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Patricia N.
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Withholding the Truth About the Hunter Biden Laptop from the American Public Helped Protect Joe Biden During Election Season (VIDEO):

In a high-stakes hearing today, FBI Director Christopher Wray faced intense questioning from Senate Judiciary Committee members.

Senator Kennedy (R-LA) steered the discussion towards a more contentious topic: the FBI’s handling of Hunter Biden’s laptop.

“Why didn’t the FBI just say, hey, the laptop’s real?” Senator Kennedy asked. “Why didn’t you just tell everybody the laptop’s real. We’re not vouching for what’s on it, but it’s real. This isn’t a fiction.”

Kennedy continued, “You’re the FBI. You’re not part of the White House and part of Homeland Security. You’re not supposed to be political."

Wray responded and said that their aim was to avoid election interference, “We have to be very careful about what we can say, especially in the middle of an election season,” Wray explained.

This is an outright lie. A report by the House Ways and Means Committee detailed the FBI’s knowledge and verification of the laptop’s authenticity well before the contentious election period.

Wray just admitted under oath that the FBI deliberately allowed the “laptop is fake” hoax to perpetuate . . .
Chris Wray and the FBI said NOTHING! How is that not interfering in an election?


Patricia N.
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Speaker Johnson Announces Biden Impeachment Inquiry Vote to Be Held Next Week:

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-LA) announced at a press conference on Tuesday that he plans to hold a vote next week on launching a formal impeachment inquiry of Joe Biden. The move comes in response to White House stonewalling the preliminary impeachment investigation launched by former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) in September. As Jim Hoft noted on Monday at TGP, the House is running out of time to vote on impeaching Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas before a month-long break for the holidays.

With the expulsion of former rep. George Santos (R-NY) last week, Republicans have an even tighter majority over the Democrats, 221 to 213, and could only spare three votes.


Patricia N.
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In 2021 Congress Gave Joe Biden $7.5 Billion For Electric Vehicle Chargers – Two Years Later NOT ONE Charger Has Been Installed:

In 2021, the Democrat-controlled Congress gave Joe Biden $7.5 billion to install electric vehicle chargers all over the country, but two years later not one charger has been installed.

Biden promised to use billions of dollars to build hundreds of thousands of EV chargers, however not one charger has been installed as his Regime works to ban gas-powered vehicles.

Things are so bad that Biden’s own Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm had trouble charging her electric vehicle during a 4-day electric vehicle road trip over the summer.  Energy Department staffers pulled over to charge their fleet when they realized there weren’t enough available fast-charging plugs to juice up their vehicles.  One of the four chargers was broken and the other plugs were in use.

An Energy Department staffer was so desperate to reserve one of the fast-charging plugs for Granholm’s approaching EV that he boxed in a poor family – with a baby in the car – on a sweltering hot day – with his gas-powered vehicle.  The family was so angry that they called the police on Granholm’s staffer.

What happened to the $7.5 billion set aside for EV chargers?


Patricia N.
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Delusional Liz Cheney, Who Lost Her Primary to Trump-Backed Challenger, Now Considers a Third-Party Presidential Run “to Stop Trump from Winning”:

Liz Cheney, R-Wyo. has declared she is entertaining the notion of a third-party run for the White House.

The Washington Post reports Cheney’s consideration of an independent presidential bid as part of a broader strategy “to do whatever it takes” to block Trump from occupying the Oval Office anew.

Cheney told WaPo, “Several years ago, I would not have contemplated a third-party run,” yet she continued, “I happen to think democracy is at risk at home, obviously, as a result of Donald Trump’s continued grip on the Republican Party, and I think democracy is at risk internationally as well.”


Patricia N.
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SHOCKING: New Poll Finds ONE IN FIVE Voters ADMIT to Mail-In Voter Fraud in 2020 Election:
Well, a recent poll conducted by The Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports “found one-in-five voters who cast mail-in ballots during the 2020 presidential election admit to participating in at least one kind of voter fraud.”  Keep in mind that 43% of 2020 voters cast ballots by mail.  There were approximately 155M ballots cast in the 2020 Presidential Election.  43% of that would mean over 66M voted by mail.  “One in five” of 66M would amount to potentially over 13.33M ballots that were illegally cast.  But 2020 was “the safest and most secure election in history.”

  • 17% of mail-in voters admit that in 2020 they voted in a state where they are “no longer a permanent resident”
  • 21% of mail-in voters admitted that they filled out a ballot for a friend or family member
  • 17% of mail-in voters said they signed a ballot for a friend or family member “with or without his or her permission”
  • 8% of likely voters say they were offered “pay” or a “reward” for voting in 2020.
  • 10% of respondents – not just those who voted by mail – claimed that they know “a friend, family member, co-worker, or other acquaintance who has admitted…that he or she cast a mail-in ballot in 2020 in a state other than his or her state of permanent residence.” (I personally fit in this category, as I know someone who admitted to voting a senior-citizen family member’s ballot)


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Except it is not shocking at all. 

Patricia N.
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House Votes to Formalize Impeachment Inquiry into Joe Biden:

The House of Representatives on Wednesday voted to formalize an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden by a vote of 221 to 212.

The formally adopted status will enable House investigators to enforce subpoenas and gather evidence about whether the president is compromised and “traded official acts for foreign dollars,” according to House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA).

The vote occurred hours after a defiant Hunter Biden appeared at the Capitol for a press conference after failing to appear for a subpoenaed closed-door deposition Wednesday. Hunter’s business dealings and his father’s alleged knowledge and involvement will be a focal point for House investigators.

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) and Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan (R-OH) initiated contempt of Congress proceedings against Hunter after his failure to appear.


Patricia N.
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NO DEMOCRACY FOR YOU! Chicago City Council Won’t Allow Voters to Decide Whether to Keep ‘Sanctuary City’ Policy:

The city council has decided that the people of Chicago will not be allowed to vote on whether or not the city retains its ‘sanctuary city’ policy.

Democrats have spent the last several years claiming to be the defenders of ‘democracy’ but when it comes to important issues facing the people who live in Chicago, these Democrats are telling voters to pound sand.

They don’t want people to vote on this for one obvious reason. The people will say that they don’t want this policy.

“I think it’s absolutely imperative we give voters the opportunity to have their view on this subject heard, especially when we’re talking about spending $255 million this year alone to take care of 20,000 migrants,” Lopez said.

Democrats accuse Trump of being an authoritarian. You want to see what real authoritarianism looks like? Look no further than Chicago, which is telling its residents that they have absolutely no say in this policy. They will live in a sanctuary city and like it.


Patricia N.
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FBI Targeting of Devout Catholics Went Way Beyond What Chris Wray Claimed During Testimony to Congress:

Chris Wray and the FBI are now targeting devout Christians as potential terrorists – in America!

As Gateway Pundit reported in April, Chris Wray’s FBI is now infiltrating Catholic parishes. The FBI agents are engaging in outreach to Catholic leaders to spy on Americans practicing their Christian faith.

This was a shocking revelation. Americans already knew the FBI-DOJ was targeting traditional Catholics from earlier reporting.  We also have evidence they are infiltrating Catholic parishes.  The Weaponization Committee released more information on this troubling development earlier this month.  The committee found that Chris Wray’s FBI targeted devout Catholics because they are pro-life, pro-family, and support the biological basis for gender.
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In case anyone is interested while we are still waiting:



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