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Patricia N.
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Netanyahu Confirms: ‘Great Slowdown’ in U.S. Arms, Ammunition Shipments:

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu confirmed Friday that there had been a “great slowdown” in U.S. arms and ammunition shipments, and said he publicly criticized the White House after months of quiet frustration.

As Breitbart News reported, Netanyahu posted a video to social media earlier this week in which he thanked the Biden administration for its support, but urged it to stop withholding arms and ammunition. The White House claimed that it did not know what he was talking about, but Republican senators filled in the details: the Biden administration had been using bureaucratic tricks to delay weapons shipments since as long ago as January.

In an interview with Punchbowl’s Jake Sherman, Netanyahu explained:

We began to see that we had some significant problems emerging a few months ago. And in fact, we tried, in many, many quiet conversations between our officials and American officials, and between me and the president to try to iron out this diminution of supply.

I raised this issue with Secretary Blinken. And I said that we are being told by our Defense Department officials that barely a trickle is coming in. He said, ‘Well, everything is in process. We’re doing everything to untangle it. And to clear up the bottlenecks.’

I don’t know what’s causing it. But I’m aware that there has been a great slowdown in the provision of the important ammunition and weapons. I’m not talking about F-35s or F-16s that are years down the line. I’m talking about what is necessary now to both win the war in Gaza quickly and avoid a war in Lebanon that, in the absence of such a correction, the risks of it breaking out are increasing.

It is suspected that the slowdown in arms shipment came at the behest of anti-Israel Democrats, as President Joe Biden faces dissent from Arab- and Muslim-American voters in key swing states like Michigan in a tough re-election.

The White House criticized Netanyahu for his public comments earlier this week, to which Netanyahu responded: “I am willing to absorb personal attacks if that is what it takes for Israel to get the arms and ammunition it needs in its war for survival.”

Patricia N.
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California Supreme Court Blocks Anti-tax Referendum; Backs Newsom, Democrats:

The California Supreme Court blocked a ballot initiative for the first time in 25 years Thursday in a unanimous decision against a referendum that would have required voters to approve any state or local tax increases.

Sacramento-area Fox 40 reported:

The initiative, known as the Taxpayer Protection and Government Accountability Act, would have made raising or introducing new taxes in the state more challenging, requiring voter approval for any new taxes at the local and state level.

The measure was already approved for the ballot, having gathered enough signatures, and was backed by the business community, including the California Business Roundtable, which argued that the proposal was necessary to protect taxpayers in a state they believe is over-taxed.
Governor Gavin Newsom, labor leaders and other Democratic leaders were against the measure, with Newsom’s administration and Democratic legislators filing a lawsuit to get it removed from the ballot on the grounds that it would revise the state’s Constitution and interfere with the basic role of government.

CalMatters.org added:

The extraordinary decision marks the first time in more than two decades that the court has struck an initiative from the ballot following a full hearing. It last happened in 1999, with a measure that sought to restrict state officers’ pay and transfer redistricting power out of the Legislature, though a few others since then were removed after the proponents did not defend against legal challenges.

Critics called into question the intentions of the seven-member court — six of whom were appointed by Democratic governors, including three by Newsom. Proponents of the initiative slammed the ruling as a travesty and a “gut-punch to direct democracy in California.”

The ballot initiative had gathered 1.4 million signatures, which will now be set aside. The ruling is an extraordinary one for the state supreme court, but is also just the latest example of state interference in the ballot initiative process.


Patricia N.
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Scott Presler: If Every Christian Voted, ‘We Would Never Lose Another Presidential Election’:

Conservative activist Scott Presler told Breitbart News that if every Christian voted in the United States, “we would never lose another presidential election.”

Presler, who spoke to Breitbart News on Sunday at Turning Point Action’s “The People’s Convention” in Detroit, Michigan, stressed the need for every Christian in America to register to vote.

“People really need to understand if every Christian in America actually voted, we would never lose another presidential election,” he said. “And 30 percent of evangelicals — it’s not that they don’t even vote — 30 percent are not registered to vote.”

Perhaps Today
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I disagree with the way elections are rigged.

Patricia N.
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Donald Trump Vows Not ‘To Give One Penny’ to Schools with Vaccine, Mask Mandates, ‘Keep Men Out of Women’s Sports’:

Former President Donald Trump vowed that he would not “give one penny” to schools that have vaccine and mask mandates, and to keep men out of women’s sports.

During the rally in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, Trump said that if elected, “on day one,” he would sign an executive order to slash federal funding to schools pushing critical race theory, transgenderism, or “other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content.”

Employees of the Biden campaign are required to have “up-to-date” COVID-19 vaccinations.


Patricia N.
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Jill Biden makes matters worse, humiliating her husband on and off stage following his brutal debate performance:

Those thinking Joe Biden's night couldn't get much worse were in for a surprise.

President Joe Biden crumbled in his debate Thursday with former President Donald Trump in Atlanta, prompting even his biggest boosters at allied news outlets to eulogize his campaign. While Biden's garbled answers, bouts of confusion, and departures from reality were damning enough for the 81-year-old Democrat, his wife found a way to make matters worse.

Footage captured by CNN shows former President Donald Trump confidently stride off the CNN debate hall stage following the ordeal. His opponent, however, would not exit unaided.

Jill Biden can be seen carefully taking the president's hand and slowly leading him down roughly three steps.

The juxtaposition of the brutal debate with Biden's subsequent need for direction and a crutch prompted some critics to speculate about the first lady's real role as well as her silence in the face of the president's unmistakable decrepitude.

Conservative commentator Laura Ingraham noted, "She did this. Embarrassed him, his party and destroyed the country's border and economy by letting him run. Horrible."

...When introducing the leader of the free world, Jill Biden said, "Joe, you did such a great job. You answered every question."

While many critics suggested Jill Biden's commendation of the president for the satisfaction of the bare minimum was condescending, others suggested it was indicative instead of a deluded sense he might actually have done all right — a sense anchored in a desire to hold on to power.

Late Thursday night, Jill Biden released a video claiming, "He's the president we need — the president you deserve."


Patricia N.
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Glenn Beck: Our country is in ‘clear and present DANGER’ after last night's debate:

The CNN Presidential Debate between President Biden and former President Trump went worse than anyone could have imagined.

“Last night I watched something I’ve never seen before,” Glenn Beck comments, horrified. “This country just continues to get more and more bizarre.”

The horror show began as soon as Biden opened his mouth, when Jake Tapper asked him his first question about inflation.

“When he opened up his mouth, and that came out,” Glenn says, mocking Biden’s mousey, lost tone, “it was breathtaking.”

The debate only continued to get worse, with Trump at one point not responding to a point Biden made about the border, because he couldn’t understand what he said.

“It is the most restrained I have ever seen Donald Trump,” Glenn says.

While Glenn finds it “terrifying” that “this is the weakest our president has ever appeared,” he does find one thing more terrifying than that about the debate.

“I am so angry today, that I haven’t heard one single person on television or in the political realm talk about the country. They’re all talking about an election. ‘How do we replace him before the convention? How do we get him off the ticket? How do we get this man away from the football?’” he says.

“Do you know what our enemies were thinking last night? This country is in more danger, clear and present danger, than we have been, I believe possibly, in my lifetime,” he continues.

... “We are in more trouble, not because of Joe Biden, we’re in more trouble because people are not recognizing the danger that is right in front of us."


Patricia N.
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Threat Level on U.S. Military Bases in Europe Raised After Biden’s Poor Debate Performance:

The United States military commander for forces in Europe raised the protection level for U.S. military bases and forces after President Joe Biden’s weak debate performance against former President Donald Trump.

Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh said it was due to a “combination of factors and not related to a single threat.”

Trump Campaign Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt on Monday linked Biden’s doddering debate performance to an increased risk to the U.S.  “This past weekend, after the debate performance, U.S. military bases in Europe have been put on high alert for a credible terrorist threat. The world is taking advantage of our country because it sees how weak it is,” she said during an interview on Fox News.

