This thought came to me ~ ~ what if ~ ~ somehow Trump proves what he's said all along that thousands and thousands of ballots are shown fraudulent . . boom, surprise! Trump starts his 2nd term ~ ~ God likes the odds ~ ~ . . and THEN, 'boom' Jesus calls up His church . . Trump is missing as well as Pence~ , . OH! The world rejoices all around the globe ~ ~a celebration bursting in unified glee far beyond anything this world has ever witnessed: shouting, 'those crazy Christians are finally gone, and now this nation can finally embrace the NWO without a 'fight' ~ ~ My thought and prayer as well Donna - like in your face, but also when we leave, the ones not yet having accepted Christ will have their eyes momentarily opened to evil and realize God! Tribulation saints in mass. :calvin Sorry it has to be this way for them but some people really do need that brick wall to fall to see the truth. :prayer-hands: Maybe a 'confirmation', Tammy ~ ~ Talk about a 'takeover' ~ ~First in perfect order, Christ fetches His Bride . . oh, how the world is happily shocked, 'able to finally forge its 'takeover' to bring on the ac's long awaited and insane NWO plans ~~ Exactly Donna — makes sense, certainly a plausible possibility. Sad for them, yet they (some) will be jubilant and celebrating the absence of “those religious fanatics” We should pray earnestly for the enemy to have the eyes of their heart enlightened with the truth of the gospel now and as we go. I like this scenario! Just imagine how torqued the libs would be if the election gets overturned and then BAM, the Rapture happens. They will be jubilantly celebrating in the streets! Talk about an emotional rollercoaster for the leftists. Delighted now, enraged when Trump wins. Delighted when the Rapture happens. The Tribulation horror starts and they are angry again. :wacko: The Left is all about feelings and emotions so lets give them a ride they'll never forget! It will certainly be an eternal ride many of them will never forget, with gnashing of teeth .... “Sucks to be them (using a French phrase - meaning — oops messed up)” :mdrmdr: I tweeted this morning to POTUS - stand firm, praying for you! It will be so cool to see how God pours out again to defeat the evil — he took what was meant for evil and turned it to good again and many see the evil and are turning to God! The line is firmly drawn - sheep’s and goats are separated! The age of grace is at its end and the church must now depart .... :prayer-hands: :yahoo: I can see Donna’s, Arthurs and Tammie’s scenario of the rapture happening that way! And while Trump/Pence get raptured out with us ... it might be the AC that gets the many on board and then they announce “peace and safety” and BOOM the sudden destruction is the G/M attack occurs. And the trib begins. Because ... check this out ... if this is true about Trump now just unfollowed Bibi on Twitter ... he must be very hurt with Bibi back stabbing him with congratulating Biden before it was “official”. Got to wonder now ... if the Abrahamic Accords will be left in limbo for the AC to pick up and follow thru? :unsure: - Fair Use - Or another scenario ... I can’t keep up with the Israeli government ... do they have 2 PM’s splitting the leadership roles? If so ... perhaps Trump will wait until Gantz takes office to continue the peace accords? :unsure: Oh I just googled and saw this ... perhaps they are going to have a 5th election and Bibi will not win and whoever does ... Trump will wait and work with that new PM? :unsure: - Fair Use -
My spirit says we no longer are in the last hour, I believe we are in the last minutes or seconds before Christ calls us home. :prayer-hands: