Paul Maxwell leaves...
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Paul Maxwell leaves Christianity...and there's a new page to pray for

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True that Patricia!

J Bieber and Katie Perry were also raised Christian. I believe!

Not to mention theologians and pastors who have wrong spirits!


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I agree with you.

Here is a 4 min. video titled

"The Most Offensive Conversation Ever" for laugh.

The Most Offensive Conversation Ever

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I follow JP on youtube, he is spot on and hilarious.....through humor one can break through and effectively reach the young people more successfully, and this one is really good!

David W. Roche
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LEW wrote:

I was under the impression that 2 Thess 2:3 is the Second Coming of Christ, not the Rapture.

It is covered here:

2 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,

2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.

3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;  II Thessalonians 2:2-3

I agree with the link explaining the differences between the rapture and the 2nd Coming.  But let's look closely at the full context of 2 Corinthians 2:3

The Corinthians were greatly disturbed from hearing that they are already in the Tribulation and their loved ones had not been raised from the dead.

What is "the Day of Christ" and is it different from "the Day of the Lord"?

The "Day of Christ" has a positive connotation, which "the Day of the Lord," does not.

The Old Testament terminology was "The Day of the Lord," which was a time of God's judgment being poured out upon the world.  When some read "The Day of Christ," they infer that it means "the Rapture," and assume that Paul is saying the catching away will not take place until after the Antichrist is revealed (and the Tribulation started!).  They were not upset about the rapture happening; they were worried they had missed it!

The word "apostasia" means "departure," and can be translated either as a physical departure (the rapture) or as a figurative departure (rebellion against God). I lean toward it speaking of our physical departure, as Bibles printed before the King James Version indicated, because if "apostasia" is interpreted by its modern cognate "apostasy," then we have to ask which "falling away" Paul was referring to? There have been instances of rebellion against God since the beginning, and the people of Corinth would have no way of being sure when the final one might take place. It would render Paul's assurance and comfort to them meaningless.  Only if Paul was telling them not to worry about the Tribulation having started because we were still here would it even make sense. Otherwise, someone could come in and say, "Yes, but that was then; this is now," and that is precisely what the advocates of a mid or post tribulation rapture theories attempt to do. Moreover, the original language does not indicate "a" falling away, but the article is "THE" departure (or falling away).  Whatever it is, it is a singular, distinctive event.

Why would the KJV translators insist that the word be translated as "falling away," rather than departure? They were instructed to follow the theology of the Church of England in their word choices and may have wanted to plant the idea subtly that disagreement with that institution constituted "apostasy." Another example is the use of the word, "Church," rather than "Congregation."  That was politically motivated.

Why Was the Word Church Used in the King James Bible?
Few people today know why the word "church" was used in the King James Bible instead of the word "assembly" or "congregation." History clearly recorded that when King James authorized the translation of the Bible in 1611, he made 15 rules which the translators were bound to follow in making the translation. Edgar makes this observation of King James:

"He was not an inconsiderable literary figure, and his astounding knowledge of Scripture is reflected in his writings on political theory, poetry, theology, and the Bible. While not yet twenty years old, King James wrote a "Paraphrase on the Revelation of St. John.

King James believed in the divine right of kings, and held that this right was hereditary, and that the king was responsible to God alone, and not to his subjects. As "Defender of the Faith" and head of the State church, he came into opposition with the Puritans on the one hand and the Catholics and their papal claims on the other. In his struggles with both he was motivated by a combination of religious and political considerations."(11)

For the record, I love the KJV; I just recognize there were some instances where bias in translation is evident.

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First time I heard this question was in the 1980’s when life on planet earth was really normal and thought this was an unusual question to ask ... now advance to 2021 ... I can now see why the Lord did ask the question since so many that professed to be Christians are now departing from the faith.

Luke 18:8. ....  Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?


And just a word of encouragement

This morning I had 2 vendor problems to deal with and they were  2 simple questions but 4 employees could not help me and they either kept giving me other numbers to dial or kept switching me to someone else and then dead air and being disconnected.  I felt like I was calling dial-a joke with all the time spent and still didn’t get anything resolved.   Tomorrow ... is another day and hopefully I will get someone with a brain ... or .... maybe not ... perhaps the rapture will happen!  B-)   But I thought why am I going through this crazy ordeal ... they should know the answers to these simple questions.  Well... I got my answer 2 hrs ago ... I was at the grocery store and there was this really nice man behind me in the check out.  The store has this monopoly game going on ... you get tickets for how much food you buy and sometimes its for free items or coupons or cash to win or prizes.  One year I won a small amount of cash so I know the game isn’t a hoax just to get you to buy more groceries.  Anyway the cashier asked if I was playing the game ... I said I haven’t signed up for it yet but if I see the tickets are worth while ... then I will.  The guy overheard me and said you can have my tickets.  I thought how sweet AND someone that is actually talking and not standoffish in fear of covid.  I knew the Lord wanted me to hand him a Bible tract.  I had on hand one called ... God’s Bridge to Eternal Life ... so I had it handy as I waited for his groceries to be scanned.  When he handed me the game tickets ... I said thank you so much and here is something for you to read.  He seemed very interested so that was the icing on the cake and made my day brighter.  Now I know why I was going through the wringer earlier.  Last night I opened the refrig and saw the empty shelves and said to my dog ... boy do I have to get groceries tomorrow.   So the demons knew I was going out to the store and since its a small town ... they knew this man was going to the store ... I really believe those who get saved have the spiritual mark of God on their foreheads and the demons knew God was going to time it just right for us to meet up and they were trying their hardest to make my day so miserable and not to go out at all. :yes:

So stay encouraged and cheer up if you’re going thru over the top hardships ... the Lord is working behind the scenes as we pray for our loved ones and friends to get saved.

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Maxwell and the others leaving the faith is not surprising. In the article it says "high-profile Christian personality". How opposite that is to a life lived in quiet humility. God is cleaning His house.

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Again God is insuring there are no future rebellions in Heaven!


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Weeding His garden, if you will!


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I had a nagging thought about this and it turned out to be right. I knew I had heard of this "desiring God" ministry. It's John Piper, the well known Calvinist. Maxwell was a writer for this ministry.

Trust me on this one, Calvinism will burn people out. (I have met a few.) The trouble is that you never know that you are really part of the elect. How do you think you know? You gotta produce the works. So, you get trapped on the works treadmill. It makes you miserable and angry (as this Maxwell alluded to) as you never feel good enough.

This is the danger of Calvinism. The poison of the tulip.


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Calvinists believe in perseverance of the saints which is an absolutely false doctrine. It sounds correct but it actually is an insidious deception.

Preservation of the saints, is a biblical doctrine. God upholds our salvation and it is not contingent on our performance.

The similarity of the words can be used to trip people up but there is a big, big difference.

Here is a thorough refutation of the Calvinist "perseverance of the saints."


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