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Patricia N.
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Belief in angels and demons is SKYROCKETING. Here’s why:

We’re in strange times. So strange that even staunch atheists are looking at what’s happening around the world and arriving at the conclusion that evil must be real. There’s no other way to explain the reality that across the globe that “we’re all protesting the same things our governments are doing.”

What’s happening is “global,” and “that makes it feel otherworldly … like evil is an actual force,” Glenn Beck tells renowned Christian artist and host of “The Symbolic World” Jonathan Pageau.

According to Pageau, this widespread realization that supernatural forces are real is because “materialism is running out,” meaning that the belief that we live in a finite, tangible world completely void of spirituality isn't offering sufficient answers to the questions people have. Such pragmatism simply can’t explain the phenomena we’re all experiencing.

“People are reaching that conclusion in science, in psychology, in all the different fields simultaneously,” says Pageau.

...a great many people who are waking up to the reality that we live in a spiritually embattled cosmos.

These are the subjects Glenn and Pageau dive into. To hear their fascinating conversation, watch the episode above. [at the link]


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I logged in, went to Rapture chat. But when I try to go to previous page, it logs me out.  Is anyone else having this issue or is it my computer?

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@davedave I just tried it.  It went to the previous page for me.

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@terry Works for me.

Patricia N.
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UpTime Gang, We KNOW How it ENDS:

[Just over two hours long]

Patricia N.
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The Scoffers Will One Day Learn… Jesus’ Return Was Not An Empty Promise:

Shortly before His arrest, Jesus assured His troubled disciples, “In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also” (John 14:2–3). The last promise in the entire Bible echoes this guarantee: “Surely I am coming quickly” (Revelation 22:20). The hope of Jesus’ Second Coming is precious to all Bible-believing Christians, as we long for all things to be made right.

However, it has been almost 2,000 years since Jesus promised to return. This fact produces a tension in believers who must by faith continue to hold to the words of Christ while they wait and hope that He will return during their lifetimes. Believers also must endure those who scoff at them for believing such a promise. Skeptics reason, He should have come back by now if He’s coming.

The apostle Peter predicted, “Scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, and saying, ‘Where is the promise of His coming?’” (2 Peter 3:3–4). The word scoffer refers to someone who mocks and makes fun of what they consider to be an empty and ridiculous promise. Scoffers ask, “Why does God delay? In a world of so much sorrow and trouble, why does God not come to fix it now?”

God “is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance” (v. 9). One reason Jesus has not yet returned is that He is waiting for more people to come to faith in Him. The word repentance implies a change of mind about sin and its solution. People must admit they are sinners and need a solution outside of themselves. As a result, they turn to Christ in faith (the flip side of repentance), trusting His work on the cross and His resurrection as the basis for their salvation. Without that, the alternative is to “perish,” a word signifying the horrible destiny of those who never make peace with God.

I came to faith in Christ on August 18, 1974. If Jesus had come back to Earth on August 17, 1974, where would I be? I thank God that He waited for me. And He may wait for you also. But a day is coming when the wait will be over—when Jesus returns. Are you ready for that day? Have you made peace with God by trusting Jesus as your Savior?


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Hurricane Helene made landfall on 9/27/2024. 9/27/24+119(17x7)=Jan 24, 2025.  Some have said this is when the Pregnant woman's water broke.  Major flooding in NC and other states(104 died).  Queen Helene of Adiabene, a Persian province, had a God-chosen son named Izates.  King Izates' english gematria is 726=Harpazo.  From Pregnant woman sign (9/23/17 to 1/24/2025) is 2680 days.  2680=40x67.  40 is a waiting period and 67(Three score and seven) is found 3 times in the Bible.  Paul finishes his 5th and final missionary in 67AD.  In 67 AD, Paul is in prison and writes his final book, 2Timothy.  Psalms 67, credited to King David, is a song praising God and expressing his desire that the whole world comes to salvation.

Patricia N.
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Rejoice That Trump Is Back In Office, But Place Your Hope Squarely In The One Who Placed Him There:

As President Trump and his new administration take to the White House, many Americans are feeling hopeful—hopeful for the future of the nation, the economy, foreign policy, the job market, government efficiency, and even cultural changes as he rolls back certain DEI and woke policies. But even as many Christians rejoice in a new administration that will do more to promote righteousness and human flourishing than the previous one, we need to remember a vital truth: our hope is not in politics.

We’re finite human beings, living in the days God has placed us in, with a limited view of the past and no knowledge of the future (other than what God has revealed in his Word!). It’s easy for us to become so focused on the temporal that we forget we serve the God who is over all of history, who is sovereign, and who raises up and brings down leaders—good, bad, and in-between—for His own purposes and plans. Our hope for now and eternity is in that God, not in any man, party, or set of policies.

Yes, we can be thankful for the results of the election. We can and should praise God for His mercy in sparing us another term of rabidly pro-abortion, pro-LGBTQ, and anti-freedom leaders. We should be thankful for the changes we’re already seeing in our culture and in major corporations as they walk back their woke policies. But we must always view everything through the Biblical lens of the God who is sovereign over all and who calls us, whether things are “good” or “bad” in this nation, to be about his business until he returns.

And really, we shouldn’t have to change from what we were doing during the last administration—we should have been on about the business of the King, anticipating His return. In other words, we should always be on about reaching as many as we can with the truth of God’s Word and the gospel.

I encourage you to take time today to pray for President Trump and his administration, including the men and women newly appointed to various roles. Pray that they will do what is right and just, with integrity. Pray that they will defend life and the family unit. And pray for their salvation! Then be about the King’s business of proclaiming His gospel and defending His truth until He returns.


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Grand Cross Lineup(8/18/1999) plus 9292 days is Jan. 25.  Reverse 92=29 means departure. 92 symbolizes the completion of a cycle.

Great Conjunction(12/21/2020) plus 1496 days is Jan. 25.  1496= 17x88  17 means Jesus and 88 means abundance and prosperity in the Bible.

Patricia N.
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The UpTime Gang: The Ties to Feast of Weeks and the Rapture: With Aaron P.

[2 hours 8 minutes]


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CJ Lovik.  Audio only.  He said the video will be posted the middle of February but what he has to say is too important to wait till then.

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This video is from The Exalted Lamb 1, pointing to February 9th.  It is long and full of numbers, just to warn you.  I was thinking about Lisa Leenie's Vision(1988) of 11192.  If you reverse her numbers 29111.  2/9/2025  5-2=3 for the three ones


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