Dr. Barry said to watch Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (our time zones I presume). And then if necessary next week Tu B'Av, August 1-2. So here is a thought — if the disciples are accused on the 9th of AV of being drunk with “new wine” at 9 am Jerusalem time, that would be about 2 AM tonight or rather Thursday morning — so maybe :yahoo: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :yahoo: Just relating that is the 9th of Av is related to the removal of the Temple, the only timing I can think of in regards to a specific time would be the person of Jesus and his presence momentarily being removed from Jerusalem at His death on the cross. He of course rose again 3 days later and this is more related to Passover, but no times are given for when the 1st and 2nd temples were destroyed and Gods presence being removed then. Ooo, you are right, acts 2:15, third hour of the day! Is that 9am then? 12 minute clip from Aaron … neat study on “Who is the Elect” is in Matt 24 … he brings a strong case it might not be what we were taught … what are your thoughts to this new view? In the comment section: Enoch was elect and went with God before Noah and family were Saved. The Sons Of God which whose names are written in the Book of Life since the beginning are The Elect. - Fair Use- Nope! He is wrong. Angels are not a part of the rapture. Jesus Himself comes for His bride, not angels. "The angels shall gather the elect" is referring to Israel. Also, Matt 24 is dealing with the time of the Tribulation and the Church will already be gone. The Abomination of Desolation occurs BEFORE Matthew 24:31 so we'd better hope this guy is wrong or it means we will have to go through the Trib and we know that is not so. So when the angels gather the elect (Israel) is that to the wedding? Then there is 2 in the field and one is taken and the other left, Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.… those taken are the unsaved and those left get to enter the millennium, right? And different event from angels gathering the elect or is it the same event? The ministering angels will guide them to the land of Palestine where they will meet their Messiah. And yes, that is the Sheep and Goat Judgement, not the Rapture. It has commonly been mistaken as the Rapture event but it cannot be because of the context in which it is provided; Matthew chapter 24. Those left will enter the Millennial Kingdom, the others will be swept away to judgement. I just had a different picture of this scenario .. I was thinking the 1/3 chosen Jews will all be safely in Petra Jordan in that hideout area. But part of that remnant will be scattered across the globe too and miraculously make it thru the entire tribulation? It is just speculation but I have read a scenario that completely eliminates Petra as the hiding place for the Jews during the Trib. While it is true that the narrow canyon at Petra is reminiscent of Thermopylae (where Leonidas defeated Xerxes 300,000+ man army with only 300 Spartans in 480 BC) the problem is that we now have missiles, drones, and aircraft capable of delivering devastating payloads of explosives. The AC will be bending all his might to the extermination of the Jews at that time and will have a terrible arsenal at his disposal. Petra would be little help. Perhaps it will be Petra. Only God knows. But given modern technologies it is not the sure fire solution it was always thought to be.