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Patricia N.
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How the Bible is growing the faith of Iranian refugees:

At a church in the south-west of England, a young Iranian receives an easy-to-read Bible in modern Persian. He can't believe it. 'If they see you holding a Bible like this in Iran,' he says, 'they kill you.'

Bible Society is known for international Bible translation and distribution, but the story that inspired its founding 220 years ago (Mary Jones and her Welsh Bible) involved providing Scriptures within Britain in a non-English language. Today, while Bible Society remains the main publisher of the Scriptures resources in Welsh, multilingual domestic outreach also means putting the Bible in the hands of refugees.

Not everyone is enthusiastic about new arrivals in this country. Increasing numbers in recent years are remarkable at least statistically, and at the General Election, various parties (including the one that won) promised they'd make the numbers fall. But for the Church, more people within reach is more to reach, so you'll find churches at the forefront of welcoming new arrivals – wherever they've come from.

The charity Welcome Churches, a Bible Society partner that now has more than 1,300 member congregations, has been working since 2018 (very much in the context of the huge increase in what the Government calls 'irregular arrivals') to see every refugee welcomed by a church.

A great example of a welcoming church is a small congregation in the south-west of England who have found newly arrived Iranians very receptive to their outreach. More than two-thirds of people in their pews on a Sunday are now Iranian.  What turns visitors into members? It would seem to be the Bible. If refugees are coming for the welcome, they're staying for the Word.

'The Bible is so precious to them,' a church member said of the Iranians in her congregation, who are becoming integral members. 'Many of them had never held a Bible before. It's wonderful to give them one. You can see the joy in their eyes. One Iranian woman recently brought to church a Moroccan woman she'd met at the hotel. We had an Arabic Bible for her. Now she wants to get baptized. These Iranians are reaching beyond their group.'


Perhaps Today
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As bad as I long for the rapture, I am willing to hang on and endure until Jesus gets every soul that belongs to Him.

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When I put my faith in God's word, I have faith in what God says about tomorrow. Whoever becomes president and vice president of America, we can trust God to bring us all home at anytime and we will be together in paradise with Jesus forever. I'm not worried because the current moment in this world, God's Spirit was sent to us and our peace begin at that second. Keep looking up, for Jesus is coming fast!

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Perhaps Today
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@flyaway-com Yes, I agree. God seats kings and removes them.


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We don’t know what tomorrow holds, but we know who holds tomorrow. We have no way of knowing what our future will be however, as Christians, we know the one who knows–God. We should not worry about the future, because our times are in His hands (Psalm 31:15). In other words, God will give you what you need when you need it.

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something big
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It's a shame he doesn't believe in the rapture. I am sure he will be pleasantly surprised when he gets to be removed before the wrath....

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@churchgal I wondered if the something big that is coming is the rapture.

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@terry In the interview I saw with him and Tucker Carlson, Rich believes that the tribulation is coming.....and on that point we agree. However he believes we will be here through it and there is no rapture, he believes that line about Darby. So hope he won't mind a playful "told ya so" on the way up.... Yes

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gone to see Dad
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On July 5th, Joe Biden said that he would not quit the race, unless the Lord came down and told him to quit.  I guess the Lord must be in the area or in the vicinity.

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Paul R
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@davedave ROTFL

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From LA Marzulli:

Now with the Advent of AI a normal human being cannot ascertain what he's looking at, what's truth. There's a scripture I've been quoting from um frequently um it's from Isaiah 59:14 and it says this, that justice is turned back, righteousness stands far away, truth is thrown to the street, and honesty cannot come in. With the Advent of AI we no longer can assertain what we're looking at. Is that real? Am I looking at something that's real or is it fabrication? Is it AI? We don't know, we don't know. And this is why I think in my opinion we are in the last of the last days.

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@terry Definitely time to leave. There is no dealing with this!

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For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled Luke 21:22  For we know these days are becoming more evil.  Russia, China and Iran are all three working to make America ripe in their eyes punishment, to be taking out, because Israel is the one they are after. God is letting them do it for a reason, God's wrath is soon to come with the Antichrist. We heard China and Russia last night came close to Alaska to do whatever they are thinking and Iran's protesters are tearing down America and they want to destroy this country. Our government now is letting it happen in front of our eyes. God knows what will happen tomorrow and we keep trusting Him and will to the end. Lift your hands towards Heaven, praise Jesus because He's coming soon. Eph 6:13

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Patricia N.
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@flyaway-com  Here's an article about that.

Chinese and Russian Bombers Enter Alaska Air Defense Zone Together for the First Time:

The United States and Canada scrambled fighters on Wednesday as Chinese and Russian nuclear-capable bombers flew off the coast of Alaska.

According to the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), it was the first time a Chinese H-6 bomber had penetrated Alaska’s Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ).

An ADIZ is a buffer region surrounding a nation’s sovereign airspace. Sending military planes into another nation’s ADIZ is not an act of war, but it is considered provocative, especially since fighters will usually be launched to monitor the incoming aircraft and ensure they are not a threat.

China frequently sends warplanes into the ADIZ of Taiwan, for example, forcing the much smaller Taiwanese air force to exhaust itself in response — a tactic known as “gray zone” warfare.

NORAD noted that Russian bombers have entered Alaska’s ADIZ before, most recently in May, but this appears to be the first time Chinese bombers have accompanied them.


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Ephesians 6:13–17

Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm.  Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 

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