Some Insight into t...
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Some Insight into the Insidious Insanity of Iran

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If you have been keeping track of the news for the past week or two, you are aware that Iran continues to take confrontational and provocative action against various international entities.  Shooting down a US drone, hijacking a UAE ship, and then hijacking a British oil tanker.  Now, if we were dealing with rational, reality-connected human beings, one might wonder what the heck are they thinking?  However, we are not dealing with rational, truth-grounded individuals.  We are dealing with, if not fully demon-possessed, clearly demon-influenced individuals who have embraced a worldview paradigm that is based on lies.  I am not an expert on Islamic end-time eschatology, but I have read enough to understand that these folks believe that to start what would be a third world war against the "Great Satan" (USA) and "Little Satan" (Israel) is viewed very favorably.  They think this will usher in the return of their "messiah" (aka 12th imam or Mahdi).  It seems to me it is at the very least a cousin to the delusion of the type and on the scale that Jesus referred to when He spoke about people at the end who murder His followers and actually think they are rendering service unto God.  Now that's some serious delusion.

If you have ever studied the end-times eschatology of Islam, it is eerily, though predictably based on Satan's modus operandi, a jaw-dropping counterfeit of what is described in the Book of Revelation.  At the end, these unbelieving Muslims will be so deceived in their own mind that they will literally find themselves fighting against the returning true Christ of the Bible at Armageddon, all the while thinking they are fighting against the Dajjal (the Muslim person knows as the deceiver, imposter, or false messiah).  You see, the Muslims are also expecting the return of their own messiah, complete with an anticipated false messiah.  They just end up getting the real One and the false one mixed up.  Minor detail.  Seriously, if you haven't studied this, and you want an eye-opening revelation about one of Satan's central end-times lies, you should check it out.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the actions of the government of Iran today make perfect sense if you realize they are hell-bent on bringing war as a means of hastening the day of the return of their Mahdi.  You can't make this stuff up.  Of course, from the perspective of true blood-bought, Spirit-regenerated, born again, name-in-the-Lamb's-Book-of-Life believers, the appearance of the Muslim Mahdi (the Bible's true antichrist) means we are home at Abba's house before that man is revealed.  So, in a convoluted sort of way, we all want the same thing.  They want their antichrist/"messiah" and we want our true, God of the Universe, true Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth.  The arrival of their antichrist, it seems to me, means the catching away of the Bride of Christ to meet the Lord in the Air for us!

So in an ironic spiritual twist, both the God-hating, Christ-rejecting Islamists and the God-loving, Christ-adoring Christians all long for the same end times scenario of Revelation to play itself out.  Maranatha!!!:flyup:

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Indeed, whatever grains of truth and knowledge that were given to Adam and the ongoing revelations that God has given, have over the course of time and space or proximity to God, have truly been adulterated.  Seems the further away that mankind has gotten from the Garden and God the more adulterated truth and knowledge has become!

The need for worship has always been universal.  So too is the concept of an altar and the need for something or someone to be sacrificed!  The knowledge of a higher being is also a universal truth. That said, many have strayed greatly from biblical truth!  Ergo the myriad of various religions and expressions upon the Earth.


