Uptime Community [1 hour] Pastors, Don’t Let Your Churches Remain Unaware Of What Lies Ahead: If I were to select one word that sums up most people today, it would be “unaware.” Despite the myriad of signs that tell us that the start of the Tribulation period is long overdue, few people are paying attention. Most believers pursue their aspirations with little or no understanding of the times in which they live. Is this not yet another sign that we live in the last days? I believe it is: “For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and they were unaware until the flood came and swept them all away, so will be the coming of the Son of Man” (Matthew 24:38-39, emphasis added). The words “they were unaware” in the English Standard Version are literally “they did not know” in the original. Because the people in Noah’s day didn’t believe his warnings about God’s impending judgment, it was as if they didn’t know about it until it started raining. Some versions of the Bible translate the words as “they did not understand.” The Lord’s design for His church was to live with an anticipation of His imminent return. Why else would He instruct His followers to be ready and watch for His return? (Matthew 24:44; 2513). The sense of Philippians 3:20 is that we “eagerly await” Jesus’ appearing. Immediately upon turning to the Lord, the new converts at Thessalonica began anticipating His coming (1 Thessalonians 1:9-10). An additional advantage of such an expectation is that an awareness of what the Bible says about our day calms our hearts and enables us to live with hope. We don’t have to run from the news of our day or pretend that things will get better with time. We know these are biblical times and Jesus is coming for us soon. I’m surprised by how many Christians today remain unaware of the lateness of our day. They talk and plan as though nothing will interfere with either their near-term or long-term aspirations. The problem is not with the planning itself but with doing so without an understanding of the imminent dangers that threaten their livelihood. For many, their unawareness extends beyond that of the nearing Rapture and includes that of the dangers knocking at our day. Globalists plot how to dramatically reduce the world’s population while dire economic conditions seem probable in the not-so-distant future. The threat of World War III has never been greater than it is now. Life between now and the Rapture may become increasingly scary and perilous. Because so many around us are unaware of what’s coming, it’s essential that we remain focused on the prize ahead for us, continue to study Scripture, and be ready to give an answer to those who ask about our hope (1 Peter 3:15). If there ever was a time to obey the Lord’s command to watch for His return, it’s now! https://harbingersdaily.com/pastors-dont-let-your-churches-remain-unaware-of-what-lies-ahead/ Woo hoo, Nelson! He thinks The Covenant happens at Feast of Trumpets. HOWEVER, he said it's at the Summit for the Future. That's Sept. 22-23. So whenever he said a couple of "months" I translated that to a couple of "Weeks"! God Doesn’t Lie: The Danger Of ‘Spiritualizing’ Biblical Prophecy: Millions of Christians look at end-times prophecy like a giant, undiscernible maze. But, as with so many seemingly complex systems, there is a key that unlocks everything. The key to unlocking Bible prophecy is this — GOD NEVER LIES! Through the centuries, theologians came across prophecies they either didn’t like or that seemed impossible. So, they would fudge. It’s as if they were thinking, “God goofed up a little here, so I’ll explain it away.” Where His Word makes a plain statement of fact, they would hedge. “It says one thing, but it must mean something else,” they would explain. Bible interpretation loses its integrity when people begin to read into it whatever they want to find. For instance, God made certain promises to Abraham. But the obvious interpretation of those promises involves things theologians of the Middle Ages either did not like or that did not seem possible. So, they “spiritualized” the promises. They didn’t like the fact that the obvious interpretation was a promise to Abraham’s physical descendants through the line of Isaac (and later Jacob). Their other problem was that they just couldn’t see how the promises to Abraham regarding his descendants could come true. That is, they seemed implausible… until God started to miraculously fulfill those promises. It had become a matter of faith (or maybe anti-faith) that God would not literally fulfill His promises to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, and others. Ezekiel 37, pictures the children of Israel as a bunch of bones in an ancient cemetery — utterly dry, and with the bones dispersed all over the place. In verse 4, God said to Ezekiel, “Prophesy over these bones, and say to them, ‘O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord.” In verses 7-8, Ezekiel testifies, “As I prophesied, there was a noise, and behold, a rattling; and the bones came together, bone to its bone. And I looked, and behold, sinews were on them, and flesh grew, and skin covered them; but there was no breath in them.” In the following verses, God gives them the breath of life. Here again, we see the order. First, they are reassembled. Then, after being reunited in the land, they receive the breath of life. That’s where we are now. Israel is being reassembled before our eyes. As a whole, they don’t yet have the breath of life, but we can know that it’s coming because God said it would. And GOD NEVER LIES! https://harbingersdaily.com/god-doesnt-lie-the-danger-of-spiritualizing-biblical-prophecy/ Starts 3:45 -Fair Use- The western wall last night. Thousands of Jewish worshippers, ahead of Yom Kippur, are singing/chanting/praying the famous liturgical song: “Lord of forgiveness” Many in the world are hurting now. If America doesn't turn back to God soon, satan will do what he has always done, to destroy this country and all other countries who hate God with a lot of people who don't believe in Jesus. Our prayers are coming up to you, Father, we need you now. Israel, I believe are seeing the need of God, may we pray they see Jesus better before He comes. The AntiChrist is ready and God is warning the world, turn! Come Jesus Come
Soon In Daniel 9:27: "the ruler makes a treaty with the people for a period of 7 years". I believe this is the AC making a peace treaty with Israel and its enemies (peace and safety). As we approach 9/22 or 9/23, a big thing that is different this year is that Israel is at war (since 10/7/2023). Must have Israel at war in order to have a peace treaty. We don't know what tomorrow will bring, but we know God's in control. We know time is short now for Jesus return, get serious!
A Star Will Come out of Jacob:
We have sinned before You,
have mercy upon us.
Lord of forgiveness,
Examiner of hearts.
Revealer of the depths,
Speaker of righteousness.
We have sinned before You,
have mercy upon us. (x2)
Glorious in wonders,
Eternal in consolations,
Who remembers the covenant of our forefathers,
Reader of all our hidden parts.
We have sinned before You,
have mercy upon us. (x2)
Perfect with good attributes,
Awesome in praises.
Who forgives wrongdoings,
And answers those in distress.
We have sinned before You,
have mercy upon us. (x2)