On May 14, 2017 .. Macron was given the title “co-Prince” of Andorra 😉 Interesting, do you think the false prophet might be a Rabbi? We see the pope being successful in bringing the world religions together, however, I question if the average unsaved person is captivated by him because there is so much sexual scandal within the Catholic churches and many were victims and they are bitter and church attendance is down. Thus saieth the ancient subterranian prophet -- and there shall arise a man in them there final days who will shake in the wind like a Tender Reed!!! What!! Tender Reed it looks like this ancient unknown prophet has mentioned your name in this very obscour prophecy-- here is a rule of thumb to live by--If it sticks like glue it will be all over you-but if it rolls off and onto the floor then sweep it out the door- Hee Hee!! Love you brother! LOL, better a tender reed than a broken one! I don't look to be part of end time prophecy in any fashion, except to be first in line for the Rapture! Please forgive me if I happen to push anyone and cut in line first. My bad! TR Haha Tender Reed...looking for the laughing emoticon...hope this is it! :mdrmdr: God has always been good to me. A miraculous birth, survived 4 heart attacks, and enjoyed His favor and provision throughout my life. If that doesn't make you tender I don't know what will! TR
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