I think the Full moon eclipse may be our home going. I remember reading long ago, about how the New Moons were for the Israelis and the Full Moons for the gentiles! Hope to meet you all soon! Is that this weekend? Sounds good to me ... Saturday, July 4th while most Americans will have their eyes glued looking up at the sky watching the fireworks display ... we hear the trumpet sound and they see us flying up thru the fireworks show that evening! :mdrmdr: I think it was that lunar eclipses were a bad sign for Israel and solar eclipses were a bad sign for the nations. However, I also heard someone who had a vision of the rapture say that it happened on some holiday when there were fireworks in the air. On my thread called a couple days ago I saw an eclipsed moon dancing before the sun! TR Is this the same as the buck moon? I lost track of that thread. I also remember someone having a Rapture dream alluding to fireworks! We'll see. Not putting much stock in dreams personally, I again must default to a divine disclosure! TR It will be fireworks for sure, for those left and the ultimate in chaos! B-) :prayer-hands: :flyup: Heaven's lightshow will cause all else to pale! Again, Jul, Aug and Sep still are at the top of my list! Jul being first of course! TR 11:07 PM EDT Saturday night! Lunar eclipse. TR
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