible that Ezekiel 38 & 39 are describing 2 separate battles. Ezekiel 38 could be the battle that takes place at the end of the millennium Rev:20 7 - 10 and Ezekiel 39 could be the battle of Armageddon at the end of the tribulation.


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I believe that there is the possibility of civil strife if not war. If Trump wins 2020 the left will go crazy, and if Trump loses the right will riot and as I have read in many scenarios the right has all the guns and such. Also if the rapture happens society would collapse to a degree for a amount of time.

As I said in another post I'm afraid a large amount of so called USA Christians are not saved. They accept things God hates which makes it hard to believe they have a personal relationship  with Jesus. As this country moves away from God his blessings will fade away if not bring His great wrath.

I get ridiculed on a almost daily basis for my open love of Jesus. If America does not repent and come back , well no Jesus ,only death. The last two plus years all the left has done is promote immorality, hate and murder. No more need be said, millions and million spent because they lost and they committed crimes in the FBI,CIA and DOJ, they make me so sad for them. try to talk to them make sure your health insurance is paid.  They are violent.

If the left takes power they hate Israel and Christians so I would guess they would not lift a finger to help.

Please, we know the basics of whats to happen, Gods word has told us what to expect, remember we win and get to be with Jesus forever. We could guess all day but God knows and if He knew we needed to know He would have told us, at least this is my belief, rejoice in the Lord always.

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I’ve pondered  this verse for years ... but as we see how this last generation is acting ... only a small elect group will be raptured out.

Luke 18:8

“ ...Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?”

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Hello my daughters! I have many thoughts on your take and as you already know, would agree with you on much.  As you and I have discussed, when the Muslims start pointing in one direction, we should be watching the other side for events. To take place. Same tactic the deceiver always uses. The next few weeks will be very interesting, course you know I’m watching June very closely, we are also now in the bride season on Israel’s timetable. :good: :prayer-hands:

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I believe the Rapture will happen before Ezekiel 38, as we are not appointed to wrath, and Ezekiel 38 is the start of God's wrath on the earth to bring in the AC, covenant with many and the Tribulation.

As God is the one who will defend Israel, I would imagine the attack being swift, remember being guided by God for Him to defend His name and make His name known to many nations. This will have a supernatural element to it and will end before the attackers goal has been fulfilled.

18 And it shall come to pass at the same time when Gog shall come against the land of Israel, saith the Lord God, that my fury shall come up in my face.

19 For in my jealousy and in the fire of my wrath have I spoken, Surely in that day there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel;

20 So that the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the heaven, and the beasts of the field, and all creeping things that creep upon the earth, and all the men that are upon the face of the earth, shall shake at my presence, and the mountains shall be thrown down, and the steep places shall fall, and every wall shall fall to the ground.

21 And I will call for a sword against him throughout all my mountains, saith the Lord God: every man's sword shall be against his brother.

22 And I will plead against him with pestilence and with blood; and I will rain upon him, and upon his bands, and upon the many people that are with him, an overflowing rain, and great hailstones, fire, and brimstone.

23 Thus will I magnify myself, and sanctify myself; and I will be known in the eyes of many nations, and they shall know that I am the Lord.

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I would agree 2nd Coming. :amen:

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