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And what is really haunting is that we may think we know how bad it will get but in reality we cannot conceive it. It will become so unbearable for those who become Christians after the rapture.

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Yes I think of that a lot — I keep praying for the blind to see before the rapture …. I just cannot imagine how they will survive although scripture says that some will (trib saints)… but my heart is very heavy for them… Cry

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Could it be those Christians that are just not into Bible prophecy and getting excited about end time events its because they just don’t have that spiritual gift to want to learn?

Some reasons might be:

They are solid believers but they have not absorbed the depth of God's Word.
They are untaught on the realm of the rapture and are only focused on heaven one day.
They are immersed in their christian ministries that don't focus on a rapture.
They live in small towns, somewhat isolated, focused on what God's given them to do.
They have dull teachers who only teach bible basics, without Holy Spirit maturing topics.
They love and serve God, know and live by the bible, and are happy and content with just that.
They are on mission fields laboring for the lost, poor and needy, teaching how to live for God.

I think it's just a matter of life's circumstances for every one, and every situation they are in from birth. There are so many variables in life re: where people are planted on earth and what they have available to them after salvation. Your location does really make a difference, from quiet farm life, to big city life, which are all together different in spiritual resources available to them. And it involves for many just a quiet walk with God vs. those who want to be involved in everything, which lends to all kinds of biblical learning potential.

It doesn't mean they aren't gifted, but more so I believe, it's often about different circumstances, personalities, spiritual leading, and God just blessing people where they are at in the talents and desires He has bestowed to each person.

We all have the unity of being Believers ~ but beyond that, being about Gods business for each one, can have a vast array of differences while still being in the Fathers will.

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(@Anonymous 394)
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Nicely explained, Kolleen. That helps me a lot. Being focused on Christ crucified, letting others see Christ in us, and letting Him work through us are the main things.

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You also have the Harold Camping's of the world who have made a farce out of the rapture. He makes believers in it look like luntics so I am sure many have shied away from the topic. It doesn't affect one's standing with God and there are many who truly love the Lord that do not want to touch this particular subject. My original comment on this was wrong. Everyone has their own walk with the Lord and I should be slow to judge others. Their motives are known to God alone and I am not privied to it.

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(@Anonymous 394)
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I’ll try not to tell them “I told you so!” when we get there. 🤣

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(@Anonymous 394)
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In the meantime we can enjoy watching together. Oh to finally see Him face to face. And the fellowship will be Heavenly.

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(@Anonymous 394)
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That is a very good point Yohanan about the Harold Campings.

Paul R
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Yeah. Thinking is difficult. That's why most people judge.

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(@Anonymous 394)
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In Revelation 2:17 Jesus talks about giving each overcomer a white stone with a new name written on it which no one knows except him who receives it. I am looking forward to that moment.

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