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Patricia N.
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Texas Governor Orders Hospitals to Report Treatment Costs for Illegal Aliens So He Can Bill the Federal Government:

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has issued an executive order instructing hospitals to report the treatment costs for illegal aliens so that he can send the bill to the federal government.

When signing the order on Thursday, Gov. Abbott asserted that Texans should not have to pay for the “reckless open border policies” of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

“Texans should not have to shoulder the burden of financially supporting medical care for illegal immigrants,” Abbott said in a statement.

The order states, “The federal government may and should be obligated to reimburse the State of Texas for the costs that its open-border policies have imposed on Texans, costs of which the State had no notice and which it could not have anticipated when agreeing to shared health funding mechanisms on the premise that the federal government would follow federal laws.”

It directs the Texas Health and Human Services Commission to require hospitals to document and report quarterly the cost of treating “patients who are not lawfully present in the United States.”

“Hospitals are required by law to provide life-saving treatment to anyone, regardless of ability to pay or status,” the Texas Hospital Association said in a statement.
Patricia N.
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FBI Claims Trump Would-Be Assassin Thomas Crooks Had High Enough SAT Score for Ivy League School:

Per Yahoo News:

The FBI told Donald Trump last week that Thomas Matthew Crooks may have been much smarter than many initially thought.

The FBI reached that conclusion in part because Crooks scored higher than 1500 on his SAT pre-college exam—a score that would put him in the running for universities like Harvard, where an admitted student’s average score is 1520.

Federal agents sat down with Trump on Aug. 1 to inform him of new information they’d uncovered about his would-be assassin, sources told ABC News.

The FBI said in the meeting that they believe Crooks was “strikingly intelligent” but likely suffered from an undiagnosed disorder. Citing loved ones and ex-classmates, the FBI said Crooks “would routinely sway back and forth while standing at the bus stop.”


Patricia N.
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Eyewitness, Who Secretly Recorded Interrogation with Police, Claims to Have Overheard Police Radio Comms Mentioning ‘Blood in the Bathroom’ and ‘Second Shooter on the Loose’ Following Trump Assassination Attempt:

[A longish article, please read at the link.  I just wanted everybody to know that this is getting more and more suspicious.]  

An eyewitness who was detained by the police on the day of the Trump assassination attempt has come forward with explosive claims.

The witness claims that during his time in police custody, he overheard alarming details on police radios that were not disclosed to the public.

The witness, who goes by the name Dave James Stewart or “realDJStew724” on YouTube, claims to have overheard police discussing the presence of blood in a bathroom and a potential second shooter on the loose.
Stewart recounts an earlier incident involving a 'man in a red truck' who allegedly threatened people near the fence line, claiming to own the property and trying to force people to leave. Dave believed at the time that this man might have been involved in the shooting.
...Trooper: Okay. So what was it that you heard on the radio?

Stewart: There was a shooter dead on the roof, and then they were clearing the building, and they found blood in the bathroom. And they said, 'second suspect at large,' or something like that, or whatever. I don't know. But blood was found in the bathroom, I remember that for sure. Because that's what had us freaked out, because that's what the cops were telling us. Like, 'Hey, the second shooter is still around here. 

The Gateway Pundit cannot verify this claim at this time. A body cam video later released by Sen. Grassley showed an officer who allegedly had fallen and cut his hands, with discussions about him possibly needing stitches. Many believe this incident might explain the origin of the "blood in the bathroom" story.

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WAYNE ROOT: Did Democrats Bother to Vet Kamala’s VP “Tampon Tim?” Because Stolen Valor, BLM Burning, Covid Tyranny, Stolen Teachers Funds, Supporting October 7th and Promoting Hitler are Not Good Looks for a Presidential Ticket:

...I’ve never in my lifetime seen anything as crazy, reckless, incompetent, radical, extreme, or bizarre as the Democrat’s choice of VP.

In the beginning, I thought Tim Walz was a terrible and bizarre VP pick, simply because he’s an out-and-out communist. If anyone in America actually heard what “Tampon Tim” believes in and the policies he’s supported and passed, they’d be repelled and repulsed.

I also thought it was a terrible and bizarre pick because he looks like he’s 80 years old. Politics is “show business.” It’s about communication skills and youthful exuberance. Democrats picked a man who is three years younger than me, but looks like my grandfather. Bizarre.

During the Covid pandemic “Tampon Tim” was a Covid tyrant. He locked Minnesotans in their homes and forbid them to go out. Worse, he created a “snitch hotline” so neighbors could report on neighbors.

