Pentecost 2020--IMH...
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Pentecost 2020--IMHO Highest Rapture Watch Time Yet?

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Zephaniah 1:14 The great day of the LORD is near, it is near, and hasteth greatly, even the voice of the day of the LORD: the mighty man shall cry there bitterly.

15 That day is a day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress, a day of wasteness and desolation, a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness,

Zephaniah also calls the second advent "The great day of the Lord".

There is a deeper layer for Zephaniah and John to use the great day of the Lord /God Almighty. That day is also known to the Lord ( Zechariah 14:7). That day has some special meaning to Jesus.

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"My Feast", Yahweh remembers. A messenger.

God says it is "his feast" that he shall remember. For being "his feast", Jesus has to go through the feast himself, and experience the pain (Passover) and resurrection (First Feast) on the feast.

Take an example, our college graduation. It is our graduation that no one can replace.

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The feast God shall remember

I have written in 2009 concerning the Hebrew names of twelve minor prophets which hides a secret from God. Here it goes.

Hebrew meaning of twelve minor prophets' name

Hosea Salvation is the Lord

Joel A worshiper of Yahweh

Amos Borne by God

Obadiah Servant of God

Jonas Dove

Micah Who is like God

Nahum Comforter

Habakkuk Embrace

Zephaniah Concealed is the Lord

Haggai My feast

Zechariah Yahweh remembers

Malachi Messenger

Put it all together, we have the following;

"Salvation is the Lord !", said by a worshiper, borne by God, a servant of God, a dove.

"Who is like God?" For he is a Comforter, and he embraces us.

Concealed is the Lord. " My Feast !" Yahweh remembers. A messenger he shall send.

There are seven feasts of the Lord. They are Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruit, Pentecost, Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur and Tabernacle. God says it is “his feast” that he shall remember. For being “his feast”, Jesus has to go through the feast himself, and experience the pain (Passover) and resurrection (First Feast) on the feast. Having said this, the feast God shall remember is either Passover or First Fruit. Jesus is coming back on "his feast" day. The Second Advent shall either take place on a future Passover or First Fruit. I am leaning toward First Fruit.

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After many years of studying bible prophecy, it is my final answer that Second Advent shall happen on First Fruit, with Marriage Supper of the Lamb being held on Passover.

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My humble opinion is that the 70-year clock stopped on Pentecost and will begin again on Pentecost.  I pray that this 69th year turns to the 70th this month!



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I would say the stage is set down here and so are the tables in Heaven. : )

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Just waiting on the Lord.  That goes without saying of course!  Again His timing will be perfect!  Till then, let the Bride lean on His love and promises!  TR

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This is my take on 2020...

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another Pentecost 2020 thing,

Pastor Jack Hibbs, Its Time For Churches To Open Their Doors Again




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