A friend sent me an email saying that Aaron talked to Craig Bong and he said the elites will possibly make another announcement on Friday, 8th day of Hanukkah, hmmm. We live in very exciting times..... The saints of old would have given up everything to live in these days. It's amazing the things that we get to see happening. I saw that Steve Fletcher is reporting that the UN is meeting again Friday about Peace and Safety too. After a bad bout of pneumonia, Pope Francis reportedly has improved significantly, but it has now arisen that he is making detailed plans for his funeral. Francis says he wants to be buried in the Rome Basilica of St. Mary Major, and not in the grottoes of the Vatican like other popes. Sources say he wants to be near his favorite icon of the Madonna. Francis has already said if he retires, as Pope Benedict XVI did in 2013, he would want to live outside the Vatican somewhere in Rome in a residence for retired priests. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/12/pope-francis-considers-resigning-decides-be-buried-outside/ Wow. Who would replace him? A disgusting new trend seems to be emerging. For the second time in recent memory, a school board official has decided to be sworn in not on the Holy Bible, but instead on a stack of smut and filth. As the Gateway Pundit reported, On Wednesday, Karl Frisch, a Democratic member of the Fairfax County School Board, was sworn in for his second term not on a Bible, but on a stack of banned LGBTQ children’s books. I find it unbelievable how many disgusting ways people can find to defy Jesus and this country.Pope Francis Considers Resigning:
Disgusting New Trend — Another School Board Official Sworn In on LGBTQ Books, Not the Bible:
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December 14, 2023 8:16 am
December 14, 2023 11:21 am
December 14, 2023 11:23 am
December 14, 2023 11:40 am
December 14, 2023 9:54 pm
December 15, 2023 11:39 am
Interesting 19 minute clip - Bob Barber with his uptime group and Aaron
Antichrist Armies getting into position for the rubber-band snap Rapture Event! Here with tares!
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December 15, 2023 9:50 pm
The Pontiff, who turns 87 on Sunday, declared that he never thought about resigning this year, despite a series of health scares.
December 15, 2023 10:05 pm
December 16, 2023 12:14 am
December 16, 2023 7:40 am