Rapture trigger...
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Rapture trigger...

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That peach doesnt even have a pit! Should look like this:

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:mdrmdr:   No pit … Yes!  I knew there was something else wrong … I just couldn’t get past how brownish the inside is.  I bought these peaches at Walmart on Saturday …  must be … GMO’s from China lab? 🙁

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The purpose of the  Tribulation or Time of Jacob's Trouble is all about getting Israel as a nation to recognize their Messiah as well as the punishment of the nations for their treatment of Israel.

So, I would think that laying the cornerstone (perhaps even a brick with a blasphemous message) for the Tribulation Temple would be the ultimate slap in the face of God as Jesus is the chief cornerstone that the builders have rejected. This would start the Tribulation, IMVHO.


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1 Thessalonians 5:3  For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. KJV

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But we will escape.

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A "normal" day like today makes me pay close attention.....like the old saying...it's quiet, just a little too quiet...

Rick Jones
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Looking again at the comparisons between Psalms and Revelations and also considering JD Farag's Bible Prophecy teachings over the past year. The vaccination seems like it will be a prime topic. There are two verses in Revelations that touch on the Rapture, Rev 4:1 and Rev 12:5. I have included comparisons of Rev and Psalm 4 and 12.

In Psalm 4 David is writing about being chased by his own countrymen. His anger is rising as he considers their constant deception. But David knows that he can keep from sinning if he goes to the Spirit to calm him and give him peace "commune with your own heart upon your bed" Your heart is where the Spirit dwells and David knows this even though Jesus has not been born yet. "Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, and put your trust in the Lord" David is in the Spirit. In Rev 4: 1 John was also in the Spirit when he says "After this I looked". Then Jesus says "I will shew thee things which must be hereafter". In Psalm 4:6 David says "There be many that say, Who will shew us any good". Interesting parallel don't you think?

So in Psalm 4 David references being chased by deceitful countrymen and right after going to the Spirit he calls on the Lord "lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us". Which is what we will see at the Rapture and possibly while being pressured by our deceitful countrymen to get vaccinated.

In Psalm 12 David says the faithful will vanish from among  people with flattering lips and a double heart (deceitful). Then in Psalm 12:5 David prophesies "For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy, now I will arise saith the Lord; I will set him in safety from him that puffeth at him". This is when the Church is born and snatched up to heaven.

So when do we think this is going to happen. Well Q and the Anons are saying that something biblical is going to happen this month. Personally I think Q and the Anons are the many that Jesus warned us about that will come in His name. Mat 24:5 "For many will come in My name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and will mislead many." The Anons throw scripture around but they don't mention the Rapture or the Tribulation that is soon to come. They suggest that Trump is going to lead us into the next millennium where our new bodies are going to come from med beds. Maybe it's just me but I don't think so.

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Q Anon is definitely part of the New Age NWO Antichrist Kingdom. It is interesting that they are saying something biblical will happen this month.


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So if they are using the quantum computer and placing info into it — it very well may be able to figure a prospective “Biblical Event” — could be Ez 38 or Rev. 4:1 “door open” :mdrmdr:

If I could choose, I’ll take door number one :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :yahoo: :yahoo: :mdrmdr: :flyup:

Many times last year I would look at Steele, and several others who where following Q closely and the deception is subtle, but it is there. So many are being deceived even now! :prayer-hands:

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What are they saying?  Are they talking about the fake evil NWO being overthrown and being replaced with the real evil NWO.  Please fill us in!

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Yeah, quantum computing is like the tower of Babel. God is going to put His foot down before long.

Here is an interesting article on the subject. Would be curious to hear what others think.


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