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Patricia N.
Posts: 4258
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Amir Tsarfati's Bible Bites:

....We are in a unique season of history as we watch world events unfold that indicate a change is near, even at the doors! That change is the transition from the church age to the 70th week of Daniel, which requires the removal of the church from the earth.

After all, the church was not present during any of the first 69 fulfilled weeks of the 70 determined for Daniel’s people and the Holy City (Daniel 9:24). That precedent implies the removal of the church before the 70th week can begin.

The last time the Jews had possession of Jerusalem at the same time the church existed was right after Jesus came the first time, while the church was still in its infancy. Now for the first time in history, not only are the Jews in possession of Jerusalem but the nation of Israel and the church exist simultaneously! Could it be that this unprecedented event has happened right before Jesus comes for His church, and then seven years later with His church at the second coming?

Of course this is purely speculation. But aren’t we supposed to live expecting Him to come for us at any moment?

With the world a delusional mess and the Middle East an exploding powder keg and much of the church not enduring sound doctrine, we should be expecting to hear the sound of the trumpet of God calling us to meet the dead in Christ and the Lord Himself in the air.

A wonderfully, comforting thought!

Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus.


Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

The True Meaning of Rosh Hashanah:

....Rosh Hashanah is the first of three Fall festivals — the Feast of Trumpets, Yom Kippur (also known as the Day of Atonement), and the Feast of Tabernacles. These are not just ancient traditions; they are prophetic events with deep meaning for Israel and for all believers. Rosh Hashanah is a day when the children of Israel are called to come together for “Yom Teruah”, a day of trumpeting. It is a special moment for Israel to remember their covenant relationship with the God of Israel and to seek His presence in a time of repentance and reflection.

This year, Rosh Hashanah will be observed on October 2nd, and around the world, especially in the land of Israel, Jewish people will gather in synagogues, blow the trumpets, and hold a holy convocation. It will be a Sabbath day, a day when no customary work is done, and the people of Israel will come together before the Lord. This day marks the culmination of a whole month of asking for God’s forgiveness, a period called “Selichah” in Hebrew, where they seek God’s mercy, praying and repenting at places like the Western Wall. This sacred time leads into the Ten Days of Awe, the days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, during which many Jews believe their fate is sealed, and their names are written in the Book of Life.

It is vital to understand the prophetic significance of Rosh Hashanah. Just as the first four festivals — Passover, Unleavened Bread, Firstfruits, and Pentecost — were fulfilled during Jesus’ first coming, the last three festivals — Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and the Feast of Tabernacles — will be fulfilled at His second coming. These feasts are not merely historical or cultural events; they are divine appointments set by God to reveal His plan of salvation for Israel and for the world.

As we read the Bible, it is clear that certain events must still unfold before we see the fulfillment of the last three festivals. The prophet Daniel speaks in Daniel 9 of seventy weeks determined for the people of Israel and for the city of Jerusalem. Sixty-nine of those weeks have already taken place, culminating in the coming of Jesus, who offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice. But the 70th week — the seven-year Tribulation — is yet to come. This period is also for Israel and will be a time of great testing and revelation.

During this Tribulation period, Israel will undergo immense suffering. The prophet Zechariah talks about this time in several places. In 13:8-9, he speaks of two-thirds of Israel perishing, but one-third being brought through the fire and refined. This remnant, according to Zechariah 12:10, will see Jesus returning, recognizing Him as the One they pierced. When He finally arrives back on earth, with His feet on the Mount of Olives as prophesied in Zechariah 14:4, all remaining Israel will recognize Him as their Messiah. Then, as Romans 11:26 states:

“All Israel will be saved.”

This fulfillment will come. Guaranteed. The Feast of Trumpets, or Rosh Hashanah, will find its completion at the return of Jesus to Israel and for Israel when He comes with His church. This will be followed by Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement – when Israel repents, and finally, the Feast of Tabernacles, which will be fulfilled in the Millennial Kingdom when Jesus reigns from Jerusalem and tabernacles with the people of Israel once again. Yes, just as the first four feasts were fulfilled in chronological order within a timeframe of 50 days, so will the final three festivals be fulfilled in chronological order – but this time within just 20 days. And just as the first four feasts and their fulfillments centered around the nation of Israel, so will the final three.

....For believers in Jesus, the Messiah, we know that we are not waiting for any festival to determine whether our names are written in the Book of Life. The moment we put our faith in Jesus, our names are already written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. We are saved by God’s grace, not by our own works. Once we are part of His family, we are immediately to put ourselves into a state of readiness for the day when the Messiah will return to the clouds to take us to be with Him during the Rapture.

There are some who say, “There is the sound of a trumpet at the Rapture, so it must be on Rosh Hashanah.” But the trumpet heard when Jesus comes to collect His church is a heavenly trumpet, not the sound of horns on the earth. So, when it comes to the Rapture, there is no reason to get excited about Rosh Hashanah. When you think about it, if we believe that the Rapture must happen during this specific festival, we nullify God’s promise that it could happen at any time. Jesus Himself said that no one knows the day or the hour of His return. We are to live in a state of constant readiness, understanding that He could come at any moment.

While some in the church may celebrate Rosh Hashanah, we must do so remembering Israel. We are called to pray earnestly for their salvation, for the veil to be lifted from their eyes, and for them to come to know the truth of the Gospel.

In these days of reflection and anticipation, let us keep our focus on Jesus, our Messiah, and live in readiness for His imminent return. Let us not be swayed by sensationalism or false excitement, but instead, stand firm in the promises of God, knowing that He is faithful and true.


Patricia N.
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