But just when I thought it couldn’t get worse than that, we all found out his wife was celebrating when BLM rioters burned downtown Minneapolis down. She bragged that she kept her windows open, because she loved the smell of BLM burning down her own town.

This crazy, extreme, radical, communist, nutjob supports abortion until birth; transgender surgery on minors; wants to take children away from parents who don’t approve of Johnny becoming Jane; put tampons in men’s bathrooms (hence the nickname “Tampon Tim”); used taxpayer money to host Drag Queen shows open to children; and passed a law that made pedophiles into a protected class of people in Minnesota.

It gets worse. “Tampon Tim” loves open borders. He said publicly, if he could, he’d provide ladders to every illegal alien invader to climb over the wall.

He also believes in censorship. Everything and everyone who disagrees with his radical, communist, tyrant beliefs falls under the category of “misinformation.” This man is another Stalin, Mao or Hitler in the making. This is always where tyranny, mass murder and re-education camps begin.

Which makes perfect sense, since this crazy communist has made thirty trips to China…and celebrates a country where critics of government policy are “disappeared” in the middle of the night.  He and his crazy wife “Burning Woman” honeymooned in China. Their wedding was planned for the anniversary of Tiananmen Square Massacre.

A new scandal is about to explode on “Tampon Tim.” $250 million in state funding for Minnesota education has been stolen by a leftist organization. Why would Tim care? I’m sure he got his kickback in the form of campaign contributions.

“Tampon Tim” lied about his military service. Bad lies. This is “Stolen Valor.” That’s a disgusting, disgraceful, low-down, low-life crime. It doesn’t get any lower than that. Tampon Tim could spend a stint in prison for that.

He lied about his rank at retirement; lied about serving in battle (he retired when he faced going to battle); he lied about carrying weapons in a war zone; he lied about serving in Operation Enduring Freedom; he lied about serving in Afghanistan; he lied about being in Iraq. That’s a lot of lying.

He changed the state flag of Minnesota to look like the Somalia flag. And in Minneapolis, mosque loudspeakers broadcast the Muslim call to prayer all day- the only place in America that allows this.

This is the most bizarre story in the history of modern-day US politics. Either Democrats never vetted “Tampon Tim”…


The Chinese Communist Party forced his selection as VP onto China-owned Kamala Harris, and the China-owned Democrat Party.

Or both.


Patricia N.
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WATCH: Joe Biden Speaks Out for First Time on the Sinister Democrat Coup to Remove Him from the Presidential Race:

Joe Biden has weighed in for the first time on the sinister Democratic coup that forced him out of the Presidential race, and one major player involved will have some tough questions to answer if journalists do their jobs.

Biden spoke to CBS’ Robert Costa in an interview taped for Sunday morning and stated that he left the race despite claiming he was in a dead heat with Trump in the polls (he wasn’t). But Democrats were concerned that his struggles would hurt them in down-ballot races.

He also seemingly confirmed one critical part of the coup: Nancy Pelosi pressured him to drop out behind the scenes due to her concerns over him losing and dragging Congress down with him.

In addition to Pelosi’s shenanigans, respected journalist Seymour Hersh reported that Barack Obama threatened to have Biden removed from office via the 25th Amendment and had Kamala Harris’ approval to do so.

Hersh also confirmed that Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Hakeem Jeffries were directly involved.

The Gateway Pundit also previously revealed that Democrats led by Pelosi, Obama, Bill Clinton, and Schumer launched their coup even before the disastrous debate, anticipating the probability Biden would fall flat on his face. This gave them time to replace him before the DNC Convention.

As a result of these shenanigans, America is now dealing with the Kamala nightmare.


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RFK Jr. claims to have enough signatures to appear on ballot in all 50 states:

“Right now we have enough signatures to be on all 50 states,” Kennedy said when asked about his eligibility nationwide. 

Cavuto questioned why Kennedy is only officially registered on the ballot in approximately eight states so far — the independent candidate said that the hold-up was due to state governments.

“A lot of the states, Neil, don’t certify until mid-August. So, we’ve turned in our signatures, the signatures have been accepted, and they’re gonna be certified.”

While far from positioned for victory, Kennedy’s small base of support could prove critical in a race that is otherwise a dead heat.


Patricia N.
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Kamala’s Illegals Used Exact Same Answer on 10,000 Parole Applications, Rubber-Stamped Anyway:

Fears of fraud have put the brakes on a Biden-Harris administration program that functions as a superhighway bringing immigrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela into America.

