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Amen, very well said.

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Two possibilities for Feast of Trumpets. Sept. 5 per Torah Calendar or October 3 per Hebcal and other Jewish sites. Comment starting approximately at 15:38.

Patricia N.
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Five Doves' Neil Lipken (11 Aug 2024) "This is outstanding! Pastor Jack Hibbs on the soon Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church!"

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Today, Russia threatens the West with WW3.  At what other time in history would this be "back page" news?  Russia has the world's largest supply of nuclear weapons.  These must be the end times.  Read Revelation 18; the great Babylon is destroyed "in a single moment", in Tribulation.  Many believe the great Babylon is the USA.  However, the believers in Christ will be raptured out, plucked away like ripe tomatoes.

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ROTFL   Tee hee, ripe tomatoes!  Is that a compliment?  Oh well, as my dad used to say, Call me what you like, just don't call me late for dinner.

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@terry  Yes, it's a compliment.   Ripe tomatoes came to mind, so I went with it.  I could have used any kind of fruit or vegetable.  The Rapture is known as the "Main Harvest", hence the farm theme.

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Romans 8 11-14  I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.  

God has given us His word to know we will be brought into freedom and glory as His children, I can't wait, He will liberate us from decay. We are at times, suffer, but all this will not be worth anything, because His glory will be revealed in us one day. I'm watching and using my gifts that God has given us, but when it's all over, when Jesus reaches down to us at the last moment, I will let go and let go of this world, begin my life with Jesus in Heaven with thankfulness, see you in the air!

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From the Compass E-Newsletter this week:

Have a great and relaxing holiday weekend because from here to October 4 (potential Rapture of the Church) and November 5 (elections) it's going to be wild!

Patricia N.
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Scientists expect Star of Jacob to appear this month:

What I see for them is not yet, What I behold will not be soon: A star rises from Yaakov, A scepter comes forth from Yisrael; It smashes the brow of Moab, The foundation of all children of Shet. Numbers 24:17

Scientists predict that a nova in the star system called T Coronae Borealis, or T CrB, will be visible to people on Earth in the next month. T CrB will appear 1,500 times brighter than usual, making it the 50th brightest star in the night sky. This nova may just be the Star of Jacob Balaam described as presaging the appearance of the Messiah.

A nova is the temporary brightening of a star before it fades again, not to be confused with a supernova that occurs when a massive star explodes at the end of its life.

T CrB is a binary star system made up of a red giant and a white dwarf. They orbit each other every 228 days at about half the distance between Earth and the Sun. In this case, the earth-size white dwarf is slowly stripping hydrogen away from the ancient red giant. Once enough hydrogen accumulates on the white dwarf, the growing pressure and heat trigger a thermonuclear blast visible from Earth.

As T CrB is 2,630 light-years from Earth, light from the binary system requires 2,630 years to arrive at Earth. The nova we will see occurred over 2,000 years ago, but its light will reach us next month. 

T CrB is one of ten recurrent novas recorded that erupt on time scales of less than a century. 

T CrB was first observed in the fall of 1217 by Burchard, abbot of Ursberg, Germany, who recorded “a faint star that for a time shone with great light.” Observations during its past two novae in 1866 and 1946 showed that T CrB became slightly brighter about ten years before the nova was visible from Earth. After brightening, the light from T CrB briefly dimmed, indicating an eruption before September 2024.

Astronomers predict that the next nova event will occur between February and September. Scientists are excited as this will be the first outburst since modern spectroscopic observations have been available. 

During the next Nova event, T CrB, also known as the Blaze Star, is expected to jump to second magnitude, making it similar in brightness to the North Star, Polaris. It could be visible to the naked eye for several days and potentially visible for over a week through binoculars before dimming and returning to obscurity. The next nova for T CrB is not expected for another 80 years, making this a potential once-in-a-lifetime astronomical event.

Efraim Palvanov, a teacher and author, writes the blog Mayim Achronim (Final Waters)...“We know that probably one of the oldest prophecies and traditions about the Moshiach (Messiah) comes from Balaam, a Gentile prophet who came to curse Israel but couldn’t curse them,” Palvanov said. “Instead, he gives a prophecy that actually says, ‘I will tell you what will happen at the end of days.’

What I see for them is not yet, What I behold will not be soon: A star rises from Yaakov, A scepter comes forth from Yisrael; It smashes the brow of Moab, The foundation of all children of Shet. Numbers 24:17

“It’s one of the few places that the Torah uses the expression, ‘end of days’,” Palvanov notes. “Balaam says that he is looking far into the future and he prophesies that a star will emerge from Jacob. 

“There was always, even in ancient times, an association of Moshiach, or a potential Messiah with the star of Jacob. “Balaam even prophecies that this star will mark the end of Amalek.”

He saw Amalek and, taking up his theme, he said: A leading nation is Amalek; But its fate is to perish forever. Numbers 24:20

The date described in the Zohar as the day on which the star will appear corresponds to the Hebrew date the 25th of Elul. The Zohar specifies that this date will fall on a Friday.

This year, the 25th of Elul falls on the 28th of September. 


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@patrician  Wow.  That is amazing that the light is over 2,000 years old.  I like September 22 for a high Rapture watch date.  I will put up a post explaining why I like September 22.

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Elul 30, The Last Day
From Doves this week.
He thinks Elul 30 is Sept. 3-4.  My calendar from Mark Biltz says the 29th of Elul, no 30th, is Oct. 2.


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The various calendars are so confusing!  

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