ON THE EDGE OF ETERNITY Life is but a vapor, Scattered ashes against the wind, Our Hope that lies ahead, The devil is attempting to rescind. If mortal existence was all there was, We’d sure be a miserable lot, They might as well march us to the grave, And intern us in our plot. There must be something more, To keep us on our course, To persevere through much travail, By choice and not by force. Yes, this is not the end, Light is filtering through the haze, Those of us who watch and wait, Aspire to better days. We pray for our release, From the shackles of constraint, To experience hues unobstructed, That this world could never paint. We can sense our final destiny, Outside the clouds above, Eternity casts its shadow, Are you ready for a shower of Love? Hang on, hang in, Hang loose, hang tight, The Groom awaits His Bride, Just beyond the edge of the night Just a little longer, just a little longer. Humbly So encouraging bro! TR Thanks TR! That's what you, and I, and others are put here to do, right -- to encourage the young-in-Christ to keep them looking up while the whole world is dedicated to going the other direction. We'll keep on keeping on TR! Your pal, Humbly Even the seasoned among us need encouraging on occasion. I know I do! Yes, let's continue to bless His name! TR
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February 19, 2020 2:22 pm
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February 19, 2020 2:28 pm
February 19, 2020 2:33 pm
February 19, 2020 2:54 pm