When I was a kid, and something was delayed and we had to wait, I remember her saying that “this gives you something to look forward to.” I hated it then, and I still do ?. Yep as a kid the month of December seemed to drag while anticipating Christmas Day. Even though we were busy, baking cookies, decorating the tree, watching Christmas programs, looking through the Sears Toy Wish Book Catalog and writing down our list of must have items and taping the long sheet of paper to the paneling wall :mdrmdr: , it just seemed like the day was never going to arrive. Now ... the days are flying so fast ... its here before you know it and gone in a flash. Or the saying, “Are we there yet“ has new meaning! :mdrmdr: :good: And because its suppose to be a Jubilee this year ... the Torah Calendar has both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur celebrated on the same day!!! Sept 27th - Sept 28th. And we know the door of heaven is open on Rosh Hashanah and then closes on Yom Kippur. :yahoo: :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn Oops ... sorry Blue ... I’m watching so many youtubes today I forgot the Torah calendar with Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah Feasts landing on the same day were mentioned in your original post! :mdrmdr: It’s good to see it again. She had a video. I had the printed Bible verses. You had a picture. The bases are covered! God is marvellous in all His ways! TR <p style="text-align: center;">God is marvellous in all His ways!</p> This has some further info, but if you don't like to listen to people's dreams, don't listen. -Fair Use- Yom Kippur is Sept. 25 on the Essene Calendar.
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