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Reminding My Soul on Why It Is I Believe Our Departure is Soon

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OK.  So, I needed to do a little preaching to my own soul today just to remind myself and renew my mind as to why I am so convinced of the nearness of the harpazo that I am willing to regularly stand on a busy street corner with my rapture warning sign, subjecting myself to hostility, ridicule, mockery, and middle fingers, all for the chance to plant seeds of truth that may one day be used by God to spare a soul from the wrath of Daniel’s 70th week.  After a while, that kind of stuff can begin to wear you down spiritually, especially on those days when your physical state is less than 100%.

When you stand in a room where the distance from point A to point B is only three feet, but the vast majority of people around you are genuinely convinced, sincerely deluded, and constantly expressing their belief that the distance is more like 100 miles, sometimes you can succumb to momentary episodes of “second-guessing” yourself.  That’s when you have to pull out your “plumb line” (aka, the Word of God) to confirm that the distance of what you are perceiving is, in fact, actually the truth, regardless of how few are able to recognize it as such.

Within that analogous context, here is an abbreviated list I often refer back to in strengthening my Bible-based faith for how close we are to the harpazo.  In attempting to strengthen my own faith, I thought it might do the same for someone else reading this:

· Israel regathered from throughout the world, back in the land for 70 years, and retaking Jerusalem in 1967

·The 3rd Temple, which will be Antichrist’s temple, on the verge of being built

·Technology for the Rev 13 one-world government via computer chips

·Technology for the whole world to view the Rev 11 two witnesses dead in the streets

·Technology that requires Jesus to cut days short before we annihilate mankind

·Ezekiel 38 geo-political alliance on Israel’s northern border, with gas & oil found and floundering economies for all the attackers

·The ability of the east to field a military army of 200 million

·The ability to dry up the Euphrates river on-demand by upstream dams

·Damascus on the verge of complete destruction, with a very plausible scenario that could literally happen any day

·Earthquakes happening all over the world seemingly all the time

·Signs in the heavens (blood moon tetrads, eclipses, Rev12 sign)

·Animal die-offs

·Lawlessness like Noah’s day

·Rampant sexual immorality like Lot’s day

·A society that fits 2 Tim 3:1-5 characteristics

·The Pope leading a charge to a Christ-less one-world ecumenical religion where all roads lead to “heaven”

·Spiritual apostasy and deception rampant, with the rise of doctrines of demons

And last, but most certainly not least, CONVERGENCE!  Sure, move along folks, nothing to see here; just business as usual.  NOT!!!  Maranatha the Lord Jesus!!!  And now, with that encouragement and confirmation, back to the street I go.  Have a blessed day brothers and sisters.  Surely our Bridegroom is coming soon…

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Dear brother, indeed we all need to refresh ourselves!  Blessings to you in all that you do.  We are truly led not by sight, nor by our intellect, but by His Spirit!

One stated objective of the enemy is to the "wearing down" of the saints.  Truly, Heaven seems to be screaming the message, He is coming soon!

How blessed we all are to having committed ourselves to Him.  Our faith and trust in Him will truly be validated one fine day.  It is truly our honor to serve an honorable God, such as Him!

The fact that there are not words to describe either in volume or sufficiency to describe His glory!!!

Take great solace in the knowledge that He chose us to be His Bride!  A most humbling and glorious position to occupy!

Love & blessings...TR

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Bless you Watchman35 for your courage.

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Wonderful list Watchman 35! I will add to it with a couple more if I may...

- The coming deception being prepared by "the effects of Climate change", that will be used to explain several of the judgments that come, in which the landscape, waters and skies are affected.

- The deception associated with the rapid development/advancement of AI and the suggestion that man is moving towards a new species/AI + human hybrid...that may be part of the mark of the beast.

- and also, one that speaks to my heart so profoundly is the urgency of Spirit shared among the believers that are watching worldwide. I truly believe that the Spirit of our Lord is placing this urgency with watching and warning within our hearts at this time because the time is so near! :amen: :yahoo:

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One of the signs which speaks mostly to my spirit, is the fact that in the last ten years or so, the number of pastors, teachers, preachers and those in the public eye resoundingly speak the same word.

There is a much greater concensus of those stating the nearness of the Rapture than ever before in recent memory!

Though a few have been preaching His imminent return for quite a while, there is now a resounding majority who harmoniously sing the praises of His return!  How exciting!

May we all continue to "hear" what the Spirit is speaking to His Church!!!  :yes: :yahoo:



Kenneth K Pon
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The adversary must surely be sensing how close we are, also.  The rise of occultism, witchcraft, murders, sexual immoralities, and all sorts of vices seems to have ramped up geometrically in the last 10 years. Seems that while Christians are yearning for that last Gentile to make the full number, satan is straining to ensure that as many end up in hell as possible in the limited time he has.

Another sign is the reported appearances of Jesus to people around the world in dreams and visions-- particularly to Muslims. What that says to me is that maybe there isn't enough time to reach everyone that is savable via typical channels such as missions, word of mouth, satellites, etc. So Jesus directly intervenes.

And, like tenderreed , I have also noticed many more preachers talking about prophecy in the last few years. This despite hearing other preachers say that everyone is shying away from that subject. Maybe I run in different circles.
