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Sanhedrin Mints King David Coin to Usher in Davidic Dynasty

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Wow ... this article shows the lateness of the hour ...


Sanhedrin Mints King David Coin to Usher in Davidic Dynasty

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz June 18, 2019

As the next stage in the Messianic process, the Sanhedrin of Israel released a new coin honoring King David in preparation for re-establishing the Davidic Dynasty.

Mordechai Persoff who established the Mikdash Educational Center and is marketing the coin initiative explained the significance of the new project.

“Throughout history, governments issued coins to establish their sovereignty and to mark the passage of an era,” Persoff told Breaking Israel News. “We initially issued a coin honoring President Trump and his recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s eternal capital. That was undoubtedly a major step in the geula (redemption) process so we issued a Trump-Cyrus coin to mark the entrance of the new era. But that was just a preparation for the Temple, the Davidic Dynasty, and the Messiah. We are symbolizing that upcoming era by minting this coin.”

The coin, bearing superimposed images of the U.S. President and the Persian King Cyrus who ended the Babylonian exile and aided in the building of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, was a massive success and thousands of the coins were sold around the world.

“Trump’s actions will be meaningless unless the lead to the ultimate goal of the Third Temple and the re-establishment of the Davidic dynasty,” Persoff warned. “It is for this reason that we issued the King David coin: as a physical reminder of what our era must accomplish.”

To emphasize this point, the coin was issued on the seventh day of the month of Sivan, the day after the holiday of Shavuot. According to Jewish tradition, King David was born and also died on the holiday of Shavuot. On Shavuot, Jews read the Book of Ruth which describes her union with Boaz, the grandparents of King David.

“Ruth was the first from among the nations who recognized that God is the king,” Persoff explained. “That is why she merited to be the grandmother of David and the matriarch of Messiah.”

The coin bears the name of David and the image of a crown. King David originally purchased from the Araunah the Jebusite the site of the altar and courtyards of the Temple, including the place of the Holy of Holies, on Mount Moriah, known as Zion after the fortress that King David had conquered.The verse describing David’s purchase of the land for the Temple from Araunah the Jebusite is inscribed on the face of the coin in English, Hebrew, and Arabic.

According to the version of the book of Divrei Ha-yamim (Chronicles) in the amount of 600 Shekalim, which each tribe contributed fifty shekels, and therefore all the people of Israel were partners in purchasing the hallowed ground of the Temple and Jerusalem, which is referred to as a temple, and was never divided among the tribes.

According to Midrash (homiletic teachings), there are three places in Israel that the nations cannot say Israel stole because the Bible explicitly states the full price was paid by Abraham, Jacob, and David: Hebron, Shechem (Nablus), and the Temple Mount.

“This coin symbolizes that purchase,” Persoff said. “And what you bought for full price, you cannot divide.”

Rabbi Hillel Weiss, the spokesman for the Sanhedrin, emphasized that the project is a powerful symbol of the Messianic process.

“The coin foreshadows the yearning for the return of the kingdom to Israel through the dynasty of the House of David, the Messiah of Israel, the judge of the world and who brings wisdom to it. We wait, the people of Israel for the redeemer, in flesh and blood, and even though he may tarry we continue to wait for him, every day,” he wrote. “We commemorate US President Donald Trump in connection with his Messianic activities. Donald Trump is the numerical value of the Messiah, the Son of David, who comes from Edom. Which until now has taken great steps in the rebirth of Israel and the dignity of Jerusalem like a biblical figure which we mentioned first in the world by minting Trump coins.”

We pray that God, God of Israel, Creator of the world, will guide him and will guide him in his plan, which will be unveiled in favor of the people of Israel and the return to Zion. Will ask the Jews of the world to return to their home land. And his leadership will guarantee peace and love throughout all the nations, and let their hearts go in the ways of the Creator in peace and love.”

Persoff explained that there is a dispute as to whether the Temple will be built before the Messiah or will be built at the same time. 

“In either case, we need to be prepared to build the Temple at the earliest possible moment, either before or concurrent with the Messiah,” Persoff said. “We cannot wait until the Moshiach (Messiah) is already here to prepare the Temple. By then, it will be too late.”

The coin is beautifully gold-plated since the name ‘David’ in gematria (Hebrew numerology) equals 14, equivalent to the word ‘zahav’ (gold). As such, the coin contains 14 grams of 14 karat gold.


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Awesome token of things to come!  Indeed a harbinger of sorts.  Honoring the Davidic dynasty and the promises of Messiah!  We're getting closer each day people!

The Fathers love of Israel and the Bridegrooms love for his Bride will certainly culminate into the greatest love story ever conceived!


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My cyber friend, Wendy, has this to say ...

“I believe that a resurrected King David will literally be king of Israel during the Millenium. A couple of verses...

Jeremiah 30:9 – They will serve the Lord their God and David their king, whom I will raise up for them.

Ezekiel 37:24 – My servant David will be king over them, and they will all have one shepherd.

So I think the creation of this coin is very prophetic.”

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Just another big sign we are leaving this planet very soon! :yahoo:


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I agree Sis!  There are just so many things on the horizon.  It's exciting to imagine what the future is going to birth.  No matter what the future brings or looks like it will be beyond our imagination.  Who can fathom the glories of God and Heavenly life?!

The one thing however that we will be bringing from our time on Earth, is ourselves!  All else will be either new, transformed or improved.  The love shared, the bonds formed, the gifts given and the sacrificial love we experienced will follow us throughout eternity!



