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Tiffany S
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That was incredible!! Thank you for sharing that link and interview!! Here is a verse that I’ve been clinging to since Rosh Hashanah passed (or maybe it truly hasn’t?) Rosh Hashanah has always been celebrated “at the sighting of the new moon” - December 12 is a new moon Smile :yahoo:

Habakkuk 2:3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak and not lie, though it tarry wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.


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Made Paul Harvey’s words come to life!

"If I Were The Devil" (TODAY'S) warning to America from 1965



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Paul Harvey hit the nail on the head for sure and it is, as the pictures show, true at every level. But the devil does not win … his time is shorter still …. Pray for the salvation of those that are in God’s Harvest … :prayer-hands:

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From The Economist. Dec 22nd 2012
(COP28 - signs of the times)

Even when they publish their plans in advance and in the open, many will still not understand and many will still be Deceived. Peggy W. W.


Patricia N.
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From Tom Gaston:

I have something amazing to show all of you!  So stay with me here and do not miss it!
You will see in my previous email below that when you add the dates “December 11th” and “December 12th” plus the gematria value for Hanukkah that you arrive at the current Jewish year of 5784 which = 784.  And this year the 8 days of Hanukkah is from December 8th to the 15th of December.  And the “middle” of the 8 days of Hanukkah puts you right at December 11th and December 12th.

Now since the “middle lamp” on the Menorah is called the “servant lamp” which represents Jesus / Yeshua, then I have been suggesting that Jesus may come for us possibly in the “middle of Hanukkah” ( ? ),  as He is seen in Revelation chapter one as in the “midst” ( in the middle / the middle lamp of the Menorah – Servant Lamp ) of the seven Churches which are represented as “ Lampstands / Menorah’s.” 
Jesus is the “light of the world” who indwells the Church by His Holy Spirit who has placed every believer permanently and eternally into the spiritual body of Christ ( 1st Corinthians 12:13 ). So this also means that the Church is the “light of Christ” shining in this dark world. Therefore the Church is “God’s Menorah in the earth.”  And when Jesus comes for His Church He is going to remove His Menorah ( The Church / the light of Christ in this world ) which will happen at the time of the resurrection / Rapture when Jesus takes His purchased blood bought gentile bride to heaven and places her in the Holy of Holies in heavens temple ( The New Jerusalem ).

[This came to my e-mail.  Since I don't believe in gematria, I'm not adding it here.  But, in Revelation, Christ is seen standing in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks that represent the churches.  Possibly the candles also represent the Menorah.  If so, that could be a big clue about Hanukkah.]
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Hello everyone! Does anyone recall where and why it was said that Feast of Trumpets hadn’t passed, and that December 12 is the true Feast of Trumpets?  

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I don't fully understand it, but if you go to Craig Bong's Facebook page, yesterday he made a post about it. 

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Thanks Blue!

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Blue, I see what you mean about Bong’s Feast of Trumpets explanation being complicated. I don’t understand it either.

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I know he thinks it is 3 months off.  I think he thinks the feasts don't occur until the harvest is over which is now. And I thought I saw that kings make war after Hanukkah which he thinks would be in the spring or they would freeze.  I also know others that say the calendar is one month off.  Then I saw someone else say that in 2030 the calendar is 2 months off and if you subtract 2520 days from Day of Attonement with that idea then you get December 14, 2023. I have seen so many calendar explanations it just makes me dizzy.  By the time they add an extra month here or there, who knows. All I  know is God gave us clues to watch for, and this week is looking good for a prime candidate to make a covenant with many for 7 years.  So keep looking up. We will soon see if this is the right one.

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