A report from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services “to identify patterns, trends, and potential fraud indicators,” led to the program, known as CHNV for the first initials of the nations covered, being put on pause, according to a report on the website of the Federation for American Immigration Reform.

FAIR said that the report showed “the use of fake Social Security Numbers (SSNs), including SSNs of deceased individuals, and the use of false phone numbers.” In fact, it said, “24 of the 1,000 most used sponsor SSNs belong to a deceased individual.”

The USCIS report also showed that some addresses were used over and over by multiple applicants.

FAIR wrote that obviously fake Social Security Numbers were often used by sponsors “such as ‘111111111’ or ‘123456789’ or ‘666666666’ — proving that fraudulent data was being brazenly provided to the government.”

The report said that 100 addresses were listed on more than 19,000 immigration applications.  Many of the immigrants seeking entry applied from locations that included a mobile park home, a warehouse, and a storage unit.

The report also noted that identical answers appeared on multiple applications, noting that the same answer to one question appeared on more than 10,000 applications.  Phone numbers were often repeated, the report said.

“One sponsor phone number was reported on over 2,000 forms submitted by 200 different sponsors,” the USCIS report said, adding, “[o]ne parolee phone number was reported on 626 different forms and was associated with 238 different parolee last names and 142 different parolee addresses.”


Patricia N.
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FLASHBACK: Kamala Harris Cast the Tie-Breaking Vote to Let the IRS Track Workers’ Tips to be Taxed (VIDEO):

Kamala Harris shamelessly stole President Trump’s ‘no tax on tips’ idea.

Harris has zero policies on her campaign website because the majority of the American people are unhappy with crippling inflation and open borders thanks to the Biden-Harris Regime.

What the fake news media is not reporting is that Kamala Harris cast the tie-breaking vote to let the IRS track workers’ tips to be taxed!

“Two years ago today, I proudly cast the tie-breaking vote to pass our Inflation Reduction Act,” Kamala Harris boasted last week on Facebook.

The so-called ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ added more than 80,000 new IRS agents to the agency to track tipped workers and $600 Venmo payments.

“On this vote, the yay’s are 50, the nay’s are 50. The Senate being equally divided, the vice president votes in the affirmative and the bill as amended is passed,” Harris said in the August 7, 2022, video.

The media is covering Trump’s ‘no tax on tips’ proposal a lot more favorable now that Kamala Harris stole the idea.

As much as you hate the media, it’s not enough.


Patricia N.
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Elon Musk Invites Kamala Harris for an Interview on X Spaces...:

On Monday night, former President Donald Trump joined forces with tech mogul and billionaire Elon Musk for what can only be described as a “major interview.” The event was nothing short of groundbreaking, bringing together two of the most influential figures of our time for a conversation that will be remembered for years to come.

Trump Crashed X

Originally scheduled to begin at 8 PM ET, the interview faced a delay due to a massive Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attack, pushing the start time to around 8:45 PM ET.

While the source of the attack remains unclear, it’s evident that certain forces were desperate to prevent this powerful exchange from taking place.

But they couldn’t stop it.

When the conversation finally kicked off, President Trump and Elon Musk delved into a wide array of topics. At one point, Musk expressed how refreshing it was to have a real conversation, contrasting it sharply with the current administration.

Musk and Trump agreed on a critical point: if Trump does not reclaim the presidency, America as we know it is finished. They echoed sentiments that Democrats are poised to destroy the country if given another chance.

Elon Musk on Tuesday morning announced that the combined views of his interview with Trump is nearly one billion!

This was a HUGE win for President Trump and America – to hear from the former president without the constant gotcha questions from the Pravda-US media.

But it gets even better…

This morning, Elon Musk invited Miss Word Salad to hold a Twitter Space with him.

Will she take him up on it? Will her handlers allow it? Or will they continue to hurl insults at Trump, Elon, and American voters?

We shall see.


Patricia N.
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“Get in the House!” – Tyrant Tim Walz Ordered Police to Shoot Residents on Their Porches with Paintballs During COVID (VIDEO):

Governor Tim Walz ordered police to shoot residents on their porches with paint balls during the COVID pandemic.

In the video you can see police officers walking the streets of Minneapolis on May 30, 2020, screaming at residents and shooting paintballs at anyone who is sitting on their porch.

They called this ‘science.”  Walz deployed 11,000 National Guard members to the city.


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