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May every believer walk in the power of God, with each footstep ordered by God!

May the world see our footsteps and smell the lingering aroma of God's rightiousness!



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April 9, 2022 at 8:24 am

I am posting this for Leaving Soon. He didn't ask for prayer but, it touched my heart...

My 13 y/o nephew has had at least 2 shots that I know of so far and he’s not looking good either. Every time I go over his house he’s either just lying in bed or sleeping. And the last 2 times he came over my house he fell asleep like 2 hours later and then slept for like 16 hours both times. And no I haven’t and don’t plan on telling him about anything horrible about the vaccine. I just pray for him.

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God's grace and mercies be extended towards this young man, in Jesus's name!)


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He could be having some depression?  Praying for him ??

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Please pray for my garbage pickup guy … they send a different guy almost each week but this guy was so nice … I asked him if he will take a laser printer?  He said yes and he waited for me to bring it outside so I didn’t have to go to their recycled dump site.  I told him I can’t reach the local office … he said you can’t … they send all the calls across the state to the main office and they don’t know what to do with the calls. :wacko:   No communication in the local offices at all.  He said its nuts … then he was complaining they give us broken down garbage trucks to use and expect us to accomplish the runs by a certain time (but they continually break down daily) and they monitor us with spying equipment inside the truck and they know if we stop to get a coffee or snack.  He said he is 62 and wants to retire.  I said … “well … I hate to break it to you but do you know there is no money in the retirement funds?”  He said “yes”.  He said “everything is in such a mess in this country.”  I said “yes, it sure is … then I said … can you hold on I got something for you.”  I quickly got him a Bible Tract and told him how he can have eternal life since we are all going to die someday.  He agreed we are all going to die.  He seemed very receptive and I briefly told him the next pandemic wave is the monkeypox and warned him to not be scared and to not get the vaxx for it.  Its a gay disease and shingles and the WHO just wants to make people be frightened and stand in line for this “vaxx” and its only going to make a person ill and kill more people.  The Great Reset/Build Back Better is about reducing the population.  And pretty soon the American dollar is going to be worthless … meanwhile we have 10 weeks left before the wheat for the entire world runs out.  Just like the missing baby formula is done purpose and the high price of gasoline.  Great Famine worldwide is coming … so stock up on can goods, non perishable items, etc.  He said others are urging him to do so too!  I said but here is some GOOD NEWS … Jesus is going to rescue His church … if you ask Him to be your Lord and Savior … you will also be included in what is called the rapture event.  Its going to happen very soon and He will take us out of the mess down here and we will have a home in heaven.  He said that sounds wonderful.  So prayer warriors can you please pray for him? :thankyou

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Great job Gerri. Praying for him.

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The word has been given!  May the Holy Spirit speak to his heart!

How beautiful  are the feet of them that share the gospel!


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Can I please request prayer for my mother's salvation? I don't think she is saved and she has dementia now. I guess if someone led her into a prayer, God will accept that. I asked my sister to do that and she told me that mother spends a lot of her time praying these days.

thank you

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:prayer-hands: :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands:

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