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Short informative clips from the Watchman panel discussions
This one is 8 minutes from a 3 hr program



And this one is 6 minutes


- Fair Use -

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I can't seem to find the post with the link to the Magestic 12 article, so this is probably in the wrong place, but I need to say thanks.  So, thanks.  I finally finished reading it.  That was astounding.

Billy Crone says that aliens are demons, telling people they came aaaaaall the way across the universe.  He said they have never abducted a Christian, and when someone said the name of Jesus to them, they promptly left.

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Heard this from Soothkeep (Lee Brainerd) in a video last night, and thought it was encouraging:

I like to encourage people as we see these ugly things coming upon us.  Just picture yourself on a highway, and all these ugly developments are mile post signs.  And we are driving towards the Heavenly City, folks.  And so every one of these new developments just tells us, like a mile post sign in the highway, that we're closer to Glory.

I get excited when I see this stuff happening.  I mean, I can understand that it's unnerving.  There's no doubt about it.  But folks, we've already been promised we might taste the front end of this as this evilness is being set on the stage, but we're not going to be here when the curtain opens for the last act.


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I don't know, but one has to wonder if this story about a woman knocking from the inside of her coffin whether if it may be a sign for, 'the dead in Christ will rise first.'

First thing I thought of when I saw this on the evening news.

'An Ecuadorian woman declared dead at the age of 76 woke up five hours into her remembrance service and started knocking inside her coffin.'

Does anyone have any revelations or knowledge of what may happen with our beloved pets once the rapture takes place? How do I post a picture?

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So Ready posted the Magestic 12 article here. Scroll to the bottom of the thread.

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Hopefully someone more qualified will chime in, but since I'm here, I'll spout off.  There are sources (including Billy Graham, St. Francis of Assissi and the Catholic Church, authors Brian Burgess, Gary Kurtz) who assure us our pets will be in Heaven with us.  I haven't seen any specific mentions of the rapture in that regard.  However, let us reason together.  What is the purpose of Daniel's 70th week?  I haven't heard anyone preach that one is for our pets, who are part of our families, to suffer.  Since a righteous man regardeth the life of his beast, wouldn't Jesus care about them also?  We know there are animals in Heaven because Jesus comes riding on a white horse.

To post a picture, click on the "Insert Image" icon that's at the far right of the bar at the top of your reply, then choose a picture from your computer.

all cats go to heaven

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Thanks.  I'll go find it and post again.

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Demons can bother and harass a believer.  I had it happen to me a few times.  Didn’t realize I was working side by side with a jealous witch casting spells on me.  I had “visitations” thru the nights and lost a lot of sleep, but when into work with a Good Morning and smile on my face.  She probably thought the spells weren’t working.  I felt a sharp sword go thru my leg … they did it to the leg I have a birthmark on and its very sensitive, so I was in a lot of pain.  I got a good idea what it means when they torment man who took the mark of the beast and sting them for 5 months.   They were on top of me and one was trying to strangle me.  I was paralyze but at the same time could feel everything they did.  I couldn’t speak but silently said JESUS and then had instant relief.  The Lord never wanted me to see these ugly creatures and my eyes felt like they were glued shut.  When they finally left … I was able to open up my eyes and I was in shock the first time it happened.  I got out my Bible and started to read a few chapters in Psalms.  I was angry with them and then prayed thank you Lord for defeating satan at the Cross.  Then I tried to go back to sleep … they returned and I was paralyzed again and they lifted my body off the bed and were violently shaking me and groaning DON’T SAY THAT!  DON’T SAY THAT!  They hated to hear they are defeated!  Again I said JESUS silently and I was let go and dropped and bounced back down on my bed and they left.  I had all sorts of other things happen … when I was home alone in the house - 5 days a week, no hot water to take baths … I even called up my brother to check out the water heater, etc.  he came over … and guess what … hot water came out of the faucet … he gave me a funny look like I was nuts and he was kind of annoyed I disturbed him.  Then after he left, the water never got warm .. only cold water.  My weekly paychecks were always short changed … I worked a lot of overtime and had to fax over my timesheets .. nobody else in the dept had this problem, but me. That is the only thing I complained that she knew was “working”.  The landline phone rang when I was trying to read my Bible or praying.  So I unplugged the phone cord from the wall socket … guess what … it still rang.🤪  I was sitting on the sofa reading a book and had a pizza and a ginger ale can … I put the can in the side of the sofa … well … the next thing I saw the can lift up in the air and was placed back into the sofa upside down.  I quickly retrieved the can to make it upright … and all the soda was released and in the sofa … not one drop left in the can.  Glad it was clear and not grape or orange soda to cause a stain.   I would be watching Yankee baseball and the next thing the linen closet door opened up and a box of toothpaste went flying into one of the bedrooms and crashed.  I can go on and on with the harassment and havoc they caused.  That jealous witch one day out of the blue said “do you know my boyfriend is a mason?”   I said “no” and deep down was thinking so what?  But it got me curious to study masonry.  It wasn’t until Christmas time that I bought her a small gift (Christmas tree ornament) and a card and placed a Bible tract in it.  Her reaction was she started crying and revealed I have done some awful things to you … and you have been nothing but kind to me the whole time.  I was stunned she was the culprit.  Apparently she wanted my job and resented upper management went to the outside to hire me and she had to report to me.  The only thing I asked from her was before she left if she could keep her pending files on her desk so in case someone called or emailed asked for the status if the person cleared the drug tests, etc I could find the info right away, etc.  Meanwhile she would constantly goof off and do personal things like sell Avon on the side and do that at her desk and I never said anything to her about it.   So here she is crying and apologizing to me.  I just said well you are worshipping a defeated foe, Jesus is more powerful over satan.  She nodded her head … she didn’t see me afraid.  After that the crazy junk stopped and my last paychecks were correct for a change.

Anyway … just wanted to make it known they can harass a believer but they can’t indwell because we already have the Holy Spirit inside. Thank God!

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Here’s a passage of the creatures (includes our pets) waiting for the rapture event

Romans 8

18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

19 For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.

20 For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope,

21 Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.

22 For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.

23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.  [ aka the rapture!]

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