The year of the Bride! TR September 30th works for me! Oh yes, I see why you like the 30th ... it falls on a Wednesday :yes: and its any old day ... hmmm :scratch: “a day we think not”. I goggled what important happened on Sept 30th and I kid you not the first thing they think is important over wars or peace deals etc was they list James Dean @ the top. :mdrmdr: James Dean died on Sept 30, 1955 ... “Rebel without a cause” ... hmmm perhaps on Sept 30th all the far left crazy ones will be REALLY rebelling without a cause on that day?” :unsure: - Fair Use - hope, my family in Christ, we have blessed hope. maybe today, but for sure our being with the Lord is ahead because Jesus does not lose us - John 10:27-30 Don't lose hope for the day because today is Sept 23 instead of another date. the Jubilee was not given to the gentiles, and it was not given to the church. it was given to Israel to have as part of their unique relationship with God. the church is not Israel. we are not under the law or the potential blessings and potential curses that were spoken to Israel. if the Lord does return in a Jubilee year, it will be to rescue Israel and restore them to the land - Ezekiel 47-48 what does the bible say about when this will happen? Daniel 12:7 there is going to be a shattering first, (the time of Jacob's trouble), and Jesus said Matthew 23:37-39 how many of the church are redeemed? how many of Israel are redeemed? how many of the church have an inheritance kept for them by the Lord? how many of Israel will be able to inherit and enter the millennial kingdom? Jesus is coming, yes He is, for the church first, not to bring us into land that is recovered in a Jubilee year, but to where? heaven. John 14:1-3 Where and when do the Israelites who place faith in Yeshua during the tribulation years and old testament saints get to be restored to the land promised to Abraham Isaac and Jacob? at the second coming, in Israel on earth. Zechariah 12-14, Ezekiel 40-48. there will be a physical temple and actual restoration on earth, promised to Israel. the church is not promised land here. our portion is the Lord, to be with Him forever, where He is. John 14:3, Ephesians 1-3. we do not have to wait for a Jubilee year for the rapture. The Lord is coming for us to pick us up when it is time for us to go. Israel is on a different train track with different stations to go through before the events of Zechariah 12 happen and the giving back of land happens that is described in Ezekiel. Jesus could call us home today. He could call us home 7 years before the day of the next Jubilee year. We don't know. Will we go to heaven 7 years before the next Jubilee? thats up to God our Father. we have blessed hope. We don't know how long our life will be, so we could be with the Lord before the rapture. :bye: :flyup: Regina, it is true that God still has to deal with Israel and the church is under grace and follows the pattern for grace, but the timelines for Gods dealing with Israel is revealed in prophecy and the church age must end before that dealing (Jacob’s trouble) begins .... Plus God is a God of order, direction, preciseness, patterns, He can not step out of character! Geri- "So is Yom Kippur 2027 the 2nd Coming or Judgement of the Nations? Or is Rosh Hashanah the 2nd Coming? " I am not a timeline expert. I am just looking at the timeline in the end of the video above. He has Yom Kippur as the beginning of the millennial reign of Christ. He is using the Yom Kippur date on the Torah Calendar of Sept. 12, 2027, and has that 1290 days after the midpoint of the trib. I just posted an observation and was hoping someone else would fill in with the deeper meaning! Or we can just wait and see! I am hopeful for the Sept. 25th to Sept. 30th time period. If Sept 30 passes, Oct 3 is the first day of Tabernacles on the Torah Calendar. the church age must end before that dealing (Jacob’s trouble) begins agreed. we are out of here before this time begins. the nations all gathering in their alliances (Turkey, Iran, Russia & their friends) and others siding with Israel tells us we must be near the time to be with the Lord because God's wrath is coming in Ezekiel 38. the church is not present when God's wrath is poured out. Thanks, Blue. Good to know ... never thought of connecting the Feast of Tabernacles with the rapture but I’m looking at it with new eyes. Desperate eyes. B-) Instead of God dwelling with man down on the earth ... His church dwelling with the Lord up in heaven! :whistle: If these high-watch days come and go ... then I’m looking at Oct 31st (I’m a believer that was Jesus’ earthly birthday) and Nov 1st (All Saints Day). If anybody has anymore dates to add, please feel free to mention them. My calendar for October is empty so I want to write down good things and not doctor or vet appointments. :mail: ———- Meanwhile I’m still pondering why I’m seeing a light orange moon for the past 3 nights in the row. I just wonder if it will turn blood red on the night of the rapture??? :unsure: Are these passages (Great day of the Lord) referring to the rapture or the start of the trib, or the rescue from G/M invasion, or mid point of the trib, or ending of the trib? :scratch: The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord,” – Joel 2:31. “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and notable day of the Lord.” – Acts 2:20. I like that idea. I was just looking at the calendars to see what I could find because of the idea that the rapture would need to be by Oct. 5 in order for their flight to be in winter. Not putting God in a box though, just hopeful.
We watch for His signs fully in place to deal with Israel, so we get half a clue as to the end of the church age .... there will still be people, gentiles and Jews saved during the tribulation (this is God dealing with the Jew and cleaning up the mess of the earth), but it will be a bit different according to Revelation (similar to the time of Abraham and they will be beheaded for that faith).
I never place God in a box, He is Perfect God and His timing is perfect, but we can know, as Christ said, the signs and season! We are certainly in that season and the signs are all around us happening at warp speed!
Get ready, our flight is about to take off :yahoo: Remain watchful, keep the lamp trimmed, the oil filled, pray, and follow Gods command, that is what He states to do! :prayer-hands:
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