Our exquisite expec...
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Our exquisite expectation....

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For those of us who believe that we are indeed the final generation which will be ushered home by the Rapture, we all the more embrace our Blessed Hope!

Our exquisite expectation and hidden hope is that we will be alive when the sounding of the Trumpet takes place.  The fact remains that many will wing their way towards home prior to the trumpet blast.

Even though we are taught that those that have gone on before us shall be called to His side and be Raptured first, we all still desire to have the breath of God in our bodies when we are transformed!  This is what I refer to as the "exquisite expectation".

And when we speak of the nearness of the Rapture, this unspoken element is ever present and weighs heavily within our spirits!  I know this to be ever present in my spirit, especially as I enter my twilight years!

I'm sure this also holds true for those who are afflicted in body especially those who daily attempt to stave off death's angel!  It just seemed to me that we verbalize and acknowledge this with the Lord, as well as with others.

Indeed if only to acknowledge the desperation of some of the members of the Church.  In this regard, we are all hospice participants.  Or so it seems to me.



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“exquisite expectation” is a wonderful expression! I've heard people say "Everyone wants to go to Heaven but no one wants to die" but the truth is, we were never created to die. Death is not natural. It is the result of sin. So it stands to reason that we want to be, as you so aptly put it, "have the breath of God in our bodies". Absolutely!!!

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Indeed we have all been taught for many years that death is a direct result of sin.  And truly it is the mechanism He has employed.

But in God's economy and glorious plans as well as the planning of the future, I wouldn't discredit God's inbuilt obselesence in His design.  His plans includes so much more than a "limited" existence of flesh and blood.

Given that God is spirit alone it stands to reason that God would want our beings to only be spirit as well.  Truly spirits with form.

Also given that when we are born again all our sins past, present and future are cleansed and we are made white as snow rather than just covered.  Having then all of our sins permanently dealt with once for all, wouldn't and shouldn't that eliminate death?!  It does so however only spiritually.  The flesh continues to die.

The fact that it doesn't eliminate death altogether speaks to not only His greater purposes and planning, but to the notion that death is a temporary physical condition.  Whereas the spirit never dies!

I'm no theologian but just trying to make all the pieces fit.




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TR - you have stated truth and as scripture tells us in Hebrews 9:27 “And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment,” in my professional career, I have seen many people, of all ages, die from various disease states or tragic events. I say this only to say, even though the body dies, it is always amazing and a privilege to watch the death of a saint and feel the peace, calm, and love that surrounds them at the moment they leave this earthly abode and meet their beloved. I know in my heart, we are the terminal generation and “we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed....” so for me, my heart is content, whether thru the grave or through the sky, I will see my beloved Savior and in a very short season. :prayer-hands:

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Indeed it has been observed by many that "saints" die a softer and quicker death than do those who fight death and God!

Again, the greater goal is to die to self, and let the body live or die on it's own!  But for the sake of this thread, I can only be honest and pray that the Rapture happen before I die.  In any event, I'll still be in the Rapture.


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If I may be permitted to carry this line of thought a little further.  I start by saying that since the time of the Apostles it was considered by the Church to be a privilege and honor to suffer and die for Christ.

Then about 30 yrs ago teachers began to assemble a following.  Teaching that if we claim and/or appropriate the promises of God sufficiently then we could indeed eliminate sickness, disease and even death.  Sadly, in the end the goals of these teachings stand at odds with the plans of God.

Prior to Christ people readily accepted sickness, disease and death as part of God's life cycle.  Unless a seed falls to the ground it cannot reproduce itself.  It is appointed once for all men to die, then the judgment.

As we look further into scripture we look at Enoch.  He walked and talked with God, and was no more.  His age and health were not a factor considered.  As like with Elijah who was Raptured with his age and health not considered as well.

Then when we look at Moses we are given a physical report card by God concerning his health.  It was said that Moses's eye was not dimmed by age, nor was his strength abaited either.  Though in good physical condition, Moses was taken by God.  We can look at Methusulah and consider his long age.  With God eventually outlining the parameters of longevity.

Point is that throughout time, God has proven himself sovereign when it came to life and death of all men.  Whether by the sword, persecution or by natural afflictions.  So  then getting back to premise of sin being the only thing considered by God we run into problems.

Now add the modern teachings that the lack of appropriating God's promises is the primary cause of unnecessary sickness and death.  Again we run into problems.  As stated elsewhere, I maintain that we are taught to die to self, and let God be responsible for the numbering of the hairs upon our head!

Otherwise also stated previously, God's priority is first Spirit, second Soul and lastly Body!  Whereas our priority system is first Body, second Soul and last the Spirit!  Ergo a huge disconnect!

Just wanted to shed some light on the issue of life and death and compare various perspectives.



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Don't get me wrong, I'm all for God's healing virtues!

One other scripture that comes to mind that help establish God's sovereignty regarding life and death in general is:  God will bless whom He will bless and curse whom He will curse.

Having worked with one such ministry along the vein of health, wealth and prosperity as well as the claiming of kingdom rights, I was taken aback when in the course of a teaching session I heard a ministry leader state the Church had been stupid for the last two thousand years.  Regarding the claiming of such from the Lord, this was presented as a recent revelation of knowledge.

Indeed red flags were always present with such movement teachings, but this sealed the game for me.   But based upon my knowledge and apprehension of certain generic promises found in the scriptures, I then became responsible for my own health and general well being.  Either to be commended or blamed!

Faith can indeed move mountains, heal sickness, disease, illness and even death in some instances.  But God can't heal foolishness!



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Yep, the false Kingdom Now theology and claiming “the church replaced Israel” and the world is getting better nonsense. And the wolves in sheep clothing started coming out of their dark dens trying to fleece the lambs by claiming you need to give them tons of money, “seed of faith” if you expect to be divinely healed. “No money no prayers is their greed motto”

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Indeed today's "newest" teachings have sprung out of the replacement theology movement.  I heard Chuck Missler state that even today, 70% of churches still embrace that mentality in one form or another.  While nothing could be further from the truth!

Let's face it as pointed out "faith tithing" is still active and well on some pulpits.  But what all these aparations of truth share in common is that they steal away the sovereignty of God firstly.  Then secondly give a convenient scapegoat for blame when challenges present themselves.

I remember that during the word of faith movement even Joni Erickson Tada was told she lacked enough faith for healing.  The other avenue of blame in order to save these doctrines of demons is that people were told they had sin in their life!  Who doesn't?!   Are we not told, all have sinned and fallen short!

I personally follow the axiom that when the Spirit leads me to claim a verse or apply faith, I do so.  With regards to healing in general, I also heard one pastor claim that less than 5% of Christians ever experience complete healing.

Indeed the Word is filled with many generic promises, only at the Spirits bidding are they individually assigned!!!   Once again firstly defaulting to what the Lord's will is.



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To be more accurate, the term found in scripture is the doctrines of men and demons.  Certainly replacement theology is a doctrine of demons.

Sadly, for the sake of doctrinal integrity amongst teachers there always seems to be a built escape clause which usually blames those seeking a healing!  How convenient.  All the while denying thousands of years of human history and forsaking the fact that even Paul was denied a healing three times, by the Lord himself!

And again many teach that God's favor could be purchased with a price.  Making him a spiritual whore.  All it takes is a 1000$ dollar donation.  And where does the donation go?  The teacher!

Now that's religion folks.  But sadly many would rather cling to each their sacred cow!


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