Prince Charles call...
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Prince Charles calls for the Global Reset. The formation of the 10 kings.

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Santa Surfer got all teary and emotional in one video, saying Trump was a prophet of God. The whole Q thing quickly fizzled for me. It's roots are Gnosticism, they refer to white hats and black hats (good vs. evil), Trump being a white hat, bearer of truth and bringer of light. The time of setting up a strong delusion is here. People are looking to a man to save them and not Jesus.

E511 ministries does some good work, named for Ephesians 5:11

Ephesians 5:11 KJVS
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

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I agree last night I was watching a few of the old Santa Surfer youtubes or just reading the comment section and getting an eyeful.  It is disturbing of the hero/idol worship for Trump.  Don’t get me wrong ... I’m happy that he is draining the swamp but my trust is not in him and my home is not down here ... only looking up to Jesus and our heavenly home!  But the fans for Santa Surfer, Q, for Trump ... are not looking for the rapture to happen but instead ... to have the earth restored to GREATness.  That certainly wont happen until the Millennium Kingdom begins.  Meanwhile their focus is on buying gold and silver bars and coins since the GREAT reset is coming and they don’t want to lose their stocks, IRA etc. when everything crashes but I couldn’t help but think of this verse ...

Ezekiel 7:19

They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.

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While the unsaved world is looking for the GREAT reset ...

I had to have one myself with my vehicle.  Drove back to the dealership that “serviced” my recall 2 weeks ago.  I had a few error messages across my dash board ... they did a “GREAT Reset” to the computer database. 😉  Kind of like when they switch out a battery and everything goes nuts and hast to be reset?  The computer software in this vehicle is just over the top. :wacko:  I mentioned I guess I should read the thick book and watch the DVD.  The service guy replied don’t bother reading the book you will be more confused because they reference all the models and the various buttons/setting will not be in the same place. 🙁    After 1  1/2 hrs of waiting they said all is well.  So I’m driving back home and I got this message across the dash board ...  “Please take over your wheel” :scratch:  um ... I had both hands on the steering wheel and was only going 30 mph and was approaching a curve.  Me thinks there still is a “problem” with the drivers assistance software ... :groan

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Driving to Heaven takes two hands Sis!


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Saw a bumper sticker on line!

"Sometimes I wrestle with my demons, sometimes I snuggle with them"


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I was curious to see if the Simpsons had an episode about the voting and their predictive programming.  They did ... I took 2 snap shots of how they envision the outlook of 2021 ...

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I called up the service dept and I kid you not ... he said the computer thinks you’re driving too straight and suggested I need to turn the wheel ever so often even if the road isn’t curvy. :scratch:

Well ... all I can say is the AI software is singling-out those who prefer to drive on the straight and narrow road  :bible

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