The point really needs to be made here is this. Mankind has survived for six thousand years without all this crap! Secondly, understanding their greedy motivations behind all the altruistic embellishments! Greed of power, money, and control are the issue. Let alone demonic agenda's! TR I saw that! Very interesting. At least, the mark was portrayed as an evil thing. Nope, if we are still here for any of the vaccine roll-outs we should think twice before willingly accepting it if it comes from any of these “health lab organizations”. Geoffrey Grider @ NowTheEndBegins latest article ... he exposes Bill Gates and his inner circle connections as head of the round table. :wacko: - Fair Use - What they have planned for people who resist the vaccine Wow, Leaving Soon! Makes me wonder, "Who is like the Beast?" :unsure: :unsure: Or maybe it's "WHO is like the Beast!" :wacko: B-) That article stretches credibility -- my opinion. How many of you have recently been to the doctor’s office? If so, are they asking you the over the top crazy questions like “do you have a cough/are you sneezing/have a fever or been in contact with anybody in your home who has the virus or do you know of anyone who does have it?” All the answers to these questions I’m sure are being entered into their medical database portal for future use ... including “oh she refused to have a flu vaccine” RED FLAG ALERT because chances are she is not going to want the COVID-19 vaccine either!!! 😉 So what are your thoughts ... do you think the church will still be here when they start taking us away to these FEMA concentration camps or do you without a doubt feel the rapture will occur before this happens or are you just not sure and its a wait and see. Don’t be shy ... :feedback Yep! All questions asked and recorded B-) masked before greeting. Remember, always have your cover! It’s not necessarily for you but all around you .... if I hear that one more time, I might physically puke on them, what a lie! :calvin At my doctor, and lab, would not even let me into building without temp taken and form filled out. My most important doctor I really need to be physically examined by every 28 days have been tele-med for 4 months and told next week visit will also be tele- med. They call first to get paid for a less than 5 minute call and make medical decisions no matter what info I give them. Have not had flu shot in decades and never remember ever in my life having flu. As far as if we will be taken by FEMA I don't know but pray we are long gone before that, civil war would most likely be happening if things get to that point. Think they would probably just shoot us at that point of unrest. :unsure: Don't think we'll be around to be dragged into FEMA camps, IMHO. I can't see the bride being brutalized like that. However, even if we were, it would be an opportunity to glorify God and perhaps receive a Martyr's crown. We are in Good Hands. No fear, just faith. I'm with you Arthur! TR
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