Today I am at the hospital for my buddy’s heart surgery. Thank you to all who prayed for him! I am forever appreciative. ❤️ Darrell just got out of surgery a little bit ago. He will be in recovery for the next two hours before being sent to his room. He may not have to go to ICU but I haven’t heard yet. The surgery went better than expected and they are very pleased! God has been merciful! Thank You Lord! :rose: :bible :rose: Thank you, Jesus! 🙌 Praying for a pain free quick recovery. Thank you Jesus. praying for a quick recovery. You are so Good, Lord! Praise Your Holy Name! The doctors are astonished at his recovery so far. He didn’t need to go to ICU afterwards. They said again and again how pleased they were. God smiled on Darrell! I’m so grateful for all of your prayers! Amazing Yohanan!! God's touch and healing hand! :bible :amen: He does and He did! God is so good! Darrell is my closest friend and I’ve known him for about 40 years. I cannot imagine this world without him. He’s the brother I never had. He’s one of the most positive people I’ve ever known and is always thankful for every breath. He has always been such an inspiration to me so this was a very big deal. The aneurism he had was the size of a grapefruit! But it’s gone now. It had developed over the past 30+ years or so and it’s a miracle it didn’t kill him. It’s going to be interesting to see how much energy he has once he’s back on his feet. 😳 He always had lots of energy anyway. His brother and I were laughing about that today. In Darrell fashion the only thing he wanted when he got out if surgery was some water. 😁 This guy never complains about anything! I cannot express how thankful I am for the outcome! That is awesome!! God is great 🙏🙏🙏😁💙