Rapture warning.
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Rapture warning.

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Well again - not a specific “sign” indicating “the date” but if you want more general signs of the times to look to, I came across this really good article in my email inbox this morning.  It gives a review of more conditions present pointing to our soon departure.  My chief takeaways are that Israel is closer than ever to two things: Rebuilding the Temple and war.  They are cutting the cornerstones for the temple it is being reported and there is an operation that recently began on Israel’s birthday (according to the Jewish calendar and runs through Pentecost called “Chariots of Fire”. I am still hoping for a Second Passover departure this weekend, but maybe this is a sign that our “chariots of fire” will come for us on Pentecost - who knows?  Here is a link to the article I was referencing-


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I also wonder if the Chariots of Fire will be the return of the two witnesses... I'm curious why they chose that title for this training mission.

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Very nice read Derrick — I love the phrase coined “Zion Cube” — ever notice how the deceiver uses his version to bring fear “the Borg Cube - you will be assimilated”  — God is perfect peace, love, and righteousness — Satan only breeds fear and lies.

I would agree that we are certainly “at the door” — and John saw a door open in heaven and the angel said come up here and I will show you what must soon come to pass …. Rev 4 —- as most of us understand it, the church is not mentioned again after this great event of John going through the heavenly portal to see … what must soon take place ….

It is so very exciting to be the terminal generation and to know that we will soon see the face of Jesus and enjoy God’s amazing kingdom … see you in the RITAN tea room :yahoo:

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No doubt after the Rapture there will be concert worldwide offering solace and false hope for the future!


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About the 10 days of darkness that Rick referred to, I was thinking that there are 10 days from Ascension Day to Pentecost.  I am hoping to go up before it gets dark!

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Hi, I am looking for the soon appearing of my Lord and Savior to catch me away along with the dead and living who have trusted in Him for their salvation. I don't see it as a warning: I see it as good news.  It could be soon!  1 Thess 4:13-18


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In agreement with you all … any day now :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup:

society as a whole is in a mega free fall … everything is collapsing … its all by design to bring in their “NWO”  AND  … the church is in the way :whistle:

See you all very soon … as Tammie said … in the RITA tea room. B-)

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SOON!!! In the Rita java/tea/donut/cake/cookie room...... :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:

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Charlie Kirk — listed on telegram that we should brace ourselves for the economic collapse and the stock mass=up just hit the worse day since 2020 — It is converging faster still — lightening speed; hold on to your seat belt we are in for a great ride and our ride ends in glory …. My thought is that we will speed up faster still as we draw closer to our departure :unsure:  what say you’ll

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Yeah things are “getting real” as they say.   No where safe to store wealth.
I have a little in stocks, and should be buying more now while it is low, but I am not convinced that we recover this time. We are too close to that 3rd seal and at some point the music stops and not everybody gets a chair. Keeping a stash of cash isn’t even an option these days since no matter what you save, inflation and quantitative easing devalues our dollars every day and literally steals wealth from all of us. Another reason I think the rapture must be very soon, I think the proverbial poop hits the proverbial fan probably this fall and into the winter. I think it’s about to get very rough for anyone not in the ark of Jesus when the door shuts.   Any lurkers - don’t mess around get saved while you can!

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