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Patricia N.
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4,000+ Churches Split from Pro-LGBTQ+ United Methodist Church Denomination:

More than 4,000 congregations have left the United Methodist Church (UMC) this year over its embrace of LGBTQ+ ideology, Catholic News Agency (CNA) reported this week.

Just the past weekend, 60 congregations left the UMC in Michigan, as did 250 in Kentucky. By Tuesday afternoon 4,876 Methodist churches completed the process to break away from the UMC, Jay Therrell,  president of the Wesleyan Covenant Association and a leader in the “disaffiliation” movement, told CNA.

“According to UM News, the official news-gathering agency of the UMC, 4,645 churches officially split from the UMC so far this year. That is more than double the number of churches that left in the previous year (2,003) and almost 10 times the number in 2021 (486),” according to the report, which noted that nearly one-quarter of UMC congregations have officially broken away within the last five years.


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Those 4,876 congregations did the right thing.

Patricia N.
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Poll: Ratings of America’s Moral Values at New Low:

Americans’ ratings of the state of moral values in the United States have fallen to the lowest point in the two decades Gallup News has been tracking the trend.

A new poll found that 54 percent of U.S. adults rate moral values in the United States as “poor,” which is a four-percentage point increase since 2022 and the first time a majority of U.S. adults have ranked moral values as “poor.”


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Hi Patricia, I just finished reading that article too, then I saw you posting it. Great minds run a like. Great stuff!

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Thank you, Mr. Yohanan,

I'm glad I came across this group before we go up, so now I will recognize some MORE faces in the air! If not here, it will be in the air. :yahoo:

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I know, Dave. In Sodom they were parading around and forcing their views on everyone right up to their destruction. Not any different than those who perished right up to the flood. Amen and amen! :groan

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Hello Earthangel, there's many clues in scripture and in other writings like Dead Sea Scrolls & Apocrypha's for the timing of prophetic events, especially for the main event!

Rev 3: 3 ...But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you.

This implies that if we are awake (watching & studying) that we can know at what time He will come to us. (To get us) :amen:

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Hey there, Geri9,

Yup! Peace and safety then sudden destruction. But not for His Bride. I wonder how much of the destruction we get to see before we are taken out? We will see some prophecies fulfilling as we get yet closer to that great and terrible day. Great for us but terrible for rest of the world. :popcorn

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I think we get raptured sometime in 2025. But I'll take at any moment for sure.

I thought, why not ask God to show me in a dream for the timing, so, I started asking & continued asking for about a year until I had a definite & clear dream. Once I woke up, I realized that God gave me what I've been praying for.

Then I prayed to know IF that dream was from Him, prayed for another whole year. I then got another dream confirming that same year, 2025.

So, we will know that those dreams were just dreams & not from God IF we see the New Year come in for 2026. I continue to pray that He did give those dreams to me. :prayer-hands:

I just had a 3rd dream but not for a specific year. Just that, first there will be persecution then we will go up right after that. Thats how we will know.

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😳 rapture not until 2025???   Are you a mid tribber and pre wrather?

The GREAT RESET starts in 2023 - 2030 … and

the red heifers will be ready to slaughter on Passover 2024 … and

there will be no real food in 2025 … only bugs and toxic lab “meat” … and

2 days ago … the Likud MK, Amit Halevi, pushes to divide the Temple Mount and sounds like it coincides with … King Charles getting ready to visit Israel soon with his 7 year peace and security plan …


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