Arthur, the calendar may be off and granted I think it is — considering the Essenes tried to correct the calendar back to God’s timetable, but in spite of all that —- look to the heavens — God gave us this first, not a calendar and He states you know the seasons by the signs in the sky … :unsure: Also, Look at ALL the signs converging, I doubt the church will remain for much longer as The Bride is not subject to God’s wrath poured out on the nations. We certainly can know the season. With all the signs all around us, I think we can say with clarity that we are in the season. I don't think we can dogmatically say that 2021 has to be the year. That might be built on faulty assumptions. Certainly hoping it is the year, of course. :good: Well for me it's like everything is looking extremely set up for the Tribulation to begin along with the false explanation of our disappearance. So now the question is how much does God want His Body/Bride to suffer as a whole before He takes us home ? Or are we just waiting on a specific number to be reached ? I still have high hopes for this year but not if we are still here in August. how much does God want His Body/Bride to suffer Suffering has always been a part of the Christian experience. The early Church would laugh at what we consider "suffering", at least in the Western world. We may have more yet to endure. Indeed! I suggested months ago that we would see more sufferings to include many! That we also may be counted worthy, as those before us! Even as we suffer in our expectations! TR Hope has no shelf life!!! TR Well if we don’t leave soon … many Californians are going to face a BIG crisis … the region of Sacramento has crud drinking water because of the drought. High concentrations of “geosmin” are in the water. They are organic compounds that makes soil smell the way that it does. So at this moment, millions of California residents have water coming out of their taps that smell and taste like dirt. :wacko: This is going to eventually lead to Dysentery … And are the city officials concerned and doing anything about it? Nope … they claim its harmless and just neutralize the water by adding some lemon to disguise the awful taste. 🙁 And where are they suppose to buy the lemons since there is currently a crop failure. There is total disarray everywhere. Disasters in all areas of life seem to be approaching or have already arrived. That’s the trouble with globalization; everyone is adversely affected. “We all fall down.” He said we are to know when he is at the door. He’s there! Keep looking up! So true, brother! TR He’s at the very least walking up the steps!