One For Israel Test...
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One For Israel Testimony

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Saw Loz post this over on the Facebook Ritan site.  Powerful testimony of a Jewish man coming to faith in Yeshua through the faithful witness of a gentile woman, who ultimately became his wife.  When I asked the Lord a while back to lead me to a ministry I could support that blessed Israel in a God honoring way that was in line with His Word, One for Israel was where I was led.  Some of the other ministries I explored were doing some "social justice" type efforts, but I wanted something to support a ministry that didn't avoid or whitewash the gospel, and certainly did not espouse a view that somehow Jews did not need Jesus in order to be saved because we were under a different covenant.  One for Israel's motto is, "Because the best way to bless Israel is with Yeshua (Jesus)."  Amen!!



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Thanks for posting this, Watchman.   I enjoyed hearing his testimony and that his mom became a believer as well.  I had goose bumps.

I have such a hard time witnessing to the Jewish people so I always find it a miracle when I hear the testimonies of Jews becoming believers!   The men are not as rude and they will often chuckle and say they are Jewish but surprisingly they will take the tract to read.  The females, however,  oh boy, they usually make a scene and yell.  One lady was screaming at the top of her lungs when I tried to hand her a “Who is Jesus” Bible tract.  The irony is we were standing right besides the Christmas cards and she was the one who was talking to me first and searching through the boxes of cards.  She was over the top in her rage and I had no clue she was Jewish until that point.  Even her daughter was embarrassed and said “mom you’re causing a scene, please stop yelling.”  When she calmed down I said “why are you looking through the Christmas cards?  She starts yelling again  “I’m trying to find the Hanukkah  cards ....I’m going to sue this store if I can’t find the Hanukkah cards ....”  :wacko:

Since then ... I’ve asked the Lord if He could only direct me to Catholics and atheists to talk to since they are must easier to talk to.  And He does.
