Possible gap justif...
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Possible gap justification for the Rapture

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Someone brought up a very interesting point on 5 Doves. I won't quote him since he believes in a sort of weird mid Trib rapture. Anyway, he referenced Deuteronomy 24:5:


Deuteronomy 24:5

New King James Version

Miscellaneous Laws

5 “When a man has taken a new wife, he shall not go out to war or be charged with any business; he shall be free at home one year, and bring happiness to his wife whom he has taken.


So, the idea would be that either there is a gap of one year after the Rapture when Yeshua gets his bride, or the first year of the Tribulation will have no judgements.

This is something I had never considered. Yeshua is going to be married and He is going to be going to war. That's what the seal, trumpet and bowl judgements are.

I am fond of this idea as I believe Yeshua died, was buried and rose again in 30AD. So, the Rapture could be in 2022 and add a year before Yeshua goes to war in 2023. Yeshua would return in the Second Coming in 2030.

Any thoughts or comments on this?



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Sounds good to me.  As long as 2022 is the home going year! :good:    I do think the rapture is going to affect the left behind … there will be much shock and sorrow seeing family and friends and co-workers suddenly disappear.  It is going to take time to get over that fact as they grieve.   Plus the Holy Spirit stops restraining … so the demons are going to have a field day.  It will be a zombie horror show. However … 1 year later when the seals are broken … God’s wrath is out poured … that will intensify and make whatever occurred early on like child’s play.  And the elite  will know it because they will be hiding in their underground shelters crying for the rocks to fall on them rather than repenting.

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Indeed possible and makes the time frame more workable!


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I would be more apt to agree to consider that the judgments would be delayed one year after the covenant is signed instead of their being a year between our leaving and the signing of the covenant. The Lord's great love for mankind, His longsuffering patience would suggest that our departure would very closely precede the start of the trib. In scripture the rescue was often very close to the onset of the judgment. In Noah's rescue, 7 days before the start of the rain and with Lot it was likely hours. If the trib starts after May 14th it will also take us out of what we have understood as the fig tree generation, so I am hoping that we are outta here long before May myself. Just my 2 cents.

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There could be another clue for exactly a 1 year gap in Daniel 11:24

Keep in mind "A time" = exactly 1 year just like "Times" = 2 years and "half a time" = 6 months.

He shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers' fathers; he shall scatter among them the prey, and spoil, and riches: yea, and he shall forecast his devices against the strong holds, even for a time.

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I also think its going to take time before the seals are broken because … there will be the meet and greet reunions, then the Judgement Seat/Crowns being handed out.  There are a lot of people that make up the Church Age.  Then there is the Worship Ceremony and the Wedding.  And we are fitted into our gowns … oops make that robes (sorry fellas) or are we wearing robes instantly or waiting for the tailor angels to finish sewing them up? :scratch:  Then we are watching Jesus open up the seals … so I believe all the other events happen prior and I can see that all fitting in the 1 year time slot. B-)

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Very interesting. Something to consider. Smile

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That's a fair point. I am leaning more to the 1 year passing before the judgements start to happen. I have never been a believer in a gap between the Rapture and the start of the Tribulation but this verse at least made me think about it. :mail:

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i was actually thinking about the gap idea this morning even though i've never thought much about it really in the past...we watched this sermon and then afterwards i looked at the numbers given of years and ages etc in Genesis and i started thinking about how i've heard some say Enoch is representing the church and Noah the nation of Israel

(also because of 2 Peter 3:6-7 i was wondering if the flood doesn't foreshadow the Trib, but the judgement of sin on entire earth by it being burnt up (and redeemed/refined?) by fire and the only humans are true Believers in their redeemed bodies that will be on the new Earth and heavens -after Trib & Millineum)

...anyway i did at least realize there were (i think) 669 years between Enoch's rapture and the flood starting and i thought maybe there will be a gap after the rapture prior to the 7 year Trib (which could even be that the Trib is foreshadowed by the 7 days of Noah getting animals into the ark?!)...i know jd farag talks about the technology out advancing what is described in Revelation if it's not soon...so, i certainly don't think it would be that many years...but, God does seem to cloak time in mystery...the whole one day as a thousand years and the units of 7 thing...

anyway, i don't think a small gap wouldn't make sense...but then again most of those potential time lines confuse me and honestly kinda frustrate me after any initial excitement, so, i still plan on just being happily surprised...although i do see where TR gets his idea of a heads up for us as a plausible happening, too...although this whole covid stuff and the attitude of can't do this or that w/o this or that that has spread like crazy is quite telling of the season we are in (as well as the tech capabilities including the genetic stuff) and i do understand the "generation" thing to some small degree along with the time of Israel back in the land as a nation...

maybe the rapture itself is the heads up before the Trib...maybe it puts the fear of God into some who maybe He will mercifully protect from the delusion by getting ahold of them prior to full blown delusion and the evil and subsequent wrath it brings...maybe some will see the rapture as the truth it is and for the reasons it was and will fall on their face before the Lord and be genuinely saved (even if they rejected Him- ignored His knocking on their heart's door in the past ??)...i don't know...can be interesting to think about these things, but i get kinda stressed if get too into timing and how and all...i have to just rest in His goodness and grace and look forward to seeing Him face to face- and all of y'all too!....oh, and i guess too there's the fact that we've been told about rapture & trib. thousands of years ago...but maybe He'll give us a telling nudge right before- guess that's a difft. topic, sorry...

so...are y'all saying a potential gap between the signing of covenant by AC w/ Israel and the first seal?  this idea is becuz that would mean a 2022 rapture would fit w/ a feast day that would end the trib at the end of the generation that sees the things begin? does the confirming of the covenant w/ Israel or the revealing of AC start the 7 years?  if it's the revealing, maybe the confirming is done w/o a revealing prior to him being the rider on the white horse?  maybe the 1st seal is ACs big revealing of himself worldwide and that starts trib cuz it's Jesus who opens the seal and begins the judgement/Trib...maybe Israel does a behind the scenes covenant? then He gives them what they asked for- their false messiah who actually despises them?  like that verse, may be that He gives it a year before opening the seal in order to warn and give Israel a chance to turn to God and away from AC?

i'm sleepy, i'll catch back up w/ y'all later...sorry so ramble-y...

here's what hubby and i watched today

it's Adrian Rogers & he talks about Enoch and the rapture


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The reason why I find the 1 year gap before the Tribulation theory interesting is that I believe Yeshua died, was buried and raised from the dead in 30 AD. Exactly 40 years before the temple was destroyed in 70 AD. I think it is entirely possible that Yeshua will come to Earth in the Second Coming in 2030 AD. (Hence why the luciferians are fascinated with this year. They want to try to be ready to stop Him. It is obviously futile but that is what their warped thought process is thinking, IMHO.)

The only problem is that 2030 - 7 = 2023. A gap of 1 year would make 2022 work perfectly.

On the other hand, I firmly believe that our calendars could be off by a year or two. Therefore this most certainly could be the year. It would be nice to have a year with Yeshua before the Judgements fall. Like having a Shabbat in heaven 1 out of the 7 years. That kind of works, too. :good:

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