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Senators Slam Biden’s ‘Green Light’ to Putin

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Patricia N.
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Republican senators blasted President Joe Biden after a press conference on Wednesday where he suggested the U.S. and European allies would do little if Russia conducted a “minor incursion” into Ukraine:

Asked about whether there was U.S. and European unity on a response if Moscow invaded Ukraine, Biden suggested it would depend on if it was a “minor incursion” or something more. He said:  … I think what you’re going to see is that Russia will be held accountable if it invades, and it depends on what it does. It’s one thing if it’s a minor incursion and then we end up having a fight about what to do and not do, etc. But if they actually do what they’re capable of doing with the force amassed on the border, it is going to be a disaster for Russia if they further invade Ukraine, and that our allies and partners are ready to impose severe cost and significant harm on Russia and the Russian economy.  He also added that if Russia invaded, it would “prevail over time,” and that it had “overwhelming superiority” over Ukraine.

The remarks were widely seen as undercutting U.S. diplomacy that has tried to stave off any Russian incursion into Ukraine — “minor” or not.

Biden also indicated that the U.S. could work with Russia on whether Ukraine would be able to join NATO — something U.S. diplomats have insisted was not negotiable.

The reaction in Ukraine was reportedly “horror.”

CNN’s Matthew Chance reported that Ukrainian officials watched those remarks “with horror.” He added:  One Ukrainian official who I’ve been in close contact with while this marathon press conference was underway said that he was, I’m quoting here, “shocked” that President Biden would give a green light to Vladimir Putin in this way, that the U.S. president would distinguish between an incursion and an invasion, and then suggest that a minor incursion would elicit a lesser response than a more full invasion. The big concern, of course, which is what he was alluding to, is that it gives Putin — and this is another quote — it “gives the green light to Putin to enter Ukraine at his pleasure.” And that’s not just one Ukrainian official. Other Ukrainian officials have responded in a similar way. Kiev, in the words of another, is ‘stunned’ by what President Biden had to say.
Reactions from Republican senators ranged from disgust to shock. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) called Biden’s statements “unnerving.”  “He would be better off not speaking,” he tweeted. “People in #Ukraine have to be stunned by what he just said. I’m stunned by it too.”

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Hal Turner spent Wednesday's show talking about this saying that this is the same thing they did to Saddam Hussein. they basically told Saddam that they didn't care if he invaded Kuwait and then look what happened.

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If the Military Industrial complex can't get a false flag attack to enter/initiate a war (the Lusitania/Gulf of Tonkin "incident") then they'll try to provoke the other side.


Todd Tomlinson
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From Christmas until a week or so ago I kept thinking to myself that things are settling down and its not as bad as it seemed to be, but wow - my mindset have shifted.  Amir  posted a new video this morning that talks about what's going on in the Middle East, and with Biden, China, Russia, Tonga, our own political institutions, the food shortages, inflation, the virus ... its all coming to a head.    Something Biblical has to be right around the corner.  In my 65 years living on this 3rd rock from the sun, I can't remember a time when more things are off their rails than what we have right now.   But with all of that -- my excitement level continues to rise because I know the rapture is right around the corner.

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Yep,  we could be gone at any moment.  That 'person' with all the solutions should be about to enter as well.

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:amen:  There is no going back to normal … no amount of human super glue is going to patch things up again.  Only Jesus can!  Meanwhile 2022 is sure looking to be our deliverance year … sitting on G waiting for O …

:flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup:

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This is S.F's take on that Tonga explosion. I haven't drawn any conclusions about the thing yet but if what he says is true it just goes to show they will do anything at this point to get what they want and that things are not slowing down and going back to normal ever again.

Patricia N.
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I really don't think what this man is saying is true.  There are natural disasters, and I believe the Tonga explosion was one of them.

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I believe you can agitate volcanoes enough to make them erupt. Geoengineering is real and there are some truly wicked people out there.

So, I think it is definitely a possibility.

Especially if they want to fake Matthew 24 (wars, rumours of wars, earthquakes, etc ) before the Antichrist comes on the scene and pretends to be the messiah.

Patricia N.
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Except that they won't have to fake anything.  There are already rumors of wars and probably soon-coming wars.  And earthquakes are increasing.

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