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When the ones who miss the rapture and take the mark, they will kmnow exactly what they are choosing.

Patricia N.
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Why God Dedicated Over One-Third Of The Bible To Telling Us The Future In Advance:

The Bible is a book of prophecy. Over one-third of its verses predict the future, with every fulfillment happening with one hundred percent accuracy down to the smallest of details.

The Old Testament contains forty-eight specific prophecies related to Jesus’ first coming, which happened precisely as the prophets of old foretold. The odds that one person could fulfill all of them stagger the imagination, and together, they verify that He was truly the promised Messiah, the Christ.

During His earthly ministry, the Lord prepared His disciples for what was coming by repeatedly telling them about His future death and resurrection.

... the Lord also promised His disciples, and us, that He would prepare a place for us in Heaven and take us to His “Father’s house” (John 14:1-3). The apostles later expounded upon this assurance by adding many details about it. They told us He would someday:

  • Resurrect the dead in Christ (1 Corinthians 15:47-55; I Thessalonians 4:16).
  • Transform living saints into the same immortal and resurrection bodies (1 Corinthians 15:51-55; Philippians 3:20-21; Romans 8:23-24; 1 John 3:1-3).
  • Catch living believers up to meet Him in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:17).
  • Take His Church to Heaven, to the place He’s preparing for us (John 14:2-3; Colossians 3:4).

Why did Jesus provide us with so many precious promises of our future? He did so for the purpose of providing a means of mutual encouragement among believers (1 Thessalonians 4:18-5:11).

Amid growing opposition to and, in many cases, persecution for our faith Bible amid daily warnings of nuclear WWIII, prophecy comforts us today in at least two ways. First, it assures us of a glorious future after the end of this life. The pre-Tribulation Rapture is biblically sound and most definitely a very “blessed hope” (Titus 2:11-14) that fills us with joyous anticipation regardless of what we face in this life.

Second, it calms our hearts by assuring us that our world today precisely resembles what Scripture foretold about the last days. The Lord revealed these things long ago so that we might remain confident in our faith as everything falls apart around us. We recognize the buildup to the blasphemous kingdom of the beast and know that regardless of the wait, Jesus is coming for us in the near future.

For example, if the antichrist is to control all the buying and selling in the world, we would expect to see the development of the means for this well ahead of the time he needs it. And that’s exactly what’s happening. The globalists are feverishly working on a cashless and digital payment system that will enable the coming beast to fulfill the words of Revelation 13:16-18.

The Bible tells us that the Tribulation will be a time of great lawlessness, deception, and wickedness. Although these things have existed to some degree throughout history, they define the day in which we live like no other time. 

Jesus knew all about the difficulties we would face in the days before His appearing to take us home. He realized it would be difficult to wait as we watch the Tribulation approach and wonder how much closer we can get to the Tribulation before it happens. Perhaps that’s why, as Jesus spoke of His return to the church at Philadelphia, He emphasized “patient endurance” and holding on to what we have (Revelation 3:10-11). He knew we would need these things in order to keep our focus on His appearing.

Everything remains under His sovereign control and is unfolding precisely as he said it would in the days leading up to the Rapture. As we wait, we remember His last words to His church: “I am coming quickly” (Revelation 22:20).

He is.


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Our Fulfillment is Found in Jesus with the Uptime Gang:

[2 hours 10 minutes]

Patricia N.
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Bible sales soar as world events continue to shake:

Circana Bookscan, the industry’s primary data collection resource on book sales, has some joyful news to report to those who love the Bible. As of October 2024, sales of the "Scriptures Bible" are up 22% in the U.S. compared to their figures of the same time last year.

In general, print book sales are decreasing with the rise in digital books, and Circana’s overall statistics show a rise of just 1% across the spectrum of all printed books. However, more people are now paying to get a physical copy of the Bible in their hands.

The Bible has always been a bestseller, outstripping the sales of every other book each year. It is the most popular book in the world with an estimated 5 billion copies sold worldwide. However, with adherence to the Christian faith allegedly dropping, according to Pew Research figures, it might seem surprising that Bible sales are moving in the opposite direction.

Jeff Crosby, president of the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association explained, “People are experiencing anxiety themselves, or they’re worried for their children and grandchildren.”

However, there are other dynamics at work. Many influencers are publicly finding faith in our increasingly secular society, and taking their followers with them.

Actor and comedian, Russell Brand, recently became a Christian and has been publicly exploring the Bible, sharing insights on social media. In one post, he read the passage from 1 Corinthians 13 about love, “I don't know why I assumed I knew what was in this book without looking at it,” he told his nearly 7 million followers on YouTube alone.

Former Fox News host, Tucker Carlson, invited Brand to “close in prayer” at the end of the first event in his live national tour in Phoenix, Arizona on Sept. 4.

Brand got on his knees and said the Lord’s Prayer in front of an audience of thousands. Carlson himself has also been increasingly vocal about his faith in God on his show hosted on 𝕏, which is now watched by more than his audience on Fox.

