The province of Ontario is going to be scrapping the vaxxx passports on March 1st. Premier Doug Ford (aka Doug Fraud) insists that this has nothing to do with the Freedom Convoy. As a Freedom Convoy member said upon hearing this news, "Keep the pressure on! The emperor has no clothes!" Indeed. Arthur, isn't Trudeau going to declare a state of emergency at the federal level ( whatever it is called). sounds worrying from what I hear. When is Trudeau going to leave us and resign? There are rumours that he may. However, a nationwide imposition of martial law over a situation in Ottawa would make him look petty and foolish. Therefore, he may just attempt to do it in just Ontario. However, that would have to pass through the Ontario provincial legislature, as far as I know. They can then reject the Crime Minister's desperate bid. While Doug Fraud is a pseudo Conservative, the legislature is more conservative. So, hopefully it will be voted down and Trudeau will lose even more face. PS. Honk honk! Thank you so much Arthur. That comforted me. I was trying to relax and just use some common sense. If he did do something drastic because of peaceful protestors, he will show more and more what a tyrant he is and wake more people up. yes, honk, honk! I have seen 2 hilarious videos all making fun of Trudeau, I would have loved to post them but there is one bad word in each video and I did not want to post them on Ritan. In one video, Trudeau is telling a trucker: you are a racist, terrorist,............................(throws too many big words and accusations at him) the trucker's reply: Honk! One video is by a man from Indian and Indians are so funny. I watched the first half of his video 3 or 4 times. I needed a good laugh. There was another poster which showed the map of North America. In the South you see: USA, in the north: Truckistan Agreed. To declare martial law over a bunch of peaceful demonstrators who have damaged no property and done no violence and where even children are playing in the midst of it? This would undoubtedly spell the end for our Crime Minister. Yet, if he does nothing, it'll be the end for our Crime Minister. It's the classic catch-22. He is cornered like a rat and he knows it. 😉 Honk honk! ? ? I saw this on the News you can use sub forum. These protests are at the Pacific Border Crossing in British Columbia only 15 miles or so from my house. This is very important if you are unfamiliar with Canadian politics: Kanwaljit Singh is the co-founder of the Sikh Freedom Alliance, a group dedicated to achieving freedom for all humanity. In Canada, he and his group are ardent supporters of the truck drivers and their efforts to have government mandates dropped. But his support has additional motives. “The media has been labeling these protests and this movement as white supremacists in a racist movement, so I want to defeat that divisional message,” he said in an interview. “You cannot label us like that. So that will defeat the message when they look at me,” Singh said. “Supporting the truckers, we want to be a part of that because it’s for all of us.” Singh said he has spent the past two months speaking to people in the Sikh community, who virtually all want the mandates to end but are often afraid to speak out. So he is willing to do it for them. He said people in the community are worried they will lose their jobs lose or their ability to fly to India, and for those trying to become Canadian citizens, speaking out publicly against government restrictions might jeopardize that chance. “That’s why they’re painting this as racist, because if the minorities stand up with the mainstream population to form unity against these mandates, the government will fold,” Singh said. Seiz summed up the attitude of the several thousand people who managed to make it to the border. “Canadians just want freedom,” he said. “They want to be free and not be told what to do.” First of all, as Americans should be aware, the liberals go to tactic is to smear the opposition as bigoted and racist. So, a stand by a visible minority like the Sikh community is huge. Secondly, the leader of the Socialist *Ugh* NDP (New Democratic Party) is Sikh. He risks losing a huge part of his voter base if he keeps saying he supports all the mandates and illegal "emergency" measures. Thirdly, if the NDP withdraw their support for the mandates then the Trudeau government will fall as the NDP are the party that is propping them up. They hold the balance of power, effectively. One thing to be aware of is that Sikhism is obviously a false religion. I obviously reject their false plan of salvation that ultimately and tragically leads to an eternity in the Lake of Fire. And here it is ! Well, shows what I know. Our treasonous Crime Minister has invoked the emergencies act. Will have to get more information about what this entails exactly. https://rumble.com/vuybej-ezra-reacts-to-trudeaus-suspension-of-civil-liberties.html