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Asking the Lord God Almighty to rest your favor upon Johanan!  mitigate and minimize all symptoms, bring rest and well being  in body, soul and spirit!

The enemy prowls in order to seek, kill and destroy but God is our high tower and refuge and our strength during times of testing!

Speak to his heart and spirit healing and good health!  Knowing your end is eternally secure and wonderfully prepared take daily solace and joy in these light and temporary afflictions!

Love and blessings,  TR


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Thank you, TR! Very kind of you.

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Well last week my adventure at the food bank was not eventful but today this is what happened …

As I handed the clipboard back to the director on duty … I was watching these 2 older gentlemen filling up one vehicle … they were car pooling together.  I said what number are they?  They said #1.  They bragged about waiting 2 whole hours before they opened up so they could be first in line. 🙄  That was just crazy in this heat. Besides it moves quickly … I was one of the later ones … since my number was 11 and only had to wait like 15 minutes.  One guy was sweet and talkative … I said anything exciting today that they are handing out?  He said yes, a choice of $25.00 gas gift cards or grocery card.  I said wow that is worth coming here today.  I said oh … I got something for you and quickly got out 2 Bible tracts from my vehicle … I handed them 2 different Bible tracts to read.  I said lets face it someday we are going to die and its either we will be in heaven or hell.  The guy behind the wheel was quick and snarky and said I don’t believe in hell … hell is on this earth.  I guess he wanted me to shut up … but I wasn’t intimidated by him. :mdrmdr:     I quickly said to him … well … there is a hell and there is a heaven whether YOU want to believe it or not.  Then I looked directly and focused my attention on the nice passenger guy and said this is why Jesus had to come to earth and suffer on the cross to die for us … so we don’t end up in that awful place.  Heaven is a free gift and this is how you can have it and quickly shared its not by being good, not be attending church, nor giving money to the church, nor by being baptized, etc. we cant earn it.  All we need to do is admit we are a sinner and pray to Jesus directly and thank Him for dying on the cross and taking our place and asking Him to take away our sins and to bring you to heaven some day. That’s it.  So simple.  You will have an eternal home … you will never be begging for food or drink ever again.  How do you like that deal?  The snarky guy didn’t say anything and the passenger said thank you sooooo much.  I said you’re welcome have a nice day as they drove off.

Can you prayer warriors say a prayer for them? :thankyou

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Prayers for the two guys you witnessed to that they will see the Light of Christ while there is still time. :prayer-hands:

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Hello family,

I had tinnitus for over a month 24/7/. I went to my MD, something is blocked, and I am using meds for it. Almost 6 days now with no results (he did say it will take 2 weeks) I am going to make an appointment with my ND to see if he can help. Please pray that it is resolved. It is starting to cause me a lot of anxiety. thank you

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:prayer-hands: May the Lord reveal and heal the source of blockage Heidi.


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Praying too Heidi for healing and comfort.  🙏🙏🙏

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:prayer-hands: you get relief quickly.


Avoid salty foods … high blood pressure plays a big role in tinnitus

Make sure you are getting plenty of  Zinc foods

Remove any ear wax

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Thank you Kolleen, Melissa and Geri.

Thank you everyone for your prayers.

Geri, thank you very much for the advice.

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