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Patricia N.
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“I Haven’t Made That Decision – I Haven’t Released Anything” – Dianne Feinstein Disputes Her Own Retirement Announcement!:

89-year-old Dianne Feinstein on Tuesday announced she is retiring at the end of her term and will not seek reelection in 2024.  The California Senator is retiring after THREE decades in the Senate and more than 50 years in office.

“I am announcing today I will not run for reelection in 2024 but intend to accomplish as much for California as I can through the end of next year when my term ends. Even with a divided Congress, we can still pass bills that will improve lives.” Feinstein said.

However, moments later, Feinstein disputed her office’s statement on her retirement.

“I haven’t made that decision. I haven’t released anything,” Feinstein said to reporters.

“We put out the statement,” one of the senator’s staffers said.

“You put out the statement? I didn’t know they put it out,” Feinstein said.  Yikes.

Feinstein’s retirement comes amid reports that her cognitive decline is so bad that she recently became angry with staffers who were trying to debrief her on the stopgap funding bill.  Last year the San Francisco Chronicle reported Feinstein is in such bad shape that her own Democrat colleagues want her to retire before her term expires at the end of 2024.

The California Senator will be 91 years old when her term expires at the end of 2024.


Patricia N.
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Nikki Haley launches 2024 presidential campaign, promises to stop GOP history of losing popular vote:

Republican Nikki Haley announced Tuesday that she is running for president.

Ahead of a Wednesday event where Haley is expected to officially launch her campaign, the former South Carolina governor released a video announcing her campaign for the 2024 Republican nomination.

"It's time for a new generation of leadership to rediscover fiscal responsibility, secure our border, and strengthen our country, our pride, and our purpose," Haley said.

Haley, who served as ambassador to the United Nations in the Trump administration, noted the Republican Party's abysmal record in presidential elections, losing the popular vote in seven of the last eight presidential elections.  She told voters that she hopes to change that.

"Some people look at America and see vulnerability. The socialist left sees an opportunity to rewrite history," Haley said. "China and Russia are on the march. They all think we can be bullied. Kicked around. You should know this about me: I don’t put up with bullies. And when you kick back, it hurts them more if you’re wearing heels."

Haley, the daughter of immigrants from India, also used her heritage to offer a vision of a united America — one where racial differences are not used to stoke division.

Haley becomes the first major Republican to challenge former President Donald Trump, who announced his campaign last November.




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Aye yai yai … check out Rihanna’s stage appearance look at the Super Bowl half time show … a perfect match to the “it” demonic 🤡 creature …



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:popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn


Today’s The Day! The Abrahamic Family House In Abu Dhabi Set To Open And Will Serve As The International Headquarters Of The One World Religion Of Chrislam


A landmark interfaith compound in the United Arab Emirates housing a new synagogue is set to open Thursday afternoon in a ceremony kicking off a series of events over the weekend. Welcome to the One World Religion of Chrislam.

Ok people, buckle up and get ready to fly as the international headquarters for the One World Religion of Chrislam opens its doors this weekend with a lavish kickoff in Abu Dhabi. Called the Abrahamic Family House, it is the creation of two of the most unlikely partners, Mohamed bin Zayed and Pope Francis. Their other collabs include the Document on Human Fraternity and a little something called the Abraham Accords. NTEB has been warning you about the One World Religion of Chrislam for nearly 14 years, and this weekend everything we told you was coming will arrive right on time in the Lord’s timing. This will be our featured topic on the Podcast on Friday, and Lord willing, it will be a stunner.

“For thus saith the LORD; We have heard a voice of trembling, of fear, and not of peace. Ask ye now, and see whether a man doth travail with child? wherefore do I see every man with his hands on his loins, as a woman in travail, and all faces are turned into paleness? Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob’s trouble; but he shall be saved out of it.” Jeremiah 30:5-7

Christian, open your eyes and take a good look around you, and tell me what you see. Can I tell you what I see? I see the fulfillment of Bible prophecy everywhere I look, I see it in the frantic stories on all the UFO sightings, I see it in the rising spirit of Antichrist over these past three years, and I absolutely see it in the grand opening of the headquarter of the One World Religion of Chrislam. You are invited to join us on the Prophecy News Podcast this Friday, as we celebrate the opening of the Abrahamic Family House as it relates to our soon departure on Flight #777 on Titus213 Airlines…

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Let it be so Lord Jesus!  TR

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Please, share the upcoming Friday podcast link later.

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Nikki Haley announced she is running for President in 2024.   I don’t expect to be here,  but … if we still are …

Before you get excited and put your hope in her turning things around …

Per The GatewayPundit

They’re All WEF Puppets!😡👎 REVEALED: Nikki Haley Is One Of Globalist World Economic Forum Founder Klaus Schwab’s ‘Young Global Leaders’

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There is no turning back for all nations!  God is simply gathering the last of harvest in individuals, before being stored away!  TR

Patricia N.
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Former President Jimmy Carter in Hospice Care, to Spend “Remaining Time at Home”:

Former President Jimmy Carter, 98, has decided to spend his “remaining time at home” in hospice care, according to a statement released Saturday afternoon by the Carter Center. Carter was the 39th president, serving from 1977 to 1981. He is the longest-living ex-president. Carter, a Democrat, was also governor of Georgia from 1971 to 1975.

ATLANTA (Feb. 18, 2023) — After a series of short hospital stays, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter today decided to spend his remaining time at home with his family and receive hospice care instead of additional medical intervention. He has the full support of his family and his medical team. The Carter family asks for privacy during this time and is grateful for the concern shown by his many admirers.

Carter has been active well into his nineties, continuing his decades-long work with Habitat for Humanity and teaching Bible study.


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Exclusive: McCarthy gives Tucker Carlson access to trove of Jan. 6 riot tape

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has given Fox News' Tucker Carlson exclusive access to 41,000 hours of Capitol surveillance footage from the Jan. 6 riot, McCarthy sources tell me.

Why it matters: Carlson has repeatedly questioned official accounts of 1/6, downplaying the insurrection as "vandalism."



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