According to military newspaper Stars and Stripes, the Stuttgart Army garrison issued a community-wide alert that the force protection level was elevated to condition “Charlie” until further notice, and similar directives were sent to bases in Germany, Romania, Bulgaria, and Italy.

The U.S. Army’s website explained that the Charlie threat level “applies when an incident occurs or intelligence is received indicating some form of terrorist action or targeting against personnel or facilities is likely.”

Charlie is the second highest protection level, after Delta, which applies in “the immediate area where a terrorist attack has occurred or when intelligence has been received that terrorist action against a specific location or person is imminent.”

Troops in Italy were advised not to wear their uniforms to and from work, a source told military whistleblowers at Terminal CWO. 


Patricia N.
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Joe Biden KEEPS refinancing his home — here are FIVE shady reasons why that might be:

Joe Biden clearly isn’t great at debating, but he apparently is good at using his personal property like an ATM.

President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden have reportedly taken out several mortgages and refinanced their home 35 times.

A report has just been released by the Daily Mail that claims Joe and Jill Biden “have been using their Delaware house for fast cash.”

The pair have reportedly refinanced their home 20 times with loans totaling $4.2 million since buying the $350,000 home. The Bidens borrowed a total sum of $6 million on their two properties and still have an outstanding $541,000 mortgage on their current Wilmington mansion nearly 30 years after the original purchase.

The Biden’s have a reported net worth of $10 million that the president claims is from “book deals,” so the constant refinancing is raising questions.

“There’s no record of him ever getting payment except for the signing bonus because nobody reads the books,” Glenn Beck says, confused.

While it’s not likely Biden will give an honest answer as to why he’s been constantly refinancing his home, ChatGPT has some theories.

“This is what ChatGPT came up with,” Glenn says, “and I think I’m going to start with the least likely, number five.”

“Constant refinancing can be a method to manipulate debt and create the appearance of legitimate financial activity. This could help in justifying the large sums of money received and repaid,” Glenn reads.

Number four, ChatGPT guesses, is tax evasion.  “Refinancing can provide a way to manipulate table income and avoid taxes on illicit funds by cycling mortgages. The president could claim interest deductions and reduce their overall taxable income.”

“Hiding assets. Frequent refinancing can be used to mask the true financial status and hide assets from investigators or regulatory authorities. This can help in evading detection of illicit funds,” he reads.

Number two is “creating a paper trail.” “Mortgage cycling can create a complex financial paper trail that makes it difficult for investigators to track the true source and destination of money. This can also help hide illegal financial activities,” Glenn continues.

ChatGPT’s number one reason for the president continuously refinancing his house is that “it can be a method to launder illicit funds.”

“ChatGPT didn’t come up with a single non-nefarious reason,” Glenn says, unphased.


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The big Friday (and Monday) at the Supreme Court:

Monday is the last day for the release of Supreme Court rulings. That means we’ll be getting word on the future of Trump’s trials, specifically whether some of the former president’s actions in response to election shenanigans and on Jan. 6, 2021, qualify as official actions, immune from prosecution.

Friday was also a big day at the Supreme Court. In the biggest blow against the administrative state in decades, the court struck down the Chevron precedent in a 6-3 vote.

If you’re not familiar, the 40-year-old doctrine allowed federal agencies to interpret broad, vague congressional statutes themselves, making them a law unto themselves. It was a terrible precedent, and it’s finally over.

But that's not all! The same morning, the court said the feds can’t keep using an old Enron bookkeeping law to throw J6 trespassers in prison for years. The ruling doesn’t set them free, but it gives them a cudgel to appeal in the decidedly liberal D.C. courts. It’s the first big rebuke to the Department of Justice’s extremely aggressive overreach and is good news — but don’t expect it to be the last of this sordid tale.

Oh, and cities and towns no longer have to provide free housing to the homeless to enforce public camping rules. This seems basic enough, but California’s Ninth Circuit had long maintained that you can’t police vagrants and drug addicts and the criminally insane on your streets and in your public parks unless you built enough shelters for all of them. This is obviously crazy to normal people, and the Supreme Court agreed. So too did Gavin Newsom, whose national political future will still have to tango with the dystopian disaster the Golden State has become.


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