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Prayer request for my dog

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He normally has access to dry dog food  24/7 with his water.  So it can’t be he is hungry.

Not sure how his early life on the “farm” was … but when I moved to this condo community … the next door neighbor’s vicious bull dog 60 lbs(?) attacked him as a puppy when he only weighed 7 lbs and tried to kill him.  I was pulled to the ground (trying to recover from the meniscus tear in my knee and couldn’t get up without someone helping me) meanwhile  Dodger managed to find a few low evergreen tree branches to hide under so the bull dog couldn’t get to this throat.  But he kept biting him on his legs and lower body and I could hear his cries. Cry   Meanwhile I’m crying out for help and the owner just stood there and smiled enjoying “the attack” and did absolutely nothing.  I started praying silently for help as I was continually screaming out … someone from down the mountain in the parking lot below overheard my cries and came to the rescue and he grabbed that vicious bull dog and gave back to the owner and then helped me up from the ground.  Dodger was shaking in fear as I held him and I took Dodger to the vet to get checked out.  They said he is one fortunate dog to have survived that attack.  Since then … he is in fear of all dogs and people that are evil.  He can see thru people.   My cyber friends were praying “improved or remove” and that “owner” moved away along with all those who enabled her shenanigans and permitted her to keep that terror dog and breaking of the condo rules.  Her dog terrorize many in the community but got away with “things” because her husband’s father was the state senator so they felt they were entitled to do anything they wanted.  Then a new owner moved in 4 units away and he tried to run over Dodger this past summer. 🙁     That evil owner has now moved out too in September and everyone said good riddance once more.  But my dog doesn’t forget … he longs for heaven and a peaceful environment … just like we do :whistle:

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:yahoo:  My loyal friend is back on the couch … he jumped up on his own while I was doing dishes.  Hasn’t been on the couch since Saturday night.   Before hand he had a short walk, gave him a sponge bath … then he ate 3 bites of mushy chicken food (still need for him to eat more though …. so I can give him 3 different meds to help speed his recovery  … they all require “with food”.

Thanks again prayer warriors … for continual prayer in that he gets his appetite back. :heart:


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Aaww, such a cutie! My heart is melting at that photo! :heart: So glad he is improving!

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Praying Dodger's appetite to improve and eat without any prompting


Ahh,  that face...who couldn't love Dodger!?!

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Dodger says ?

The hospital called doing a survey … wanting to know if he is ok and if I’m satisfied with his treatment there.  Of course I wasn’t 🙁   since they didn’t find the problem nor did they treat it.  I informed her, in a kind way, that he was released still ill and I paid $2,500 for nothing … I told her he is laboring in breathing and the first doctor said he has water in his lungs but the 2nd doctor knocked that down claiming he was poisoned.  If they had done an x-ray of his lungs they would have immediately found the culprit … instead they just released him … so I called up his local vet for him to check him out to find the cause since he was still sick.   He knew from get go to do an x-ray of the neck region and not just the stomach only and he found the massive blockage in the esophagus and was able to pull out all the rug fibers without doing surgery.  Can I please get some type of refund since they failed to do a thorough job?  She is going to bring this to the attention of the higher ups that make decisions … can you pray they will do the right thing and reimburse me … at least something?

Meanwhile his vet called to check up and said he will be sore under his tongue for a while because the rug fibers were wrapped around the bottom of his tongue like dental floss and in various other areas in his throat region and recommends to administer the meds by smushing them up and mixing with peanut butter or ice cream in order to get it down so he can heal faster.


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Here are happier times …

Last December  … I got this old box from The Goodwill store … it was in bad shape so cleaned it up and painted it solid red and attached the Christmas garland and was showing a cyber friend the after results and I thought I would put Dodger inside the box..  He thinks he did something wrong and is being punished.



December 2016  he won the best dressed pet costume at work.  He wouldn’t let me put the hat on.  :mdrmdr:


He is mad here because I was cracking up laughing at him …


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I was thinking that yesterday, if you would ask the first Vet's for your money back, due to Dodger's own Vet finding the exact problem and fixing it! The first Vet's charged you that without doing an exray even! :prayer-hands:

Did you ask his Vet about yogurt?

No wonder Dodger has anxiety after that attack. I know you said he was afraid of other dogs now, but would it drive you crazy to get another dog of the same breed to be there as a companion in times you're gone? It might take a couple days for him to come around, but maybe it would ease his anxiety?



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Glad Dodger is doing better. What type of breed is he?

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Oh I can’t afford another dog plus he is a handful :wacko:

I forgot to ask about yogurt … I think plain Stonyfield Organic yogurt will be ok … I have given that to him in the past.

Well the vet hospital in NY is still “investigating the case” it will take another week if they “do” decide to reimburse me anything.  I’m not holding my breath.

He’s a Toy Fox Terrier   (He is smaller than the Rat Terriers, Jack Russells, Mini Pinschers)

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Make sure whatever yogurt you feed him does NOT have artificial sweetener in it. One of them (forgot which one) is lethal to dogs.

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