Several other public figures have recently found faith and shared their experiences.

Another new believer, comedian JP Sears, shared his thoughts about the social phenomenon taking place.

“My hypothesis of why are people accidentally getting more Christian I think at least in our lifetimes I’ve never seen the presence of evil so obvious,” said Sears. “If you don’t resonate with the evil…you’ll naturally go in that opposite direction of evil – you’ll polarize in the other direction. And what’s in the other direction? It’s God.”

The Bible has even had an airing on the most popular podcast in the world.  
Joe Rogan recently read the entire chapter of Revelation 13 on his show, “The Joe Rogan Experience” which has 18.6 million subscribers, while he considered the possibility that we are seeing biblical prophecy unfold in our days.


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Steve Fletcher is saying that December 8th could be a big day.

Tiffany S
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This of from Keegan Fernandes on telegram… he posts a lot of what Amir posts and then posts some of his own stuff…. 🙏🙏🙏

This is how i believe that the next order prophetic events could unfold between now and April 2025...


1. The Rapture ☁️🎺 (is imminent!)

2. The Destruction of Damascus🇮🇷🇸🇾🔥🇮🇱 (is already in progress and set to go nuclear, which will lead to the price of oil skyrocketing! 🔥⛽️ During this full blown Psalm 83 multifront war the Al Aqsa Mosque will be destroyed which will pave the way for the building of the 3rd Temple 🇮🇱🐂🕍! This could be fulfilled between now and January 2025!) 

3. New Pandemic🦠💉(has already begun which will lead to stock market crash and a global lockdown by March 2025, just like the globalists did back in March 2020!)

4. Red Heifer Sacrifice🐂 (Passover April 2025). There are 2 eligible Red Heifers left!

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@tiffanys I can go with Jan 2025, I'll explain in a little while why I think that. The 19th actually, a day before the inauguration. 

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If we are still here after Steve Fletcher's date above, I've got my eyes on the full moon December 15.  I went looking for something about the sun being in Ophiuchus and the opening of the gates of heaven that I learned from Craig Bong...he said he got it from Chuck Missler.  I know nothing about the sky signs, but I found this guy talking about it.  Craig said the Journey of the Souls and opening of the Gates of Heaven is the first of the month when the sun is in the constellation of Ophiuchus.  From what this video says December 14-15 would be when the sun first enters the golden gate. December 15 is the full moon....bingo for those who think the month starts at the full moon. Listen from about the 43min mark to 46min mark. He says the sun is still in the golden gate thru Dec. 26 when it enters the tabernacle or boat.  I get from the video that the gold is the milky way and represents heaven. 

-Fair Use-

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@blue The book of Enoch describes the sun, and the moon and the opening of the gates as well as the regulation of the weather gates.

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@blue  Many of the people, that study the dead sea scrolls and the Book of Jubilees along with the Bible, say that the Rapture must occur in 2024.  December 15th is the last full moon of 2024 (Proverbs 7, the good husband returns at the full moon).  I noticed that from the Pregnant woman sign in 2017 to Dec. 15th, 2024 is 2,640 days.  Reverse the 26 and 40: Read  Isaiah 40:26,  sounds similar to a Rapture. "calling each by its name"  "not a single one is missing"

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At the above link scroll down to Dusk, Dec. 13 - 15.  This could be a prophetic sign predicting the rapture.  Jupiter as the king planet represents God and is between the horns of Taurus which represents the second coming.  On December 14, the moon which represents the church (having no light of her own but reflecting the sun's) passes right by Jupiter through one of the horns of Taurus.

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And he's back!  Dr. Barry, Hanukkah rapture.  Haven't watched yet.  Sounds pretty exciting.

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Patricia N.
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I never knew that Enoch's name is related to Hanukkah.  Enoch, the man who never died but was taken to heaven directly. How exciting!  And Christmas and the first night of Hanukkah are on the same date this year!  Definitely a high watch date because this day if the rapture happened would be a witness to both the Jews and the entire Western world.

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Five Doves, Donna Danna (8 Dec 2024)
"WEF Working With Bill Gates To 'Debunk' The Bible Using A.I., Usher In Universal 'One World Religion.'"

"The World Economic Forum (WEF) and billionaire Bill Gates have been working together in the background to rewrite the Holy Bible using artificial intelligence and release a new version that will to usher in a new universal spirituality to fit within their vision of a transhumanistic world."

"The new plan, which has already received the blessing of Pope Francis, aims to reconstruct the core teachings of Christianity with a new AI “fact-checked” version that will force the masses to accept as their new God."

"Recently, WEF official Yuval Noah Harar claimed the Bible is “dangerous” because it’s full of “hate speech,” arguing that a more “unified religion” must be created that’s “actually correct.”
"That’s right, Harar believes the Bible in its current form does not fit into the WEF’s globalist vision, therefore, a new version must be created to reshape spirituality."
"The global elite know that the teachings of Jesus Christ go directly against their dark spirituality, and their agenda can only succeed in a world devoid of religion." FULL STORY at above link.
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