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And from the transcript:

4:57  and I know the lord gave us the story of Noah of saving the animals because your pets are gonna go your little beautiful pets that you love because God is so good he says whatever you've thought you don't even know the half of what I have prepared for you I'm not gonna leave out Fifi or Fufu you're a little puppy or your cuddles kitten promise you he's going to have our animals up there

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Jesus is coming soon and we now know when — the count down is happening every day —- four, three, two, and one  — call upon the Lord while you may — the count down is about to end —- we are His Beloved and the trumpet will soon sound —- the count down is over —— see you in the air!!! :yahoo:

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No love for this? Okay. You guys are so sike for the 26th which is on a Wednesday & I thought this was more confirmation that it could be, thats all saints.

You just want to hear your own stuff, lol. Thats fine.

Is it because you don't believe anything coming out of the Dead Sea Scrolls? Do you think Dr. Ken Johnson is false teacher?

I was so certain that the rapture was going to happen way back in 2014-15 that I stopped everything else and was READY!   I was listening to some of these teachers that u all are watching now. I decided to study my Bible and do as the scripture tells us to do and that is to occupy until Jesus returns.

I'm writing code C Script for my own indicators for my business and thats how I am occupying, and the Lord can take me out in the rapture at any time He's ready and I will see u all in the air. In the meantime, I'm working, studying my Bible, praying that it's today. God is good, when we go, we will go.

When it doesn't happen this year as I'm sure it won't I will be glad that we still have more time to reach the loss.

7,000-year timeline and we are going to begin the last Jubilee, 50-years of the 62023-07-23 10_55_07-2023_07_23_10_51_14_DSS_Calendar_Onahs_and_3_more_pages_Personal_Microsoft_Edge.000-year in 2025. During that last Jubilee of the age of Grace, supernatural things are going to begin to happen, and you can point things out to the loss and to His soon return. 2023-03-03 13_04_01-End-Times (Church Father Irenaeus) - YouTube - Personal - Microsoft​ Edge

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I can’t speak for the others here but personally I never found Dr. Ken Johnson credible.  So according to him … the calendars are off  … the 2nd coming could be from 2030 - 2067???   I’m all for the 2030 to be the 2nd coming :good:   but to say it could be … in 2067?  Seriously?  when EVERYTHING is set to go and at least 1 red heifer is ready for sacrifice in the next few weeks and Israel is about to announce their king this fall.   So I write off those who love to keep pushing dates out into left field and out of touch with the facts and signs going on around us.  There is a shelf life to prophecy and to say we need to wait another 37 more years for the tribulation to start so the 2nd coming commences on 2067 … is laughable.

The signs are all here for the GREAT RESET to begin in 2023 whether its this summer, this fall (I’m still all for the Feast of Trumpets) but I’m not complaining to leave this coming Wednesday for the 9 of AV or at the very latest … it could be  … December 12, 2023.

If you haven’t yet, I suggest you google Janie DuVall youtubes … its worth your time to get informed of the insider news and watch her interview with Craig Bong  … one is called “Shocking the Antichrist’s 17 plans exposed” its 14 minutes.  And  please also view “5 months left then sudden destruction” that was made 1 month ago its 1 hr 2 minutes in length.   I guarantee your eyes will be open and you won’t be following Dr. Ken Johnson way out there “theories” of having to wait 44 more years for the 2nd coming. :wacko:

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Bill, most people are not going to see a conversation interjected this far back up a thread.

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Well, I appreciate what you're saying. Thats fine, but I do find Ken very credible, he's going by from what was dug up from DSS's and the way early church fathers. And he doesn't just say things without showing where he got it from.

The more I learn the more I am amazed. Because any of you cannot perceive the rapture more than a year away then you throw it out with the bath water. Then a surprise event for you would be that we are all still here ten years yet. That would be a surprise event. How do you trade a surprise event? look at the whole landscape and most likely fade it. Go against the crowd. Sorry thats my trading in me, the market is about to open, gota go. Love u all.

I do hope it's this year! Hope u all are right & I am wrong. B-)

I kept your post from my email so I can go back & check those things out.

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Woohoo!   :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn


Per Kimberly’s channel    Elijah &Moses youtube you will find a 53 minute clip called

Viral News! Netanyahu’s emergency pacemaker & the Restoration of the Monarchy & Sanhedrin


WOW! Swiftly, God is allowing details to fall into place to fulfill His end time testimony for Israel. When I first revealed that the diminishing of the democracy & judiciary, is preparing for the establishment of the ancient monarchy in Israel, it amazes me how fast events are propelling it forward.  Everything from the emergency pacemaker to regulate Netanyahu’s heart, before he hands the keys over to the anointed one, AKA  a messiah, a last earthly king, before the 2nd Coming of Jesus.  We are witnessing profound prophecy unfolding.  Here I again reveal what the Holy Spirit placed in my heart about the so called “covenant with many”.  It is not a peace treaty - its is a blood covenant with many … meaning, I believe the red heifer blood covenant with the Jewish people starts the temple sacrificial system up again official which at the same time allows for the king to participate in the blood covenant, (the Jews expect their earthly king to do the sacrifice) and allow for the 3rd temple to be assembled.  We do not have long before this happens, and King _______ is soon to go to Israel.  The UK’s recent 7 year agreement with Isreal includes peace and security for Israel.  It is parallel to King Solomon’s trade & tech.  It is going to happen.  Here are a few facts regarding the pacemaker & how it affects the regulation of the heart.  Jesus just wants Israel’s heart!!! There is a veil that is between us and the Lord and is removed in Messiah and this is like the veil that is between us and our dead loved ones.  Where He is … there they are in soul & spirit … Let me tell you more ….”

- Fair Use -

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I do think Ken teaches that the early church believed that the last trump of 1 Corinthians 15:52 refers to the Feast of Trumpets.  I am all for that. Ken has Feast of Trumpets on Wednesday Sept. 20 this year.  Not long to find out!

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Per FedNow’s article above:

Yesterday, with a bit of fanfare but not TOO much fanfare, a "wonderful" new product was launched. FedNow is live, and we can all transfer money to our heart's content via the Federal Reserve. Wow, that sounds great, doesn't it? Of course, that is a spot created by the Federal Reserve and up on the Federal Reserve YouTube channel. FedNow is live at 35 banks. Axios reports that 35 banks across the country are participating in the launch. By the numbers: So far, 35 banks have signed up as early adopters of FedNow, including JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo, but notably not including Citigroup or Bank of America. That number is rather lower than the Fed led us to believe as recently as recently as June. The U.S. Treasury is also signed up as an early adopter of FedNow. In order to use either service, both the sending and the receiving bank need to be signed up for the system. We are now officially on that slippery slope I've been talking about. I wrote about exactly this happening in my dystopian fiction, Good Citizens, and discussed how this could evolve to control almost every aspect of our lives.

:yahoo: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :yahoo:

To summarize InfoWars article —-

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman on Monday launched “Worldcoin”, a cryptocurrency initiative which features a “global digital passport” that will be tied to a Universal Basic Income (UBI). Worldcoin, created by San Francisco and Berlin-based Tools for Humanity, aims to install “orbs” around the globe that scan an individual’s irises to establish the user’s unique identity, and then issue a “World ID.”

:yahoo: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :yahoo:

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