Firstly my Rapture theory! I am still partial to the 17th of the Hebrew month! Though many postulations have come forth based on involved mathematical manipulations and conjecture, I point as do the scriptures to the days and example of Noah! This based upon the simple premise that both the flood and the Rapture are universal and worldwide events to befall and affect every living being on the face of the Earth! Enough said, I imagine! Now to my theory with regards to chaos! Not discounting the prophetic acts of God, I believe that much local chaos can be attributed to pole shift and the positioning of the toilet paper roll on it's holder! For if the roll facing forward does not flow over the top as like a waterfall, rather than flowing from underneath as an underground river, this produces an imbalance in the force of nature helping to further precipitate the pole shift on the Earth! Ergo unnatural chaos develops! TR As to the latter theory being propigated by simple simple minded and uncaring of the world! That's my story and I'm sticking with it! TR i agree...ww3 could occur in each and every household at least in the usa if tp is not correctly- and you are correct- positioned :mdrmdr: My doggie comes running when I’m down to the last few sheets of the toilet paper roll … same with the kitchen paper towels … he’s always on high alert and will nudge open the bathroom door and then sticks his face inside the room waiting for me to place the empty roll into his mouth. Then he gleefully trots off with his tail wagging like he’s got some prize bone to chew. :wacko: Indeed, something for which I am fairly grateful! TR Although heartfelt, it's not anything we should get anal about! TR Ever notice that it takes a lifetime to learn how to love, and only minutes to master hate?! TR Yep, you sure don’t have to train a toddler to disobey. It comes naturally. Such potty humour, TR! You are really on a roll today. 😉 If you remove the little down-stroke stick from the second letter in "TR," you find "TP" which is almost always on a roll.
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